Ghost of You


Greg sighed as he woke up the next morning. He had a horrible headache and Elizabeth’s side of the bed was cold, making him confused. She never woke up before him.

He got up to go get some aspirin and, hopefully, find his girlfriend. He went into the kitchen and while grabbing the bottle of pills he noticed the blinking of the answering machine. He pushed the button to hear the message.

“Greg. I didn’t mean it. I don’t hate you. I love you, baby. I’m gonna come home so we can go to bed. I love you so much, Greg.”

Greg furrowed his eyebrows hearing a large crash. Then no noise came from the machine. He forgot about the pills and went to the living room to look out the window. The car wasn’t there. Elizabeth wasn’t here. Where was she??

Greg’s heartbeat picked up. What if the crash was the sound of the car getting hit- No! It was a car across the street from Elizabeth and she got out of her car to help the person. She would be at the hospital still making sure they were okay. That’s it.

Greg tried to let that thought become true in his mind as he went into the kitchen for the pills. He only got halfway there before there was a knock at the door. He went back to answer it and saw a police man. Greg’s face paled. “Erm, Gregory Barton?” Greg nodded. “Last night a drunk-driver ran into a car that was registered in your name…”

“No,” Greg muttered, shaking his head. “Elizabeth wasn’t in a crash. There was a crash that she saw. She wasn’t in it,” He told himself.

“Was Elizabeth the one driving your car?” The police man asked. Greg nodded. “Sir, I’m afraid Elizabeth passed last night. Along with her child…”

Greg shook his head. “No. She couldn’t have.” He shook his head, frantically. “No,” He muttered over and over.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” The police officer said, frowning. He hated having to tell people they lost loved ones and having reactions like this made it worst for him. He knew they had it much, much worst though.

Greg felt tears coming to his eyes. “Thank you, officer,” He murmured, wanting to be alone now.

The officer nodded and figured anything he’d say wouldn’t help, so he walked to his cruiser and left the broken man to himself.

Greg closed the door, slowly, and made his way through the house. Everything seemed like a reminder to what he lost. He lost his love because of something stupid. He had been the one to come home late. Drunk, none-the-less. He had been stupid last night.

He walked into his room and saw the picture of him, Elizabeth, and the baby bump. They were in front of Target and it was about six months into the pregnancy. Greg was holding the camera and Elizabeth was putting slushie on his nose. One hand from each was on the bump.

Greg broke down into tears at the foot of the bed. He lost the two best things in his world. “I love you too, Liz,” He whispered.

♠ ♠ ♠
Warning: Don't say angry things before leaving the vicinity. It could lead to heartbreak.