

I woke the next morning to someone banging on the door. At first I had no clue where the fuck I was until I realized that I was lying on the couch in the living room. The banging continued and I glanced at the clock. It was 5 in the morning. What. The. Hell?

“Calm your tits! I’m coming!” I yelled as I rolled off the couch.

I took a couple of steps and fell straight on my ass.

“Fuck!” I cursed as I realized that I still had the Iron Fist high heeled boots I’d worn the night before. There was no way I could walk on them when I was still half asleep. I unzipped them and threw them across the room before standing back up as whoever it was beat harder.

“I’m fucking coming! Jesus!” I yelled and whipped the door open to find four men standing on the other side.

“Do you know how impossibly rude it is to bang on someone’s door at fucking five in the morning? Especially how hard you were fucking banging on it.” I said looking at them.

“Sorry but we were looking for someone who sleeps really hard….does Torrid live here?” the one in the front asked. He was about an inch taller than me with long black hair that fell past his shoulders, green eyes and snakebites. He looked oddly familiar.

“Uh…yeah. C’mon in…she’s still asleep.” I replied.

We walked into the living room where Torrid was still passed out on the couch.

“Hey wake up…there’s a bunch of guys here to see you.” I said poking Torrid in the ribs.

“Who’s here?” she mumbled into the couch cushion.

Before I could open my mouth the guy who’d spoken when I opened the door started talking.

“Victoria just get your lazy ass us and say hi to your cousin.”

Torrid sat up like she’d been electrocuted, “Maxy?”

“Fuck yeah!” Maxy replied.

“Holy shit!’ she laughed and jumped up and hugged him.

“What no love for us?” a guy with bleach blond hair and dimples aked.

“C’mon Monte you know I love you guys too.” she said and let go of Maxy and hugged Monte before moving over to a guy she called Robert who had huge curly hair and aviators. The last guy she hugged was about a half inch shorter than me with a medusa and septum piercing and shoulder length black hair she called Craig. However their hug was much stiffer than the one she had shared with the other 3. I made a mental note to ask her about that later.

“Oh! And this is my roommate slash best friend Jamie but she prefers Jinxx. Jinxx this is my cousin from Vegas, Max and his friends Monte, Robert and Craig.” Torrid said introducing us.

“Hi. Sorry about being so crabby earlier….I’m not a morning person.” I replied with a smile.

“No problem we totally get it. It’s super fucking early.” Craig replied.

“So sit down! What are you doing here?” Torrid asked.

“Well you told us the other day you were out here so we decided to come up and see what you were doing…hang out for a while. Maybe do a little racing and check out the scene out here.” Max replied.

“So you’re thinking of moving out here too?” Torrid asked.

“Yeah actually.” Robert smiled.

“Awesome!” Torrid smiled.

Craig opened his mouth to say something when his stomach growled loudly.

“Hungry much dude?” Robert asked.

“Starving actually.” Craig replied.

“Well why don’t we go grab some breakfast somewhere? Our treat.” Monte said.

“Sounds good to me.” Torrid replied.

“Alright where?” Monte asked.

Torrid and I both looked at one another then back at him, “Denny’s.”

Torrid and I went to go get showers and change since we’d fallen asleep in the clothes we’d worn the night before. I washed my hair and wrapped it up in a towel before pulling on my robe and walking across the hall to my room. I pulled out a pair of red and white boy briefs with red trim and a red bra. I quickly pulled them on before digging through my drawers for something to wear.

“Hey Jinxx?”

“Shit!” I yelled jumping a mile in the air.

“Sorry!” Max replied covering his eyes.

“Max…you can uncover your eyes….I’m sure you’ve seen everything I have before. And it’s all pretty much covered up.” I replied.

“Are you sure?” he asked not uncovering his eyes.

“Yes.” I replied and pulled out a pair of jeans.

“Okay then…” he said and uncovered his eyes.

“So what’s up?” I asked as I pulled on my jeans.

“Uh….Torrid wanted to know if you wanted to drive? Since the guys and I don’t know where we’re going and not everyone will fit in hers.” he replied stepping further into the room.

“That’s kind of a stupid question.” I laughed as I pulled on my favorite Metal Mullisha tank top.

“I thought so.” he replied.

“Feel free to sit down.” I said pointing to the arm chair in the corner.

“Oh…okay.” he said and plopped down.

I grabbed a pair of socks out of my drawer and grabbed my old beat up boots from the closet.

Sitting on my bed I began to put on my shoes. That’s when Max stood and walked over to where my bass sat in it’s stand on the other side of the room.

“You play?” he asked.

“No…it’s just for show.” I replied.

