
Discoveries and Confessions

-Max’s POV-

I woke up from the sound of beeping. I opened my eyes slightly and adjusted them well enough to see the time on the cable box. 11:24, still early. I looked in the direction of the obnoxious beeping and saw my phone. I, for one, had no idea my phone made that noise. I picked it up and saw I had four unread text messages, all from Tori. When I opened them, I saw they all read the same thing. Copy and paste, what a slack bitch.

From: TorWhore

Hey shithead, Jamie and I stayed at the garage last night. I’m sure Craig had words with you and you can understand why I was not objecting to stay here. Well Jamie and I have some stuff we gotta do today but we would like to take you guys out tonight. I talked to Monte and he said he and Robert might be around so they might tag along. Anyway, when your slack ass wakes up, text me. Love ya.

I texted back ‘k’ and got up to empty my bladder. As I walked passed Tori’s room, I could hear Craig’s snores, loud and obnoxious. After I handled my business, I realized I was hungry, so it was time for Craig to wake up.

I walked to the door and swung it open. He was sprawled out all over the bed with his face on Tori’s pillow, drool practically pouring out of his mouth. I found one of Tori’s dirty socks on the floor and shoved it in his mouth. He immediately spasmed and shot up out of the bed pulling the sock out of his mouth.

“Dude!” he yelled spitting some of the material out of his mouth, “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you shove a sock in my mouth?”

“Well,” I started, “I could have shoved her underwear in your mouth, but I didn’t feel comfortable touching them. So I was left with a sock.”

He shook his head and went for the bathroom. I walked back to the living room and grabbed my jeans off of the arm of the couch before pulled them back on. When Craig walked out to the living room, he looked around confused.

“Where are the girls?” he asked still groggy.

“They’re at the garage.” I replied.

“They never came home?” he asked, venom began to coat his words. After the rant he went on last night after Tori left, I didn’t want to tell him they never came home.

”Yeah, they just left early.” I lied. And once again he began to rant.

“I can’t believe she actually went on a date with him last night. Has moving here actually changed her? I mean, when she was with us all the time, she was the sweetest thing. Now she’s all about racing and she sleeps with me one night and then goes on a date with another guy the next? I mean, who does that?” he said.

I sighed, “Craig man, I love ya like a brother, but in her defense, you don’t exactly treat her like you want her as a girlfriend again. She’s even said it; it’s almost as if your relationship is based off of sex now. I told you awhile ago to talk to her.”

He shot me a look of pure rage. I could tell he knew I was right, and a moment later his face softened with a sigh. “I know man. I just, I really don’t know how to approach her about it.”

“How about, hmm. Hey, Tori, I still want you.” I replied.

“Fuck off man.” He said frustrated, “Let’s go fuckin eat.”

After getting somewhat presentable, we headed out to my Civic and took off to find a good place to eat. We settled for an Denny’s and ended up planning the day’s events while we waited for our food.

“So, she said that Brian and Robert might be around later?” he asked.

“Yep. I don’t know though. I’m going to see if I can just hang out with her tonight if you didn’t mind. I wanna figure out what’s going on through that fat head of hers.” I replied.

I earned a chuckle out of him, “Alright, well until then, what should we do today?”

“Well, I remember hearing Jamie and Tori talking about an arcade that just opened up by the boardwalk. We could hit that place up.” I suggested.

“Sounds sick.” He smirked just as our food came.

When I was done with my food, Craig still had almost half his meal sitting in front of him waiting to be worked on. His appetite obviously wasn’t as big as mine today. I decided to text Tori to tell her our awesome plan for the day and to figure out what she had in mind for later. Instead of texting me back, she called me.

“Hey whore.” I greeted.

“You’re going to the boardwalk?” she asked.

“Affirmative.” I replied.

She seemed to cover the mouth piece and speak to someone before coming back. She sighed, “Alright, and you’re just going to the boardwalk?”

I waved my arm about for a moment, “I don’t know mom. We might get thirsty and get a drink.” I said with a frustrated, whiney tone.

She sighed again, “Alright. Where do you guys wanna meet up later?”

“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to just hang with me tonight.” I said.

There was a silence for a moment. I pulled my phone away and checked the screen to see if we were still connected, “Tor?”

