At The Toss Of A Coin


With the change in semesters my schedule had been rearranged, but I still had a couple classes with Chay, while Darcy had moved on to focusing more on sports science. As well as my economics class with Chay, we also shared an afternoon business studies lecture with Vandy, who had earned himself a couple of new nicknames from Kate and myself.

After leaving Kate at the café still not having made a decision but not wanting to face the wrath of her frustrated anger I headed home to my dorm room for a quick shower and to change into some fresh clothing. It was still the midst of winter, much to my frustration as I was thoroughly sick of snow, so I went for warmth over anything else. A layer of thermals, a thin tee and a rugby jersey went below my own hoodie, TJ's left out of sight in my closet. My roommate was not a fan of my now boyfriend, having been turned down by TJ more than once, so I tried to keep all hockey associations to a minimum around her while I waited out the year to get away from her.

"Nice jersey there Rose," Vandy smiled while I stripped down a layer in the surprisingly overheated lecture theatre. "How did your team go this weekend?"

The team he referred to was my local Super 14 team, the Crusaders, whose red and black jersey I wore proudly. Having gotten some of the team interested in the sport back in November thanks to a couple of All Blacks tests, it was nice to have someone to talk to about my favourite sport with. It didn't hurt that the Crusaders were the most successful team in the competition either, having won the title 5 of 10 times in its previous Super 12 format (going unbeaten all 13 games in 2002), as well as the inaugural Super 14 season the year prior.

"They did good, 3G," I grinned as I took my seat next to him, "Beat the Reds 33-22."


"Hey, any of you guys have a sports channel that plays rugby games?" I asked the assembled group of boys gearing up for a party at the 'hockey house' on a rare Friday night off. It was a long shot, but having already missed the first test of the All Blacks end of year European tour, I was a little desperate.

"Yea, we do," Jonesy spoke up as he raised his hand in the air like a little kid answering a teacher. "Why, babe?"

He earned a glare from TJ for using that particular pet name, but I chose to ignore that for now. I was getting sick of TJ's attitude, thinking he was the only guy who could have me. Zach was a friend, and that's all that would ever happen there. "Why am I only just finding this out when I've been to your place too many times to count? You made me miss my team beating England last week!" I pretended to break down in tears. "Can I steal your TV tomorrow afternoon? Pleeeeaaase?''


Triumphant in my begging, Taylor Chorney, one of the four roommates, greeted me at the door. Giving him a quick hug, I made my way through the few people who'd decided they'd give this rugby thing a look, to take up the prime spot amongst the couches and chairs. Nevermind there was still a good half hour before the game began, I wasn't moving for anything.

Somewhat surprisingly Kate came to sit next to me, no doubt having crashed the night with Jon. We talked amongst ourselves until the coverage started and everyone else came to sit with us, Jonesy ending up on my other side. I spotted TJ lurking in the corner with Chay and Vandy so I motioned him to come and sit on the floor in front of me, letting my fingers delve into his hair as soon as he was seated.

There was a round of laughter as I shushed everyone for the anthems, quietly singing along to both verses of God Defend New Zealand, the first in Maori and the second in English. Astonishment faced me as the people around me took in the foreign language, but I just kept singing as a red flush rose. When the French anthem finished playing I was bouncing in anticipation.

"Ok boys, this is the best tradition in sports right here!" My favourite part of any NZ test match was undoubtedly the Haka. It was a traditional Maori challenge that our national team had been performing before the start of each game since 1884.

Ka Mate never failed to get me worked up, there was so much passion put into the chants and actions that boiled over to the game. As other countries used their anthem to get them pumped up, we had the Haka. With every second that passed I could feel my heart rate increase, quietly chanting the words along with my team.

Ka mate! Ka mate!
Ka ora! Ka ora!
Ka mate! Ka mate!
Ka ora! Ka ora!
Tēnei te tangata pūhuruhuru
Nāna i tiki mai whakawhiti te rā
Ā, upane! Ka upane!
Ā, upane, Ka upane,
Whiti te rā!

Once again my new friends were impressed, wanting to know all about this tradition. I promised to educate them after the game though.

The All Blacks ended up with a convincing 47-3 win, emphasising my claims that my country was home to the best team in the world. I spent half of the game explaining what was going on and how some of the rules worked, but it was still enjoyable.

"I hope you know you're leaving me keys so I can watch next weeks rematch," I reminded Millsy as I left, knowing the team would be playing in Alaska then.


