Status: Active

I Guess I'll Go Home Now

Don't make this easy.

Stacy’s point of view

Somebody touched my shoulder and waken me up. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jack standing over me and smiling widely.

“Jack…” I mumbled sleepily. Then I remembered about the show and Helena’s trick and flinched.

“I have to go and sing!” I exclaimed, now totally awake.

“Why were you here? The door was closed when I came. I didn’t see you on stage with the girls and thought if something went wrong, are you alright?”

“I went to the bus to fix my hair and make-up, but when I wanted to go out the door was closed. I called Bill and Helena answered that call, telling me she did it” I sighed.

“Oh. But the concert is almost over. Still wanna go?”

“Yeah, my fans are probably mad, Helena’s voice is awful” I laughed.

“True, my ears would explode if there was no cool music Chelsea, Jess and Mandy were playing.” Jack smiled and we both stood up and started making our ways to the venue.

When we came I left Jack in the crowd and ran in the backstage direction, quickly showing my pass to the guard.

“Holy hell, Stacy! Where were you? Bill was mad!” Jacob exclaimed when he saw me. “I had to play your parts, Helena can’t play the guitar, you know.” He pointed to the guitar he had on his shoulders.

“Helena closed me in the bus! I called Bill, Helena got the call. Then Jack let me out.”

“Jack? You mean, Jack Barakat from All Time Low?”Jacob smirked.

“Yeah” I smiled widely. I wondered if Jacob could find out about my crush though my grin.

But he just said, “Cool” and smiled. He handled me my Squire with the pick, and the microphone and I ran on stage.

“Hey motherfuckers!” I yelled to my microphone. Helena was right there in a typical slut outfit and terrible make-up. Her face turned green as soon as she saw me.

The crowd went crazy as I appeared. Mandy hit the drums and the plates, greeting me. Chelsea and Jess went to hug me.

“Sorry, I’m late today, but I love you for patience!” I cheered.

“What the fuck? Are you guys gonna listen to her? Or to the original lead voice of Just Kidding?” Helena shouted.

“Shut up you bitch! Your trick with the closed bus didn’t work!” I yelled and the crowd started to scream mentally at Helena. Mandy drummed again and tossed her drumsticks to the crowd, getting herself a new pair. One of those drumsticks hit Helena right in her head, “Ouch!”

“Okay, let’s do it this way: let the fans chose who’s going to perform the rest of the concert!” Chelsea said.

The audience started to scream my name and I flashed them a cheesy smile. I saw Jack standing in the crowd and looking right at me with a huge grin on his face. I winked at him, blowing a little kiss [and blushing super red], he did the same and laughed, I giggled.

Helena clenched her fists, kicked the microphone stand causing an awful noise come out of speakers and stormed to the backstage area.

“Whoah. Someone’s gotta be less nervous” I smiled and the crowd laughed.

“Okay! So we have, like, half an hour left, right? Let’s play some crazy shit for you folks!” I exclaimed, pulling the mic stand up putting my microphone in it and starting to play my guitar. We played about 5 songs when our time went out.

“Thanks for all, you sexy dudes over here! Love y’all to death!” I shouted, waved and ran to the backstage area. Bill was waiting there for me.

“Bill, I can explain, I was late because--”

“I know, Stacy, Jacob told me. That’s awful. And I can’t fire her, you know. We’re on tour.”

“Oh” I pouted.

“Don’t worry Stace, the tour’s gonna be awesome anyway” Bill smiled.

“I’d love to hope so” I shrugged.

I saw Jack creep in the backstage room with a grin on his face.

“Hey smiley” I greeted.

“Hey miss sweetest voice” He winked at me and I blushed.

“I kind of have an idea” He said.

“Shoot” I smiled.

“You can sing with us tonight! Like, collaboration?”

“That would be so awesome! What song will I sing?”

“Hmm, Remembering Sunday, Therapy and whatever you want” He said.