“You wanna hang out with just me tonight?” she asked.

“Yeah, is that wrong?”

“No, just surprising. We haven’t hung out by ourselves since our sleepovers when we were kids.” She said.

“Yeah I know, we drifted apart for a minute there.” I admitted.

“Yeah.” She said before another moment of silence. “Want me to pick you up when Jamie and I are done?”

“Sure.” I replied.

“Alright, love ya kid.” She said.

“You can’t call me kid! I’m a few months older than YOU!” I retorted. All I got in response was a giggle before the line disconnected.

“Why was she so worried about us staying in the arcade?” Craig asked.

“You heard that?” I asked.

“Well, she’s not exactly quiet bro.” he replied.

“True. I don’t know though. That’s an excellent question.”

All Craig did was shrug as our check was handed to us. We took care of it before heading out to the boardwalk.

On our way, we ended up picking up some Starbucks. We needed all the energy we could get, who knows how much time and money we were gunna blow on this place if it really was what Jamie and Tori cracked it up to be.

We ended up stopping at a couple of tourist stands as well; I ended up blowing almost 45 bucks on bullshit along with Craig. Finally, we made our way over to the arcade. Walking in through the front doors, mine and Craig’s jaws dropped. This place was massive.

“Dude, we’re in heaven.” Craig said. All I could do was nod in agreement as we made our way to the counter.

We ended up paying a man fifty bucks each and he put that amount of credits on cards to use on the game machines. First game we hit up was a Guitar Hero. After ripping Craig a new asshole, we decided to walk around and see what game next captured our eyes.

As we walked, we saw that the games were divided into different sections. We walked by this section that had a couple of Dance Dance Revolution machines along with this other game that I’ve seen Tori play for hours on end; In The Groove. Craig and I stopped to watch a couple of girls playing. When the song ended, the girl in front of Craig doubled over trying to catch her breath. She left us a nice view, but we had to turn our gazes away when she turned around. I flashed her a smile and saw her blush. Craig elbowed me as we set off to the racing section.

“Dude, we’ve been here for almost four hours.” Craig said looking at his phone.

“Yeah, and?” I asked.

“I’m getting hungry man.” He said rubbing his stomach.

“Wanna grab some pizza? I’m really diggin some pizza right now.” I suggested. Craig nodded in agreement as we headed for the boardwalk.

We walked around checking out the girls walking around in bikini’s and tight clothing. Seeing Craig checking them out with me let me know he was feeling a bit better about his and Tori’s situation. The pizza place came into view and I felt my stomach growl again. I looked over at Craig to say something about it when I saw something else that caught my eye.

I came to a sudden halt when I saw a purple Challenger and a green Camaro with black racing stripes. I’ve seen both of those cars before. Craig finally caught up with the program and spotted what I was staring at.

“Is that Tori’s car?” he asked.

“It sure does look like it. It even has the Domo sticker on the back window. It has to be hers.” I replied.

“What about the other car?” he asked getting defensive.

“That’s that one guys car. The one they refer to as ‘Christ’. I think his name is Johnny. What are they doing out here? I thought they were at the garage.” I said trailing off into my own thoughts.

We stood there for a moment when we saw four people walk out a back door by the cars, all four were wearing ski masks. Craig tapped my arm urgently. Were we witnessing a robbery? A moment later, they pulled off their masks and sure enough, it was Tori, Jamie, Christ and another woman. I then noticed that each of them were carrying a couple of very full duffle bags. A moment later they began loading the bags into the trunks.

“Dude, there she is!” he said pointing her out.

“What the fuck are they doing?” Craig asked.

I shook my head, “I’m not sure, but I think we should follow them.”

“Like, stalk them? 007 style?” he said.

I nodded as we ran for my car. Thankfully we were only two blocks away and when I headed back to where we saw the girls, they were pulling out of the alley. We began to follow them, however I was not aware the Christ was able to drive almost as well as the girls. They began weaving in and out of traffic and I had to keep up but remain unseen.

Craig was yelling in my ear to keep up and with how loud my car was, it was hard. If they heard my car we would be spotted and this whole chase would have been pointless.

They swung a hard left and it almost left me no time to react. I swung the left and saw them swing a right. As I swung the right, my jaw dropped. They were gone. The entire road was empty, not one car could be seen. I stopped the car and ran my fingers down my face.

