‹ Prequel: Those Eyes

Those Lips


Have you ever felt empty? Like you have no soul or heart? That's me right now. I don't know why it hit me hard but it did and now someone is going to have to pay for it. My mind screamed at me to fuck every living soul here but my heart whispered you love her to much to do that. I don't know what to do so I found Charles.

"Give me some." I growled at my friend. He looked scared of me. I haven't seen him scared at me since we were kids and I was threatening to flush down his action figures. It kind of brought a smile to my face but not enough to calm me down.

"Why?" Charles drew out the word just making me more pissed.

"Charles for the love that all that is holy you best give me some damn northern lights or so help me God." My voice was low and it was scaring me even. Charles handed me half of his goods and my favorite pipe then I went to sit on my hammock outside and guess who was there?

If you guessed Ring you would be right. She didn't notice me till I sat net to her. "UUUhhh hey?" She looked at me confused and dazzled by my appearance. "Erm why are your eyes white?" I looked at her stunned.

"My, my eyes turn white when I'm beyond pissed. Now if you don't mind." I held up my stuff and began to pack it. Once I was done Ring was still there. "Are you seriously going to just sit there while I smoke?" I hate it when people watch me sometimes.

"Yup I have nothing better to do. I mean my ex fiance is the only reason why I'm here and she's sucking your friends face." She stated and looked up at the stars. It's around 8:30.

"Now why did you have to say that?" I took my first puff of the night and already I'm feeling better.