Status: Slow updates :)

It's Like Electricity When You Touch My Hand


The next few days are the same, Jack in and out of mood swings, one second he’s happy the next he’s in a terrible mood snapping at everyone, even finding it hard to speak to fans without getting angry. Sonny keeps trying to cheer him up and it seems like its working until Jack snaps and leaves the room. Everyone else has left Jack to be moody, they know better.

They now have two days off before the last show of tour, and seen as they have a lot of money from merch etc, Gary decided it would be okay for them to splash out on a nice hotel, so they can rest properly.

Sam and Joe are in a room together, Gary and Jim are also sharing which leaves Jack and Sonny together.
Jack groans inwardly as they are handed their room key.

‘Jack wait there, I want to speak to you, you go on up boys’ Gary says pointing to the lifts for the rest of them. Jack sighs and waits for Gary to shout at him.

‘You have two days to rest and sleep as much as you want, so don’t give me the rubbish that you tired, you need to cheer up, your not doing much to sell the band if your moody all the time are you?’

‘Sorry, I’ll snap out of it’ Jack shrugs.

‘Yeah you will, now get up to your room’

Jack sulks towards the lift, trying to figure out away to stay away from Sonny, which is going to be extremely hard as they are sharing a room, oh and a bed.

‘My own personal hell’ Jack mutters as the lift reaches his floor.

Jack decides to go to Sam and Joe’s room before he goes to his, Joe answers the door and lets Jack in.

‘Where’s Sam?’ Jack asks looking around the room

‘Down at the bar with Sonny’ Joe says as he pulls clothes from his suitcase, ‘I’m just heading down now, if you want to join’

‘I will if you agree to switch rooms with me?’ Jack asks sweetly.

‘Switch rooms? Why? You and Sonny always share.’ Joe says looking confused.

‘Yeah well it’s kinda awkward I just don’t want to, please don’t ask why.’

‘Why?’ Joe smirks.

‘I just told you not to ask’ Jack replies

‘Well give me a good reason why I should trade with you?’ Joe says clearly enjoying the advantage he has over Jack.

‘Because…. Uhh because you love me and you would do anything for me?’ Jack smiles.

‘Not good enough Jacko, now what’s the real reason you don’t want to share with Sonny?

‘UGHH never mind, you wouldn’t understand’ Jack says as he storms out the room.


‘JOEEEEE’ Sam slurs as he enters the bar
‘Bloody hell Sam how much have you had to drink?’ Joe asks wrapping his arm around Sam shoulder.

‘A lot’ Sam hiccups.

Joe laughs and looks around for Sonny.

‘Where’s Jackapo?’ Sam asks as he calls the barmaid over again.

‘Sulking in his room, you know he came and asked me to trade rooms with him, and when I asked why he got pissy and left’

‘Oh, weird’ Sam shrugs

Joe then spot Sonny walking towards the bar.

‘Don’t say anything to Sonny’ Joe warns as Sonny gets closer.

Sam imitates locking his mouth and throwing the away the key as he takes a sip of his drink.

‘Hey man, where’s Jack? Sonny says patting Joe on the back.

‘Upstairs, he said he didn’t feel well’ Joe answers quickly and Sam snickers.

Joe grabs Sam in the ribs and he doubles over in pain and laughter. Sonny raises his eyebrows at them but just shakes it off and orders another drink, by 10pm the three boys are completely wasted,

'I don't think I've eeeeeever beeeeen this drunk' Sam splutters, Joe and Sonny crack up laughing and knock over a drink which lands directly in Sonny's lap which causes the boys to laugh even more,

'I look like I've pissed myself' Sonny laughs as he stands up.

'Are you sure you haven't?' Sam says as he doubles over laughing again.

‘Yeah I’m a big boy now’ Sonny grins ‘Jack should be here, I’m gonna go get him, he needs to loosen up’

‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea’ Joe says suddenly serious.

‘Why?’ Sonny questions looking confused

‘He doesn’t want to see you Sonny, he wants to trade rooms with Joey here’ Sam blurts out leaving Sonny looking hurt.

‘Shut up Sam, he didn’t say that’ Joe says pushing Sam

‘Yes he did you told me’
‘Uh yeah but only that he wanted to change rooms, not that he didn’t want to see Sonny’ Joe says cautiously looking from Sonny to Sam.

Sonny sighs and orders another drink determined to forget what he just heard.