“What the FUCK was that?!” Craig exclaimed.

“Man, I don’t know.”

“I can’t believe this shit. Did they seriously just rob a place?” he asked.

“I-I think so. Dude, I’m shaking right now.” I replied.

“Call her.” He said. I nodded slowly before pulling out my phone.

I dialed the number and let it ring a few times.

“Hello?” I was greeted by Jamie.

“Where’s Tori?” I asked.

“Oh, she’s driving.” She replied.

“Where?” I asked.

“Jeeze man, she’s just test driving. She is testing this new clutch we put on, makes it a little less sensitive.” She replied defensively.

“Put her on.” I demanded.

“Uh, okay.” She said.

She put her hand over the mouth piece and went to hand the phone to Tori, I could hear her refusing.

’I can’t fucking talk right now. I’m trying to keep up.’ she snapped.

I heard Jamie sigh before she got back on the phone, “She can’t really talk at the moment.”

“Who is she trying to keep up with?” I demanded.

“Uh, what?” she said trying to come off as if she hadn’t heard me.

“You heard me Jamie. I saw you guys in the fuckin alley! What are you guys doing?!” I yelled.

I heard Tori cut the engine off and grab the phone from Jamie, “Hey dude, what’s up? Liking the arcade?” she said cheerily.

“What the fuck are you two up to Victoria? I saw you two in the alley with Christ and this other chick.” I spat.

“What are you talking about Max? I’m at the garage.” She said.

“I saw you guys, with the ski masks and the duffle bags! Don’t try to fuckin lie to me Tori!” I yelled.

There was silence for a moment, then a sigh. “We need to talk.” She said.

“So talk.” I replied.

“Not now. We need to meet up later. Jamie and I, we’ll discuss it with you later, but for right now, we have to go.” She said before the line went dead.

“FUCK!” I screamed.

“Is she fuckin serious?” Craig asked.

All I could do was shake my head before turning the car around and heading for their home.

I sat on the couch with my head in my hands. Craig lay sprawled out on the other just staring at the ceiling. We sat here for almost two hours now and not one word was said. What could they possibly be doing robbing places? What were these guys doing to them? Were they forcing them to do this shit? I had so many questions, and by the expression on Craig’s face, I wasn’t the only one.

Finally, I heard Jamie and Tori’s cars flying down the street. They parked, cut the engines off, and then I heard their doors shut. A moment later I heard the front door open and their keys go into the bowl on the table by the door.

“Boys?” I heard Tori call.

We both stayed silent. They slowly and cautiously walked into the living room. I turned my head to look at them, but still remained silent.

Tori looked down at the floor while Jamie looked away. “We’re sorry.” Tori said.

“You’re sorry?” I asked. “For what?”

“A lot.” Jamie replied.

I stood up, Craig following, “What have you guys been up to?” Craig asked.

“It’s a long story.” Jamie stated.

“Well, we were supposed to hang out tonight, so we have all night. Get started.” I demanded.

With a sigh, Jamie and Tori jumped into this story about how they met the guys at a race, then into how Matt wanted them to help them and work for them as they claimed to be in need of the money they paid them. Apparently this has been going on for a while and I grew very angry.

“So, you think its fuckin okay just steal shit and get paid for it?! Why don’t you just get normal fucking jobs?!” I screamed.

“I’m doing it so I can get Emma back Maxwell! Do you not know how hard it is for me to not be able to see her every morning? To not be able to tuck her in at night! Make her favorite foods and watch her favorite movies with her! Do you really think the decision to do this shit was easy?!” she screamed back at me.

“Well what about when she does get here? Are you going to feel good about her sitting at home while you go off stealing shit? Or shit, are you just gunna let her tag the fuck along?!” I said getting in her face.

“Back the fuck off Max!” she spat.

I felt Craig pull on my arm as Jamie grabbed Tori’s. “Guys, calm down.” Craig instructed.

I shook off his hold as Tori had done with Jamie’s. “Fuck you.” Was all she said before storming off to her room.

I shoved my hand in my pocket to pull out my keys before charging for the door.

“Where are you going?” Jamie asked me.

I looked back at her, “Out.” I said before slamming the door.