Status: updates will be as quick as possible.

Lover Boy


When I found out that Monica was single, I didn't exactly know how to react. She had been my friend for a long time, someone who I thought I knew everything about.

What I couldn't understand was why she was no longer with her rock band boyfriend.

Everyone had been jealous of her, the girls and the boys, just because she had gotten herself into a different world than us, a world that we couldn't reach.

I would even admit I wanted what she had. While she was off partying in places I could only dream of, I was at home either watching TV or moaning about how my life was just so uneventful.

She had taken away the dream that I always had. At first, I wasn't happy about it at all. But I grew out of it.

I thought that I couldn't do anything about it. She would always be with John and I'd never meet him. I'd be no one to him. And then she is no longer with him.

If I were her, I'd want to stay in it, to be with someone like John O'Callaghan. Why would she want all that to just slip away?

Alright, I was jealous, I have been jealous of the fact she could get anyone she wanted. I had been interested in the guy, back when I listened to their music and fawned over him like crazy.

Then I found out that Monica knew Garrett and that's where it led to her meeting John. I'm talking like I know the band personally, I don't.

Is it wrong to say I have this crazy infatuation with the guy. I basically used to stalk him on twitter, like any insane fan would do.

When I say used to I mean I don't do it now. It was just weird acting like my normal self when I knew that he wasn't anything to do with me to begin with.

I always hoped I'd get the privilege to meet John some day, but I never did. John and Monica's relationship was very hush-hush, she never told me anything about it.

But now, when she finally mentions John O'Callaghan's name it is to only say that she is no longer with him.

I thought for a second that she was the one who got dumped, a tiny hint of anger towards the guy had arose. But then I found out she was the one who dumped him. She must be out of her pretty little mind.

John probably doesn't give a shit about it. I bet he could get anyone else in a matter of seconds, they'd all be falling to his feet wanting his attention.

After all of this, I didn't think I'd hear of them ever again. Maybe from other people about the band itself but not about John personally.

I can't say it wasn't strange when I opened my front door to see the band minus John on my door step.

That's where we get to the present, the part where I find myself looking over Garrett's shoulder hoping to see John there when he really isn't. Do I have an obsession? No, not at all.

I looked back at them, wondering whether to squeal like a fan. Can I have your autograph?

But instead, I stared at them all as straight faced as possible, "Why are you all standing in front of my house?"

Kennedy and Garrett didn't really seem to register my question. They barged in followed by Pat and Jared as if they had been here so many times, which they hadn't might I add.

If I was myself again, Gabriel Quincy, the guy who had a fricking brain, I may have thrown them outside for trespassing. But I wasn't exactly thinking straight.

"Gabriel Quincy, right?" Garrett asked.

I nodded, still a little dumbfounded.

"When John and Monica were together, Monica talked a lot about you. She said that you looked up to John and really wanted to meet him," he paused, "John's not feeling himself right now and we promised we'd do anything to make him feel...better."

They all smirked in unison, it was a little creepy. I was quite surprised that they thought I could be of assistance to help John.

I started to wonder what Monica had actually said. Before they got together I used to blab on about how much I thought John was gorgeous and how much I wanted him so bad.

I stopped acting like that when she came to my house one day baring the news that she was dating John.

After that, I shut up about my dreams of one day meeting him and being a little more than just acquaintances.

I wanted to meet him. But not in a fleeting way where it only lasted a few minutes.

I've always wanted to get to know him, to see what he's like in real life than from what I know about him from magazines and youtube. I didn't understand what Garrett was getting at, but hell was I interested.

Monica must have at some point told them where I lived. If this was any other situation I would have been angry at her for doing so.

"I don't know whether it's a good idea to let his ex-girlfriend's friend help him," I acknowledged, "He doesn't even know me."

Kennedy broke in before I could start ranting how this wasn't a good idea, "Trust me, he doesn't need to. We just want him to feel happier and stop moping about his ex."

I sighed, running a hand through my short brown hair, "Okay, fine."

They all grinned at me before hugging me to death.

"Erm, guys, would you mind? I can't breathe."

I guess it's a little awkward being bear-hugged by people you barely even knew. But I should be happy about this, right? I finally get to meet John.

Although, I could sense that I wasn't being told the truth here. I could tell by the way Garrett looked like he was about to burst into a hysterical fit. There was a glint in his eyes that I couldn't fathom.

"This is going to go fantastically," he chuckled, a hidden meaning behind his words.
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Hi guys, I'm Tasha!
I'll be writing Gabriel, our little OC, from now on :)
I hope you all liked it : /
give us some love xo <3