Status: updates when inspiration and free time collide.

The Quiet of Compazine

All My Downer Thoughts.

I was simultaneously disappointed and relieved that John's writing didn't match the writing on the napkin. I liked both poems, and I wanted to talk to John about them, but I hadn't talked to him since the ASU visit. We weren't even in the friend zone yet, so... how would I even broach that subject with him, anyways? John would think I'm a total creeper. Not...that I care about what he thinks of me. Y-Yeah...

Oh, who am I kidding, I do, I really do. I've never cared about my appearance and all that before. I've never cared about making good impressions on people until I met John. He was older than me, too, so I felt like I needed to work really hard to impress him... He made me nervous, end of story.

Which is why I was paralyzed when I caught sight of him by my locker after school.

"Oh, hey there, Porter!" John said loudly, despite being - well, swarmed by girls. He quickly cut through the crowd to me, draping an arm around my shoulders. "Just play along," he whispered in my ear before pressing a kiss to my temple, inevitably making me blush. "Hurry up and pack, would you, Porter? I'm ready to go," John sighed, letting go of me and leaning on the locker next to mine.

Sure enough, the girls began to leave. "What brings you to Tempe High, John?" I asked with a soft laugh, beginning to open my locker.

"I'm actually looking for Pat and Garrett," John admitted with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, well, I haven't seen them yet, sorry..." I opened my locker to reveal a rose, with a ribbon and small slip of paper tied to it. I swallowed hard and shut my locker again. "Are you having band practice or something?"

"Yeah, I'm here to pick them up," John explained, slumping down into a sitting position on the ground. "What are you up to, Porter?"

"Uh, I'm probably just gonna -"

"John, Porter!" Pat's voice reached our ears. He practically skipped down to my locker and when he got to us he hugged me tightly. Pat was a sweetheart.

"Sorry we're late, John, but we can't come to band practice for a bit," Garrett reluctantly told John. "We've got detention..."

"For what?" John demanded.

And Pat said "Letting Ratboy out" the same moment that Garrett said "Inappropriate comments in class." Then they hi-fived while John face palmed. Silly boys.

"Then I'll see you guys in half a fucking hour," John grumbled, hands shoved deep into his pockets. Garrett and Pat were still laughing as they walked away, and John hadn’t moved from his spot on the floor. "Porter! Come keep me company."

"O-Ok," I meekly agreed, opening my locker again. "I'll pack up, then..." But I had to read the slip of paper first.

i love the chase.
weak knees,
dizzy head.
playground chase.
nothing but that face inside of your face.
no one but someone, and someone alone.
i haven’t ran in a while,
but i will chase you if you want me to.

Oh my goodness.

Biting back a smile, I folded the poem back up neatly and slid it into my pocket, putting the rose on the top shelf of my locker. Yes, the poem was printed instead of handwritten… but it had to be John, right?

No, that’s just wishful thinking.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I followed John out of the school. John started to walk backwards so he could face me and grab the books I was carrying in my arms.

“Do you like… In-N-Out?”

“Um, no…I love it.”

John grinned and tossed my books in the trunk of his car, motioning for me to do the same with my backpack. “Then, In-N-Out it is!” In all honesty, I can’t remember the last time I ate food. “I’ll bring you back when they’re done with detention, don’t worry about it. Or I could just bring you home, if you want,” John offered, starting his car and turning on his stereo.

I opened my mouth to answer him, but my ears quickly picked up on the song that was spilling through the speakers. “You like Death Cab?” I asked with a small smile.

“Um, no…I love them,” John mimicked me, flashing a smile my way.

Here’s to hoping I don’t make a fool of myself in front of this gorgeous creature.
♠ ♠ ♠
john's poems are just amazing. the one i used in this chapter
is what inspired me to update. sorry i haven't updated in ages.
it's a stressful time of year. but the maine's new song "somedays"
helps a lot xD it's amazing, you need to buy it!!!
leave me comments please and check out my poem, semi inspired by john xD