Status: Slow updates :)

It's Like Electricity When You Touch My Hand



After successfully drinking Sam under the table Sonny decides its best to go upstairs and get out of his wet clothes. Leaving Joe to look after Sam who is sleeping on a table he makes his way towards the lift.

Once the lift reaches the top floor, Sonny has already stripped down to his boxers to get rid of his wet clothes, he walks towards his room holding on to the wall for support, it takes him 3 attempts to put the key in the slot to let himself in, when he finally gets the door open he's met with a wall of darkness, he take 5 steps into the room trips over a bag and face plants the floor, before he can begin to laugh Jack has turned the light on and is glaring at the Sonny shaped lump on the floor.

'What are you doing?' Jack asks voice full of sleep.

'Just seeing how comfortable the floor is, care to join?' Sonny laughs which make Jack frown even more.

'Come on Jack gis a smile!'

'I'm going back to sleep' Jack replies as he pulls the covers back over him. A few minutes pass until Jack feels Sonny getting into bed, Jack stiffens and moves closer to the edge of the bed, Sonny notices and moves closer to him.

‘Hey Jack?’ Sonny whispers into the darkness.

‘What?’ Jack snaps.

‘Why are you being like this? So moody and distant, You’re okay one minute and the next you’re a little bitch, what’s going on? And why did you ask Joe to switch rooms with you?’ Sonny asks propping him self up and leaning over Jack.

Jack pushes Sonny off him and turns over so he is facing Sonny in the darkness.
‘You really want to know?’ Jack asks.

‘Did I not just ask you what’s wrong?’ Sonny says sarcastically.

‘I’m being serious Sonny, you want to know? And you won’t freak out?’ Jack asks quietly.

‘Why would I freak out bro? What’s up just tell me, I’m your best mate’ Sonny says as he reaches out a pats Jack on the arm.

Jack takes a deep breath, sits up and turns to face Sonny who is also now sitting up, Jack stays looking at the only thing he can see of Sonny in the dark room, his eyes.
‘I’m waiting’ Sonny presses.

With another sigh Jack begins to speak at a fast rate, ‘I’m being pissy because of a few things, one I’m horny as you probably know, and two you’re not helping that at all, that’s why i didn’t want to share a room with you for the next two days, I wanted time away from you, we’re with each other constantly.’

‘Okay, your horny I get that… but why aren’t I helping? I don’t get it.’ Sonny asks confused as his brain is clouded with alcohol.

‘You’re just not Sonny……. I like you okay? There is said it, don’t freak out and please don’t hate me.’ Jack replies after a long pause.

The moments pass in a slow agonising way, Jack takes it as a sign Sonny is disgusted and gets up quickly to leave. He stumbles trying to get his shoes on; before he can reach the door Sonny turns the light on and is quick to stop Jack leaving, he pushes the door closed and locks it; Jack turns to look at Sonny confused.

'Where are you going? You can't just leave after telling me that'

Jack looks at the floor, across the room, at the wall, anywhere but at Sonny, after a full minute passes Jack finally looks at Sonny who is frowning.

'I'm sorry' Jack whispers as he tries to unlock the door again but Sonny grabs his hand.

'What's are you sorry for?' Sonny asks rolling his eyes at Jacks expression.

'Uh... for everything, and now you hate me'

Sonny shakes his head and takes Jack's hand and leads him to the bed, once they’re both sitting down, Sonny turns to face Jack, who carries on staring at the floor, Sonny leans into Jack but he doesn't budge, so Sonny leans in further and place a soft kiss on Jacks cheek.

Jack sucks in a huge breath and turns to face Sonny but he does not realising how close Sonny actually is; as he turns their lips lock, in a slow sweet kiss, Sonny pushes Jack down so he is laying and he is straddling him, breaking the kiss for air, Sonny whispers, 'I could never hate you Jack, I like you too much for that'

Jack smiles after days of mood swings it seems they have been broken.

Sonny then sits up and moves off Jack,

'Why didn't you tell me sooner? We could've avoided this whole week, and I could've helped you with your.. Uh.. Problem' Sonny grins looking down, Jack blushes and turns away, Sonny laughs and moves closer the Jack, he takes his hands and forces Jack to look at him.

'If you hadn't guessed, I like you too, you shouldn't of waited so long to tell me, fool' with a smile Sonny leans in to kiss Jack again, this time its more heated.

Sonny slips his hand underneath Jack t-shirt, Jack shivers as his breath gets stuck in his throat, Sonny chuckles as he pushes the t-shirt higher up Jacks body, Jack helps take it off and lays back down, Sonny's eyes roam Jacks bare chest, he places soft kisses from his jaw down to his hip bone, Jacks breath gets caught in his throat again as Sonny slowly makes his way back to Jacks mouth, he smiles and kisses him again,
'I'm gonna make that bad mood go away'