Status: One-Shot

Curiosity Killed the Cat

As Always, I Was Wrong

I walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind me. No more light, no more noise, just dark. Silence. Nothing more.

I laid back on the bed and shut my eyes, seeing the same blank darkness as I had seen with my eyes open. Finally, peace. Maybe those strange noises wouldn't come back tonight. Maybe I'd have peace, just for a few seconds, minutes, and, if I was lucky enough, hours. Maybe I'd sleep the whole night with no fear.

But, as always, I was wrong. A loud bang occurred right next to me, making my eyes snap open. I sat up, though I still couldn't see anything. My room was not unlike a deep cave, or maybe a black hole. I reached to turn on my light, but stopped myself. There was never light in my room, ever. My windows are boarded shut, there was no space for light to come in under my door. I wasn't even sure if my light even worked; maybe it was dead from under-usage.

I felt something brush my arm, possibly clothing of some sort, or the leathery skin of someone long gone. It didn't bother me, for I was now fairly used to it. I hard the slight moan, barely above a whisper, as always, come from my left; the same area where my arm was touched.

"Hello again." I said quietly. I only heard another moan in response. I put my arm out again, trying to locate the being. My fingers brushed against the same material as before, and I confirmed my suspicion on what it was; it was indeed the skin of one who was once alive.

I was tempted to turn on the light, to see what the being looked like, if it was a man or a woman. But I left the light off, simply in respect for the dead. I put my hands in my lap, trying to stop the slight tremor in them.

"Why are you back?" I asked it, hoping for some strange reason that it would actually respond. I heard the sound of teeth gnashing together, like someone chewing, or trying to speak. But still, no sound was heard. I sighed, somewhat deflated.

I suddenly felt warm gusts of air hit my face, the putrid smell of decaying flesh filling my nostrils. If I could see, I would've seen the face of the being centimeters from my own. My breath caught in my throat. I didn't breath again until the hot breath faded from my face.

I gasped, not realizing how long I had held my breath. I could again hear the sound of teeth hitting each other as its jaw worked up and down, up and down.

I slowly reached over my light switch, my curiosity getting the best of me. I flicked on the light, white hot light blinding me momentarily. I looked over at the spot were the being was, my vision slowly returning. I closed my eyes, rubbing them. When I opened them again, my vision was back and my jaw dropped.

Where the being was a few seconds ago, there was only a black spot on the carpet that, if you really looked, looked like an old blood stain. I closed my eyes, rubbing them again. Had I imagined it? It had seemed so real...

I opened my eyes again, expecting the black spot to be gone, too. But the second I opened my eyes, the last thing I saw was a horrid face, filled with maggots. An eye was missing and skin was rotting away. Before I even had time to gasp in fear, the rotting mouth opened wide and came toward me, fast as a snake.

My vision went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, that's it.

Comments? Thoughts? Confusion? Tell me.