"God I hate this class," I complained, bored out of my mind only half way through. It was a statement that left my mouth almost every lecture, our professor droning on in monotone more often than not.

Chay huffed out a breath of laughter while I caught Vandy rolling his eyes in my peripheral vision. "Counting down the minutes 'til you can go play with your boy toy again?"

A swift slap to the shoulder for that comment caught Chay off guard, along with slightly startling a few other students around us. Thankfully the professor never noticed enough to stop his current ramblings. "No, just trying to stay awake. And don't even think about commenting on that," I warned both boys, knowing they'd take any opportunity to joke about how my time with TJ was spent.


It was only a five-minute drive from the dorms to the hockey house, but apparently that was more than enough time for the cold of winter to set in, chilling me to the bone. Kate had her heater blasting the whole way, but it seems that I was immune to its warmth.

Entering the house I left my thick coat on, arms crossed across my chest and hands tucked into my armpits, trying to work up some warmth while also trying to ease the painful aching of my chest. Receiving more than a few odd looks, no doubt thanks to the grimace on my face, I searched through the crowds for a cap covered blonde head to help me out.

Unsurprisingly I found him surrounded by girls, each one hanging off his every word. Rolling my eyes at how obvious they were, I tapped TJ on the shoulder and waited for him to turn. Eyebrow quirking as he took in my hunched form, he voiced a confused, "Hi."

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I borrow you for a bit? I promise I'll have him back to you in five minutes," I added at the glares now being sent my way, knowing TJ wouldn't turn me down. As much as he was a one night only guy, he still kept coming back for more with me, and it wasn't just about the sex.

Excusing himself from the admirers TJ followed me wordlessly up to his room. Once the door was shut his lips were quickly on mine, but a sharp cry had him backing off quickly. "Not quite what I needed your help with," I tried to laugh, unwrapping my top half, layer by layer. "So fucking painful," I cursed, wincing as each piece of fabric brushed over my frozen, erect nipples.

It was a problem I'd had a few times in the past, generally from a day out on the sidelines of a rugby paddock, and best relieved by a hot shower, but that was something I couldn't do in the middle of a party.

Slowly TJ got the gist of what was going on and helped me shed my clothing, his warm mouth clamping around one taut nipple the second my bra dropped as he pushed me backwards to the bed. My other breast was not left to suffer alone, a large hand gently cupping over the affected area offering warmth without pressure. Fighting back a scream of agony as TJ's tongue swept over the super sensitive flesh, I tugged on his hair in warning. That was a mistake, his laughter only adding to the torture he was inflicting. Finally, after what seemed like eons, the pain ebbed allowing TJ to shift his ministrations to my other breast.

"You're paying me back for this," TJ mumbled across my chest, gently grinding himself against my leg so I could feel how much he was enjoying his task.

"If we didn't have a house full of people talking about what we're doing up here, and the fact I promised your admirers I'd have you back to them then I would most certainly make your help worthwhile. But sadly, you'll have to wait."

Taunting him while I was still vulnerable was a mistake. This time I never stood a chance of stopping the scream that was forced from my lips as TJ added some teeth into the mix.

"Fuck them all." With that growled out, he was back to attacking my lips, a new fire in his eyes showing just how serious he was about forgetting the party going on below us.

By the time we both headed back downstairs nearly an hour had passed, neither of us being particularly inclined towards quickies. Of course by now the group of girls TJ had been talking to had set their sights on other targets, but that didn't stop the evil looks sent my way, nor did the kiss TJ gave me as he sent me over towards Kate.

"I can't believe you two," Kate shook her head as I joined her and the boys towards the corner of the lounge, snuggling into Chay's side purely because I could.

I shrugged back at her. "It was only fair to pay him back for the favour he performed. You really think I'm gunna turn that opportunity down when he was surrounded by them?" I nodded my head towards the two blonde bimbo's hanging off Marty and Duncs.

Chay went into protective little brother mode, like he had on many other occasions, "He's never going to see the light if you keep giving him what he wants."
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Cointosses in this chapter - 3

I'm assuming most of you have no idea about the haka, so here's a vid from the game in question. We also have another newer haka that the team wrote themselves, Kapa O Pango, that only gets performed on special occasions.

Had to add in some Taylor Chorney =] Love that boy!! Happy he's back with the Oilers/OKC and Vandy, but it was pretty awesome he got to play with TJ again in STL.

We'd really appreciate some comments too!