Status: Active, but slow to update. Keep with it though (:

Our Guide.


I think Zeke is slowly letting his walls down and opening up to Evan and I. I know that sounds crazy because it's Zeke we're talking about, but since that day we skipped school at my house, he's hung out with Evan and I one other time. All we did was go to the local skate park; Evan likes skating and he isn't that bad, but I'm pretty terrible. I brought my board when we went, but most of the time I was sitting next to Zeke and Boomer talking away. For some reason, I was chatty-Kathy that evening, but I don't recall him complaining or rolling his eyes a lot. He strikes me as more of a listener than a talker, anyway.

He has also been eating lunch with us a lot more, although normally he leaves. I don't know where he goes or what he does, but when I once tried asking he told me he had important things to do. I'm assuming he meets Boomer because that strikes me as the only important thing he has anymore.

It's been over a week now, maybe two, and just yesterday I got Zeke to laugh. Yeah, I know. I don't know how it happened exactly, but it involved Evan and me and nicknames and wrestling. Suddenly, Zeke was laughing louder than I've ever heard him laugh before. It was first period and we weren't doing anything, as it was a Monday and our teacher was absent, and it just happened.

It was amazing. Beautiful. All those other corny adjectivies you don't care to know. Evan went right along with it, laughing too, but I had to be an idiot and stop to stare at him. Those dark eyes lit up, his tan lips spread into a grin showcasing his teeth, and his cheeks tinted red. He was gorgeous, seriously. I'm not sure what was more attractive, him like that or when he's fiesty and got his dark eyes narrowed at me. I guess they're different kinds of attractive.

I guess it was then when it hit me that I really, really liked him. Not the kind-of-like, not the I'm-not-sure-like, not the crush-like, but a like like. It was honest and it was real. His smile made my heartbeat speed up, his laugh made my stomach tighten, and the mention of his name sent me into a frinzy of thoughts filled of nothing but Zeke.

I'm pretty sure he is gay. I mean, Evan and I figured it out. He has never mentioned girls before, although he hasn't really mentioned guys either. Plus, when kids pick on him, he gets called fag a lot. I'm there more of the time and tell people to fuck off, but the way he reacts to the names is what makes me think he's into dudes. Plus he is more feminine than most guys. And his hips are insane- just saying.

I don't think he's into me, though. At least not right now. We're just barely in a friendship. I have to earn his trust and his friendship before I can attempt at easing into a romantic relationship. Also, I feel like maybe I should come out to some important people first, like Evan. Definitely not my parents just yet because I don't know how they would react, but Evan deserves to know. He's constantly asking me about 'the girl' in my classes I like.

Can you say awkward?

It's already September of my senior year and it's insane. My parents asked me the other day where I wanted to go to college and it blows my mind. I haven't really thought about college or what I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm not ready to grow up and make my own money! I want to live off my mom and dad for forever.

I'm a brat, aren't I? No, I just don't want to grow up. I wish I was Peter Pan.

It's Tuesday and I'm headed to school a bit earlier than usual. That's because I have a twenty in my wallet and my stomach is growling. Evan wasn't with me today, as it was a rare morning his mom didn't work, so he texted me saying he didn't need a lift. So I went along on my own, wishing Zeke had a cellphone so I could text him and ask if he needed a ride, which I know he did. We usually met up at that tree outside school before the first bell, and he always walked here with Boomer.

So anyway, I drove past the school and into town, pulling into the donut shop. Of course there were about three other cars in front of me, but that's why I left early. When I finally get up there, I don't think twice about what I'm going to order. I smile widely at the Hispanic woman at the window who smiles brightly back at me, asking in a thick accent what I would like.

"Um," I start off, squinting my eyes at the board with everything written on it, "How about a chocolate Eclair with a Mountain Dew," that was mine, but then I ordered something for Evan, which wasn't that hard to know what he wanted, "three pigs-in-a-blakents with cheese and a Dr. Pepper," but then I hesitated, wondering if I should do it or not. It's not like it'd give away my feelings would it? I'm getting Evan something so surely he wouldn't read into it. But then I don't really know what he likes or what he wants, so I bite my lip harshly as the Hispanic woman waits for me not-so patiently. Finally I just say, "I guess two glazed donuts and a chocolate milk. Throw in two sauges for me as well." She nods and tells me the total and I hand over my twenty, waiting for the change.

Maybe getting the suages for Boomer will put me on Zeke's good list. Obviously I'm not stupid; I know the way to his heart is through his dog, so I'll try my best. Besides, I've always sort of wanted a dog. My cats are just spoiled, fat fur balls that shed all over my bed and my mom's stuff.

I drive back out to school with my front seat full of bags and drinks, I smile on my face. You know how everyone has a 'love language?' I think mine is giving gifts, but that might just be because I've always gotten gifts as forms of love from my parents. We aren't money orientated or obsessed or snobby or anything, we just enjoy nice stuff. It kind of makes me laugh when I read Oli's entries about their house back then. It wasn't the one we live in now and it sounds smaller with a lot less stuff, but I guess Dad's job didn't really pick up until about ten years ago.