“Oh! But it’s so hard to choose from!”

“Haha, yeah, our songs are the best” He laughed.

“Can I sing Jasey Rae?” I suggested.


“Okay, so when--”

“8.30 pm, remember?” He winked.

“Oh yeah” I ran my fingers through my hair.

Alex, Rian, Zack and ATL band crew with Flyzik entered the backstage area.

“Girls, it’s All Time Low time, get your asses out!” Alex exclaimed.

Girls walked out with Mandy giving him the finger in the process. We all laughed at her menacing face expression.

“Hey Alex, Stacy’s gonna sing with us tonight! Collaboration!” Jack called.

“Wow, that’s so cool! I’m stoked!” Alex cheered and high-fived me.

“Collaboration?” Matt and Bill asked at the same time.

We stared at them, waiting for them to complain or something like that. But Bill said, “It’s okay, we’re cool. Good luck Stacy.”

I smiled at him gratefully and heard Brooke come in. “Stacy, look at these kickass pictures! I will--”

“Now go and snap some more! I’m gonna sing with Alex this time!”

“Whoah! It’s awesome! See ya after the show then!” She smiled happily and hurried back to the crowd.

I was kinda grateful the girls were not here, they would probably send me those pervy looks again.

It didn’t take the boys too much time to prepare for the show, so they were ready in 10 minutes. I sat on a little chair backstage while guys went on stage. After 40 minutes or so, at the end of their set, I heard Alex shouting my name.

“And I want to present y’all Stacy Everly from the motherfucking awesome band called Just Kidding! Those crazy dudes are touring with us!” He yelled and the crowd went nuts. I grabbed the microphone and rushed on stage.

Waving I greeted the screaming crowd and recognized some familiar fans, that were watching us on our set. Brooke was in the crowd too, snapping tons of pictures.

Jack hugged me and the audience awed loudly. I blushed deeply but thanks to those bright stage lights so no one saw that.

Danny Kurily [ATL’s guitar-tech] carried the stool and Alex’s acoustic guitar on stage as I stood awkwardly, watching Jack, Rian and Zack leave the stage.

Alex sat on his chair and called me, “Hey Stacy, come here. We’re gonna sing Jasey Rae. How about you singing and me just being quiet? My voice is just cracking on me.”

I nodded, looking around in search of a microphone.

“Evan, you fucker! Give her the fucking microphone!” Alex yelled.

Evan Kirkendall [ATL’s sound guy] quickly ran on stage with the microphone and handled it to me.

Alex started to play Jasey Rae and I sang. Man, All Time Low are so famous. I couldn’t even hear myself because the fans were singing the whole thing so loud!

When we finished with Jasey Rae, Alex started to play Therapy. Remembering Sunday was next.

Alex had to sing here and I joined him only when he sang chorus. Then it was Juliet Simms’ part, which was pretty hard.

“I’m not coming back, I’ve done something so terrible, I’m terrified to speak, but you expect that from me, I’m mixed up, I’ll be blunt, now the rain is just washing you out of my hair…”

“And out of my mind” I sang trying to copy the original freak out. Then I realized the microphone turned off right when I started to sing the high part. Darn. Alex shifted and I didn’t stop and kept singing now on top of my lungs. “Keeping an eye on the world, from so many thousands of feet of the ground, I’m over you now, I’m at home at the clouds, towering over your head…” I finished and when we both sang “I guess I’ll go home now” the microphone finally worked.

“Guys, sorry for that!” Alex said.

“This was the darnedest collaboration in my life” I laughed.

The crowd was shouting and screaming. “What?” Alex asked the people, “You guys liked that? Yes? Sure? Oh goodness”

I laughed quietly and heard Zack, Rian and Jack coming back on stage.

“Hey, give it up for my buddy Stacy!” Jack yelled.

I blushed again, waved the crowd and disappeared to the backstage area, where the girls and Bill waited for me.
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