They Were Natural Born Enemies

Best friend means for life

Draco wanted Lana to spend her last day with him. Best friends means for life. They did the usual stuff, went to classes, Hogsmead. But the last thing Draco did was give her some water. But it wasn't ordinary water. He added Felix Felicis. If that didn't do her justice then nothing could.

Allana wrote a letter and left it on Harry's bed.

"Dear Harry,

I've gone to the dark lord. No matter how much he tortures me, to tell him where you are, I won't. I love you.

Allana Lily Potter"

"Are you ready?" Draco had hold of her hand

"I think so" She smiled up at him but he knew it wasn't genuine. They apparated to Malfoy Manor and everyone was there. It looked like a crowd gathering, which it was. A crowd gathering of death eaters. Draco took his hand out of Lana's. Kissed her with his eyes tightly shut, and talked towards the front doors with Lana in front of him

"Aaaaaaah, Allana Potter, We meet again"