Ghost of You


Elizabeth rubbed her enlarged belly, worriedly. Greg wasn’t home and he texted her over an hour ago saying he was on his way.

The baby kicked and Elizabeth sighed. “Daddy’s coming, baby,” She murmured to the bump. There were only two months left until she was due and her doctor told her stress wasn’t good for the baby boy. Greg was supposed to help her stay stress free, but when he wasn’t near her or he was out without her knowing where, she worried and stressed about him.

Elizabeth paced, looking out the window and bit her lip. She was worried sick about her boyfriend. He had gone out with some friends, who wanted to congratulate him on the baby. They said it was a guy baby shower. Greg had told her not to worry and that he’d be home as soon as possible, but she was worrying regardless.

Elizabeth’s attention went to the headlights moving into the driveway. She went downstairs, quickly, and opened the door to see Greg stumble out of the car. Her stomach dropped upon realizing he was drunk. “Greg,” She murmured, going to his side to help him into the house.

“Hey, baby,” He slurred, pecking her cheek.

Elizabeth closed the door and helped Greg onto the couch. Somewhere in her mind it clicked that he drove home drunk. He could’ve gotten hit! Or hit someone else. “You’re a dumbass,” She growled, slapping him. “I can’t believe you! You could’ve died, Gregory! Then your child wouldn’t even know his father! How does that make you feel?!” She ran a hand through her hair, angrily.

“I just had a few drinks, Liz. I’m fine. I told you not to worry.”

“God damn it, Greg! You’re supposed to be a fucking father!!”

Greg stood up, mad. “How the hell can I be a father?! I’m a fucking screw up, aren’t I?? All I’m gonna do is screw up the kid’s life, so why don’t you just take care of him by your-fucking-self?!”

Elizabeth shook her head, her eyes squeezed shut. A tear slipped past her eyelids, regardless. “You know what? I hate you!” She stomped away from him and slid her flip-flops on and grabbed the spare key to the car.

“Fine! I hate you too!!” He shouted. Elizabeth slammed the front door behind her and drove away, angrily. At one point on her way to wherever she wondered if it was safe to drive this late in her pregnancy, but she pushed the thought aside, too sad and mad to go home.

He hates me, she thought, sadly, hurt that he returned her heated words. She hadn’t meant them, she just wanted to walk away and the words seemed the easiest way. She stopped at a stop light and decided to call him. She had forgotten her phone inside, but his was on the middle consol. She picked it up and dialed the house number.

She held the phone to her ear as she drove further away from the house. The machine picked up. “Hey, you’ve reached Greg and Liz. We can’t answer the phone right now, so leave the info and we’ll call back.” Beep.

“Greg. I didn’t mean it. I don’t hate you. I love you, baby. I’m gonna come home and we can go to bed. I love you so much, Greg.” She was about to hang up when a SUV, seemingly, came out of nowhere and hit her and the unborn child.