“Oh.” he said frowning a little.

“I’m I was being sarcastic. Of course I play. I have been since I was 14.” I replied.

“You any good?”

“I’m decent.” I laughed as I stood up and grabbed my glasses.

“I play bass too.” he replied.

“Sweet…I play guitar too and as you probably know Torrid does too…maybe we can jam sometime.” I replied.

“Maybe.” he smiled.

Max sat back down in the armchair and watched as I pulled my curly hair out of it’s towel and began to work mousse through it so it would curl. After a few flips of my head I was done and ready to go.

“Alright lets go see if the others are ready.” I said grabbing my bag.

When we walked in Craig, Robert and Monte were watching TV.

“Where’s Torrid?” I asked.

“Torrid is here.” she said appearing behind us.

She wore jeans, a Disturbia tank top with Cerberus on it, DC sneakers, and a black and pink beanie.

“Sweet lets go because I’m starving.” Craig said.

We headed out to our cars and climbed in. Robert and Monte jumped in with Torrid and Max and Craig climbed in with me. Denny’s was just down the street but we had a few lights to go through. I of course got an idea.

Instead of getting behind Torrid at the first light near our house I got in the lane beside her.

“Craig roll down the window.” I ordered and he did so.

Without a word I stopped beside her and began to rev my engine. She looked at me and grinned. She began to rev hers too.

“Next light!” I yelled over the sound of our engines.

A split second later the light turned green and we were off.

“GO! GO!” Craig and Max screamed in my ears.

We were neck and neck for most of it until we came to the light. I hit my breaks as I won.

“Ha ha! Bitch! You got your ass kicked!” I laughed as Torrid pulled up beside me.

She laughed and flipped me the finger.

Five minuets later we pulled into Denny’s.

“You cheated!” Torrid yelled as she got out of the car.

“Please it’s not my fault that you can’t drive.” I smirked.

“Bitch you had better take that back.” she laughed.

“Fine…but I’m still better than you.” I grinned.

“Alright ladies lets straighten this out later okay? Right now there is a stack of pancakes in there calling my name.” Craig said.

We headed in and got a booth. The six of us placed our orders almost immediately. Torrid and Max got the Grand Slam Burger, Craig got his giant ass stack of pancakes, Monte ordered a Veggie Cheese omelet and Robert got a Lumberjack Slam. As for me I ordered a Hot Fudge Brownie al a mode and a flavored cappuccino.

“Did you really just order that much sugar for breakfast?” Craig asked.

“Yeah. I have a major sweet tooth.” I replied.

“She’s not kidding. She downed half a triple fudge devils food chocolate cake for breakfast once and topped it off with a vanilla milkshake with extra sprinkles.” Torrid laughed.

“Sounds like Max. He could eat a candy store and still not be sick.” Monte laughed.

We continue to eat our food and talk. I found out that Max and Torrid had spent pretty much every summer together when they were kids. They were best friends being only a year apart. A year after Torrid’s parents had died and she’d been sent to live with her granparents she’d skipped town and went to live with Max where she stayed until Max’s girlfriend Lexus had started shit. From there she had gone to Miami.

The food had almost disappeared when suddenly my phone began to ring as did Torrid’s. I looked at her confused and she gave me an equally confused look. Shrugging I hit talk.


“So I’m guessing you weren’t going to call us?” Shadow’s voice asked from the other end.

“How did you get my number?” I asked.

“Don’t you think that you and your friend should talk about this some place a little more private?” he asked.

“Private?” I asked.

“Yeah…away from the four guys you two are with.” he replied.

I looked at Torrid who was asking me what was wrong with her eyes. Nodding my head towards the door I got up with her following.

“What’s going on?” she asked when we stood outside the resturant.

I hit the speaker button.

“Hello Torrid.” Shadows replied.

“Uh…hi.” she replied.

“What do you want? How did you get my number? How do you know where we are?” I asked.

“Questions later. I need your answer Jinxx. What’s it going to be are you two going to join our team?” he asked.

“We haven’t had time to discuss it.” Torrid said.

“Well I need your answer now. I promise you that you’ll get much more than you can make doing races.” he said.

I looked at Torrid who did the same. I knew that she was thinking of Emma who she wanted to bring out to live with us so bad. She knew being raised by her grandparents wasn’t what Emma needed. She needed time to be able to run around and have fun with someone young enough to do so.

“We’ll do it.” I said.

“Great. Meet us at Storage Front Rd. at 7 tonight. Alone. And bring both of your cars.” he said and with that the line went dead.

We stared at the phone for a few moments before looking at one another. Our eyes both read the same thing. What had we gotten ourselves into?