At The Toss Of A Coin


"Happy Valentines day, Rose," accompanied by kisses placed along the back of my neck, trailing down across my bare shoulders, was what I awoke to. Turning onto my side I took in the boyish grin that greeted me, confirmation I'd made the right choice. There was no hint of apprehension in the eyes that had strayed to the top of his sheet that was barely covering his favourite of my attributes.

"Sorry babe," I captured his lips while simultaneously shifting the hand that was creeping down my stomach. "I've got to get to class. Aw, don't pout, I'll make it up to you tonight if you're good." Grabbing my underwear and jeans from where they'd ended up on the floor I quickly got dressed while he merely sat up in bed and watched, then choosing a sweatshirt from his vast collection while I was at it.

Once I was sure I had everything I made my way back to him, settling myself over his lap and re-fusing my lips to his, fingers delving into his shaggy hair that I loved so much. "Mmm," I breathed out, reluctantly pulling away, knowing that if I didn't move now I'd be there at least another hour. "Happy Valentines day, TJ. I'll see you later."

"Morning boys," I gave my usual greeting to his roommates as I passed them on my way through the kitchen. "Try not to give him too much shit today, please."


Settling into my regular seat in my economics lecture, I turned to grin at the first real friends I'd made back in August. Chay Genoway and Darcy Zajac were the catalyst for my wonderful wake up this morning.


"Is this seat taken?" My first day of classes at UND was a little overwhelming. I'd been on campus for a few days, but still trying to find my way around was an adventure. After moving into the dorms practically as soon as they opened, I was settling into life in the small college town while trying to adjust to the northern hemisphere summer. It was a shocking contrast to the winter weather I'd left behind in New Zealand, but I knew I'd be facing much harsher conditions here in just a few months.

"No, go for it," I waved a hand in the direction the voice had come from, momentarily pulling my gaze away from searching through the backpack on my knees. A cute boy with dark, appreciative eyes took his place next to me. Glancing around it was easy to see why he'd picked that particular seat; the room was beginning to fill, as our professor got ready to start his first lecture of the year.

"I'm Chay," he introduced himself with a slightly awkward wave after he had himself settled.

"Hey, Rose," I nodded in greeting. I'm not sure if it was a Kiwi thing, the head nod of acknowledgement, but I hadn't really seen it anywhere outside of my home nation.

I could see his mind was working, head tilted a little to the side as he continued to observe me. "I don't think I've ever heard that accent before," finally came from his mouth, a sheepish grin flashing briefly.

I let out a small chuckle. "Yea, I guess you don't get too many New Zealanders in this part of the world. You're Canadian?" I thought I detected a little twinge in his accent, but I wasn't so great at distinguishing the different varieties of 'North American'.

"Got it in one," he grinned. "Oh hey man," he greeted a darker haired boy who was seating himself in the last seat of our row. I fully expected to be dismissed now that one of his friends had shown up, but Chay didn't seem to operate the same way most other guys would. "Darce, this is Rose. Rose, my buddy Darcy. Wait 'til you hear her accent, man!" he proclaimed.

As Darcy and I acknowledged each other I quirked an eyebrow at him, gesturing towards Chay, "Is he always this... enthusiastic?"

As the professor started speaking Darcy let out a quiet laugh, ignoring my question. "Dude, that is a cool accent."


"I see you spent the night with Osh," Chay gestured to the large green Fighting Sioux sweatshirt, #7 emblazoned on the chest. He was wearing his own similar one, only black with his #5 in place of TJ's #7.

Nodding I got my stuff out, vaguely paying attention as the lecture started. "Yea. Barely had time to head back to the dorm and grab my stuff," I grinned. "But really, how could I not? When have I ever been able to stay away from him?"


My first meeting with TJ was fairly nondescript, but would set the tone for the majority of our acquaintance. By then I'd learnt about the boy's association with the Fighting Sioux hockey team and barely a week after that first class Darcy was joking around about how long it would take some of the other boys in the team to come and check out, "this amazing accent," that Chay apparently couldn't shut up about.

"Seriously, you should hear his attempt at it. It's so bad, and does you no justice at all."

We were leaving class, getting ready to say goodbye and go our separate ways when someone called out to Chay.

"I guess today's the day," he mumbled before ushering me over to a group of four guys waiting just to the side of the steps we'd been heading down. "Guys," he greeted, leaving me to stand awkwardly between him and Darcy. At least that gave me a little comfort in the land of solidly built giants I suddenly found myself in. Chay and I seemed to be the only ones under 6 feet in height.

"Is this the chick you can't shut up about?" a fun looking brunette asked, smiling in my direction.

Darcy placed an arm across my shoulders, drawing me into his side as he commenced introductions, leaving Chay to just nod fervently. "Rosie," I frowned at his apparent new nickname for me. "These idiots are Jonesy," he indicated the one who'd spoken, "Osh," a seemingly disinterested blonde who'd look more at home on a beach with a surfboard under his arm, "Jonny," a second, somewhat skinnier, brunette, "and Chay's roomie, Vandy." The last in the group was yet another dark haired boy, set apart from the others with godlike gorgeousness. I just hoped I wasn't blushing too noticeably, for once thankful of the intolerable heat I was still struggling to acclimatise to.

I'd later learn these intros would translate into Zach Jones, TJ Oshie, Jonathan Toews and Chris Vande Velde, with the former three being sophomores.

"Hi," I smiled lightly, still a little nervous with being towered over. "It's nice meeting you all, but I've got another class to get to." I pointed over my shoulder in the direction I needed to be heading, knowing Chay and Darcy usually went the opposite way. Shrugging out from Darcy's hold I directed, "I'll see you 'round," towards my two friends.

"Hey, you're coming Friday night, aren't you?" Jonesy seemed to be the group spokesperson, or at least the most loudmouthed.

Creasing my brow I silently questioned Chay as to what he was talking about, slowly shaking my head and shrugging while still making my way, now backwards, towards where I needed to be in a few minutes.

Jon smiled towards me providing a simple explanation of, "First hockey party of the year."

I didn't get a chance to contemplate.

"She'll be there." There was something about Osh's smirk that told me I didn't have a choice in the matter.
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Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed the first installment of this adventure. MissLis and I have had a lot of fun writing this, so we hope it's just as entertaining to you.

As explained in the summary, there were several key coin tosses that led to this being the story you are reading -
1. UND vs NHL team (UND)
2. Old UND vs New UND (Old UND)
3. Who gets TJ? (Rach - No.Thought.Of.Me)

Along with those (and a few we've chosen to keep secret), I had a further 3 coin tosses that shaped this chapter.