When I pull into the parking lot, there's still about fifteen minutes before the bell. Evan is literally standing in my spot and I laugh when I see him, waving excitedly at me as he jumps out of the way. I open my car door and grin at my best friend, who doesn't even wait for me to get out of the car before he's hugging my head into his chest and placing a wet, sloppy kiss on my forehead.

"Dude," I laugh, pushing him away. I wipe the salivia off my head and roll my eyes. "What's up with you?"

"I saw the bags in your front seat," he says, winking and making grabey hands for his food. I roll my eyes and grab what's his, handing it over before picking up all of mine and Zeke's stuff as well. "You're the best best friend ever!"

"Yeah, tell me about it," I roll my eyes playfully again, swinging my checkard backpack over my shoulder and attempting to balance two drinks and three bags.

"Were you hungry this morning?" Evan chides, picking up one of his pigs and shoving it into his mouth as we walk towards where he always meet Zeke.

"No, this is for Zeke and Boomer," I say. I suddenly hope Evan doesn't think of this as a romantic notion. I need to tell him myself, not let him assume things until he can't take it anymore. He doesn't see suspicious though because all he does is smile and nod. "He's starting to become apart of us."

"I know," Evan grins happily, opening his Dr. Pepper and taking a long swig. "It's awesome," Evan says after he swallows, shoving the rest of his pig in his mouth. He says through the mouthful, "I mean, I really think he's starting to open up and like us and shit."

"Nice wording," I laugh, hitting my elbow against his side. He rolls his eyes but grins nonetheless as we walk closer to our new friend.

God, is he gorgeous. I swear everyday he just gets more and more gorgeous, too. His dark hair is messy, a few bits sticking up in the back, and his dark eyes are sleepy. His shirt is rumpled and jeans extra tight this morning, but I can tell he just rolled out of bed. He is so adorable, and I think it's even cuter that is hand is fingers are lazily stroaking the top of Boomer's head.

"Sup bro!" Evan yells, throwing himself at Zeke.

Zeke's tired eyes widden but he catches my best friend nonetheless, stumbling back. Boomer's ears perk curiously and I smile at the pretty dog. Zeke looks at me bewildered and I laugh, shrugging my shoulders. I guess Evan really is in a good mood this morning.

"Fuck, sea-weed head," Zeke mumbles, pushing Evan away and rubbing the back of his neck. "Sam give you a bowl full of sugar this morning?"

Evan laughs and shakes his head, digging out another pig to stick in his mouth whole. "Nope," he says, some bread spitting out and Zeke grimaces. Is he a germ freak? How cute.

I swear I think everything he does is attractive in someway... Oh, I'm in deep, aren't I?

"This is for you," I say when I have the oporunity, holding out the milk and bag full of donuts. He looks at them oddly and is about to say no before I interupt. "Just take them, they didn't cost much."

"He got me mine," Evan says, smiling at Zeke's skeptic look. "Sammy's love language is gifts, he always buys his friends stuff." I give Evan a weird look as I'd just been thinking about that early, but easily get distracted by Zeke's pink cheeks. Is it because Evan said 'love' of 'friend.' This is a serious question which I'll probably never know the answer to.

"I didn't know what kind you like," I say sheepishly, shrugging my shoulders as he finally takes the bag and milk away from me, looking inside at the donuts. "So I just got you the generic. Um, yeah." I blush and Evan gives me another weird look and I swear he's going to guess I like Zeke. Fuck me.

"Thank you," Zeke says, his voice quiet and the most genuine I've heard it. It makes my stomach twist but I try to play it off by opening up the bag with sausage.

I take them out and squat in front of Boomer, who is eyeing the meat in my hand with hungry dark eyes. She starts drooling too and I can't help but laugh, saying in a doggy voice, "Awe, I couldn't forgwet yooh, Boomwer!" I can feel Zeke and Evan looking at me like I'm a freak but I ignore it. So what if I'm talking to a Boxer like she's a Yorkie? I can do what I want! "Here ya go girly," I grin, tossing the sasuage at her and she snaps it midair, hungrily eating it. With a laugh, I fold the bag and place the other one on the groud so she can eat is slower, which she instantly takes advantage of.

I stand up and look at my friends innocently. Evan seems to trying to hold back a laugh while Zeke looks in awe, and he's pretty cute like that. "What?" I say, feeling my face heat up considerably. Gah, I wish I wasn't a ginger! "I want her to like me more than you!" I chide, shoving at Evan's chest as he bursts out in laughter.

I glance at Zeke, but he quickly diverts his gaze, blushing and attempting to hide it under his hair. I smile lightly at the sight before he says, "Thank you for getting her that, you didn't have to." I just shrug but Zeke still seems to be in awe, thinking awfully hard of something. I really wish I knew what went on in that pretty little head of his.

I look back at Evan who's laughing and realize I could get used to this. Zeke being part of out group. The next step is telling Evan the truth, and maybe attempting a move on Zeke. Who knows what'll happen next.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well... yeah... just yeah..
I don't really feel like proof reading... sorry... Hehh.