Status: Slow updates :)

It's Like Electricity When You Touch My Hand


Sonny creeps up to Jack’s door, and knocks. When there’s no answer he opens the door quietly and sneaks inside. With the camera recording firmly in his hand he turns on Jack light and shouts ‘JACK, WAKE UP IT’S TT TUESDAY’ while launching himself on top of him.

Jack moans and tries to guard his face while pushing at Sonny to get off of him, but Sonny doesn’t move and stays straddling his waist while grinning at Jack.

‘What did you do that for?’ Jack grumbles at Sonny.

‘Smile sunshine, your being recorded for TT Tuesday, say hi to everyone!’

‘What time is it?’ Jack asks ignoring Sonny.

‘5am, time to get in the van and travel to the next city’

‘I’m too tired and get that camera outta my face’ Jack groans rolling over, which in turn moves Sonny so he is lying on top of him.

‘Get off me fatty you’re squishing me’ Jack says voice muffled by a pillow his face is pressed into.

Sonny rolls off him and stands up taking the covers with him, ‘Come on sunshine, up and at ‘em’ Sonny smiles as he walks back towards the door but not before slapping Jack on the ass.

Jack rolls his eyes, he’s not in the mood for Sonny and his antics; today is going to be a bad day for Jack. He’s horny and there’s nothing he can do about it when he’s on the road and in the van for the next few days and seeing Sonny will not help one bit.

When Jack eventually gets into the van everyone applauds him,

‘Yay, Jacks here, let’s get this show on the road’ Joe shouts winking at him.

Jack grunts and flips him off. There’s a chorus of ‘OHHHHs’ as Jack does his seatbelt.

Sam leans over towards him and looks up at Jack through is lashes, ‘Hey Mr. grump gills, why the long face?’

‘I’m just tired, leave me alone’ Jack states as he pulls out his iPod.

Sam rolls his eyes and smirks at Sonny who hasn’t taken his eyes off Jack since he entered the van.

-5 hours later-

‘Hey Jack wake up, we’re nearly there, best get your happy face on, twitters buzzing there’s a lot of people there’ Sam says as he shakes Jack.
Jack slowly opens his eyes and looks around, everybody is grinning at him and he has no idea why.

‘What’s everyone looking at me like that for?’ Jack asks wearily.

Sonny clears his throat and looks down, Jack blushes and instantly changes the position he’s sat in,

‘Yeah today is going to be a bad day’ Jack thinks, trying to block out the sudden outburst of laughter from everyone in the van.


As they pull up and open the van doors the crowd erupts with screams and other intelligible noises,

‘Right guys you’ve got 10 minutes and then inside, we’ve got no time for messing around today, so don’t be late, or I will come and get you’ Gary shouts over the screams.

‘Yeah yeah Gary boy, can’t help it if they love us’ Sonny says while stepping out the van, they start to make their way over to the barriers where the were well over 200 hundred people waiting to see them.

‘Jack if you don’t smile now I’m going to hit you, snap out of it, it was only a joke’ Sam whispers in Jacks ear as they approach the crowd.

‘I’m fine stop being so annoying’ Jack snaps back as Sam rolls his eyes.

After being outside for over half hour talking to everybody Jack, Sam and Sonny make their way inside, trying to avoid Gary’s glares.

‘Sorry Gary’ the boys all say together and bow their heads as they make their way to the stage for sound check.

‘Let’s do Love To Life first’ Sam says as he starts playing the opening.

Sonny walks past Jack and nudges him, ‘you okay?’ he mouths, Jack just nods and carries on playing.

When they’re finished sound check, they have an hour to kill before the show, then its back on the road for a long night.

‘Hey Jack wait up’ Sonny shouts as he tries to catch up to Jack, Jack ignore Sonny and carries on walking towards the dressing rooms, when he gets there he slams the door and flops down on the sofa face first.

‘Bloody hell Jack, could you have slammed that any louder?’ Sonny says as he enters their dressing room, he takes one look at Jack and rolls his eyes.

‘What’s up with you? Didn’t get enough beauty sleep?’ Sonny sniggers as he sits on Jacks back.

When Jack doesn’t respond Sonny decides to attack his sides with his fingers, Jack starts to laugh and rolls over so he is facing Sonny, Sonny smiles when he sees Jack is actually laughing so he carries on, Jack then attacks Sonny back and the pair begin to play fight a little rougher and end up on the floor, when Sonny has successfully pinned Jack back down on the floor, they stop,

‘Um what’s that 2-1 to me’ Sonny smiles as he marks an imaginary scoreboard in the air.

Jack shifts under Sonny and realises in the heat of the moment he got a bit excited.
‘Get off me Sonny’ Jack snaps.

‘Aww is Jacky being a sore loser?’ Sonny teases while standing.

Jack glares at Sonny, just as Sonny was about to respond when Gary enters the room
’10 minutes until show time, guys’ he looks between Jack who is scowling and Sonny
‘What’s the matter with him?’ Gary asks Sonny.

‘He’s just being a sore loser’ Sonny says nudging Jack but Jack moves away earning a sad look from Sonny.

‘Well snap out of it Jack, you got a show to do’ Gary says as he leaves the room.

‘What’s wrong?’ Sonny questions.

‘I wish everyone would just stop asking me that, I’m tired. T.I.R.E.D. tired. OKAY? Jack responds.

‘Yeah, we’re all tired, chill out man, see you on stage’