At The Toss Of A Coin


“Be there in a few, bye.” Kate had finally come to her senses and agreed to meet her secret admirer. Unfortunately, that revelation came in the middle of a rather intense moment with TJ, but he'd just have to deal. It wasn't every day your best friend made a possibly life-changing decision. "Stop pouting. You know if I don't leave now she'll just call back in ten minutes, and we both know that isn't anywhere near enough time to do what's floating through your head."

"Argh, why do you have to be right?" he groaned. "And why does Mrs Claus always have to ruin our fun?"

Laughing at his minor tantrum, I gave him a quick peck before pulling my shirt back over my head. "Quit your bitching or I really might not come back."

It was an empty threat, and we both knew it. As tumultuous as our relationship had started out, there was always that addiction that brought us back together so many times.


The whole 'holiday season' was completely different for me this year. Instead of spending Christmas day sitting outside drinking bubbly with family and working on my tan, I spent it freezing my ass off during a snowball fight, and then crammed around a fire with the people I was fortunate to now call friends.

New Years... lets just say I had my own tradition that differed greatly from the party I was currently attending. But when the boy know affectionately as 'Man Candy Vandy' amongst the majority of NoDak's female populace asks if you want to go to the annual NYE bash with him, well…saying no isn't an option.

I hadn't had too much to do with Chris aside from saying hi here and there or talking for a few minutes at a party or his dorm room when visiting Chay, but when we were on the same team for the last big snowball war we hung out together and had a lot of fun. He obviously knew about my involvement with his teammate, not many people at this school hadn't heard the rumours about TJ's 'one girl that he keeps going back to'.

There was something about being at a hockey party with a date that wasn't TJ, especially after the dark look that had crossed TJ's features when he saw us enter hand in hand. Those who'd seen Vandy and I arrive together kept giving us sly looks, no doubt wondering what the hell was going on. It was common knowledge that guys just didn't go after girls their teammates liked or had been with, aside from the puck sluts of course. That TJ and I had hooked up considerably more than his usual once put me smack dab on that
forbidden list.

Not like TJ didn't have his hands full that night, however. Lucky me, as I was grabbing another beer he decided to set up shop next to the keg and suck face with some half dressed bimbo. Nothing new there, I'd seen that happen on numerous occasions, but Vandy wasn't a happy camper about it. Maybe he saw TJ's smirk as he zeroed in on his target.

"Only an hour to go," he stated casually as he gently pushed me out of the kitchen infront of him. Must be 11pm then.

We headed over to the beer pong table to watch Chay and Tazer making fools of themselves, knowing they were guaranteed entertainment. To be fair, they weren't the worst pairing possible, but they were up there, especially at this stage of the night when we'd been going since mid-afternoon, which was when the team arrived back from a victorious pair of games in New Hampshire.

It also meant I got to avoid Kate for a while longer. She was my best friend here, along with Chay, but tonight she was getting on my nerves. She seemed to think there was some deeper meaning to my date, and really didn't understand the TJ situation, so staying clear was in our best interests. No doubt she was holed up in a corner or back room with Millsy, still nursing her apple juice.

"Dance?" I could barely believe that word had come out of my own mouth, but apparently it had, judging by the shocked look Chris was giving me. Not once since I'd been at UND had I danced at one of these parties. It just wasn't in my nature, drunk or not. But things change, and if I was screwing over my traditions I might as well go all out.

We were already on our way to the packed makeshift dance floor when Vandy quirked an eyebrow, "Are you sure?" The teasing smirk told me I wasn't getting out alive if I changed my mind.

Thankfully Vandy ignored the fast beats of the music that was playing and pulled me in close to just sway together as we staked a claim in a small spot near the wall. It was nice being in such proximity to his fabulous physique - his face wasn't the only reason Kate and I had nicknamed him
Gorgeous Greek God. '3G' had a body to put Achilles to shame.
Talking quietly amongst ourselves, we almost missed the countdown to the New Year. "Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year," rang out around us, breaking our peaceful trance. Lips fusing was the natural progression, providing a stage for the fireworks I could hear exploding somewhere outside.

