Ghost of You


Elizabeth giggled as her boyfriend pushed her in the cart through Target to the area they’d need things from. They were supposed to be headed to her mom’s house to tell her that Elizabeth was, in fact, pregnant, but they just got too excited with the money on a debit card in Greg’s wallet.

Greg stopped in the dipper isle, smiling widely. He was so excited to be a dad and with his perfect girlfriend. She was beautiful to him. Silky, auburn hair; vibrant, green eyes; petite, little figure. And that wasn’t including her personality. She was hot-headed, at times, but loving the rest. She would much rather spend a day volunteering for an animal shelter than being at the mall, shopping for things she didn’t need.

“Our kid is gonna be the best,” Greg told Elizabeth, smiling down at her.

Elizabeth smiled. “She’ll be the cutest.”

Greg smirked and balanced himself on the handle of the cart and held his legs out. “He’ll be the strongest.” Elizabeth laughed and shook her head. She looked up at him and he leaned down to press their lips together. Elizabeth giggled and pulled away. Greg lowered himself to the ground and looked at all the dipper boxes. He chuckled with a shake of the head. “I have no clue of the differences of these.”

Elizabeth giggled. “Help me out, and I’ll get the right ones. Mom has been telling me everything about first babies.” She rolled her eyes. She stood up in the cart, it rocking slightly, and Greg took her hand. He hoisted her over the edge and set her on the ground. “Alright…You know, we should probably wait until we know the sex of the baby and how much she’ll weigh and all the other stuff…”

Greg smiled. “So you don’t remember anything your mom’s told you?”

Elizabeth smiled, sheepishly. “Not really…” She shrugged.

Greg shook his head with a chuckle. “How about we get some slushies and popcorn and just head home?”

Elizabeth smiled at the suggestion and nodded. “Sounds great.”

Greg smiled and rubbed her barely enlarged tummy, happily. “I love you, Liz,” He told her, softly, before placing a small kiss to her temple. She smiled and leaned into his touch.

“I love you too,” She whispered.