And then I was being pulled backwards, a seemingly furious TJ lunging for Vandy as soon as I was clear. "The hell man?" he ground out while pushing my date back into the wall and drawing the attention of most likely the entire room.

"TJ, back off!" I yelled at him, not willing to be the reason a Fighting Sioux beat his teammate to a pulp, as looked like was about to happen. Knowing to stay clear of his arms, I grabbed onto the back of his shirt, yanking as hard as I could. It was enough to gain his attention as he stumbled back a little, no doubt helped by copious amounts of alcohol in his system. "What the hell is your problem?"

The only answer I got was a disappointed shake of his head before he stalked off.


When I got to Kate's she was looking a little green, nervous about her decision no doubt. "You're doing the right thing," I encouraged in place of greeting along with a hug. "Just treat it like you're going to dinner with Tazer or Millsy."

That suggestion seemed to relax her a little and kicked her into preparation mode. As expected, she'd already laid out a few potential outfits, surely flinging her closet doors open as soon as she'd hung up. Even in borderline meltdown mode she was still obsessed over the details, a different set of jewellery on each pile of clothing.

"So what are you and the devil up to tonight?" We'd finished getting her ready and now were just killing time until it was time for her to meet her admirer. She'd assured me several times that she'd be fine, but there was no way I was leaving without knowing she'd definitely left too. Kate could be a stubborn, sneaky bitch when she wanted!

"I actually have no idea. Teej hasn't mentioned anything, for all I know he expects his bed is an acceptable reservation." Rolling my eyes at the distinct possibility, I hoped I was wrong. As much as I wouldn't mind that scenario, and didn't want nor expect anything too classy or outrageous, some semblance of treating the day as special would be nice.


After our little New Years fiasco, Chris and I decided it would probably be best to keep our interactions at team gatherings to a minimum. Just over a week on and TJ still wasn't talking to either of us, outside of what was needed between teammates on the ice.

Our second date had gone a lot smoother than the first - a simple standard dinner and movie combo, but it was nice. With Chris there was no pressure, no nerves. It was like we'd been friends for years, but with that added spark of a new romance.

"So you're
dating him now?" TJ ambushed me as I left The Perfect Brew. Tuesday night study sessions were part of my normal routine, but tonight I'd invited Chris along to join me. Letting him leave first while I caught up with Andy, I was a little put off that TJ seemed to be spying on us.

"So you're
stalking me now?" I countered as I kept walking. It was freezing out, but only a short few blocks back to the dorms.

TJ started to talk several times along our journey, but would clamp his mouth shut before any sound came out. By the time we reached my building he still hadn't forced whatever it was out.

"Look Teej, I don't have all night. Just spit it out or go back to avoiding me." Maybe a little harsh, but with the way he was acting lately, I had a lot of pent up frustration. Not only had I lost my fuck buddy, but also a good friend I could talk about pretty much anything with.

Sighing, TJ took his eyes off the snow at our feet and actually kept eye contact for more than a split second. It was hard to read his expression, there were too many emotions flickering back and forth. In the end, anger won out in a growling, "I don't like him with you."

Short. To the point. And once again, completely unhelpful.

"And who would you like with me, TJ? Not John, or Robert, or Carey, right? Oh, can't forget Alex either. Yea, I know you warned them all off before anything could go further than a first conversation." Venting wasn't as calming as it usually was. TJ had overstepped his bounds too many times without facing my wrath.

His eyes narrowed, not liking the attack he was now facing. "Come on, we both know all those guys are douchebags. I did you a favour."

"What's wrong with Chris then? We both know he's no asshole. And why the hell have you decided to start playing the protective older brother I never wanted? I can take care of myself and make my own mistakes, thanks." Shaking my head, I'd had enough of this conversation. "I obviously made one with you."

I mumbled that under my breath as I turned for the door, but TJ seemed to have picked up super hearing since we'd last talked, if him reaching for my arm and pulling me back into his chest was anything to go by. "I am
not a mistake," was whispered venomously into my ear.
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Thanks helloxellen for your comments =]
We'd love to hear from others too!!

Only 1 coin toss in this chapter.