Status: First chapter coming on 10-31-11

Apocalypse Love Story 2 Rise Of The Damned.

Chapter 2

It had been 24 hours since they left Jingle town and now they were coming up on Boise Idaho. The trip would have been quicker, but the roads were clogged with abandoned cars. And they checked several towns on the way for zombies.

They hardly found any so every one was itching for some action.

They pulled over in a grassy meadow not far from the city. And made camp.They parked the humvees and made a perimeter.

Christian stood on top of a large boulder so he could see every body,and said, ''OK everybody listen up.'' Everyone gathered around to hear him. ''I'll put together a team and scout the city. Find out where the zoms are hidden. And then we'll sweep in and eliminate them. Till then sit tight and keep your eyes peeled.''

''Count me in,'' Caleb said once christian was finished.

''Wouldn't have it any other way,''christian responded to his best friend.
Then Gloria walked up to them and said,''I'm in.''

''Ok. Looks like I' ve got my team.Be At my Humvee in ten.''

They each went their own ways to gather ammo and weapons. They met up at Christians Humvee, and Caleb rode in the back while Gloria rode shotgun.And they headed to Boise

Caleb sat down on his seat and began cleaning his MP5 sub-machine gun. He hummed a remake of an old song to himself as he worked, ''All those freaking zoms all those fucked up zoms, better run better run, faster than my bullet.''

He was dressed in a dark green shirt and camouflage pants. His backpack sat on the floor next to him. The backpack was stuffed with weapons. A machete handle peeked out of the top of the bag.

He picked up his two way-radio and said,'' I wonder if we'll find any zombies on this zombie hunt.''

''You know,''Gloria said over the radio, ''you're basically asking for someone to be infected just so that you can kill them.''

''Spoil sport,'' he retorted.

''Here we are,'' Christian said and stopped the vehicle.

Caleb hopped out of the back and put on his backpack.Both Gloria and Christian were dressed identical to Caleb.
The trio stuck together as they combed the city. And looked for anything, living or dead.

A few hours later Caleb thought he heard something.''Over here guys!'' he said and headed down a street. Gloria and Christian were right behind him.

Sky scrapers lined the streets around them, and a few cars sat in the middle of the street.
It was unnaturally quiet. Then an ear splitting screech echoed through the empty city. A cat bounded out of a nearby subway exit. With a zombie right behind it.

The zombie had several fresh scratches on its arms.

''Yes,'' Caleb said,''time for some fun.''

The zombie looked at Caleb for a second and then bolted forward unexpectedly fast. Caleb shot off a round of bullets and the creature fell flat on it's face.

But it wasn't finished with him yet. It staggered to its feet, as blood dripped from its face and chest where Caleb had shot him.

''Stubborn one aren't you?'' Caleb said and took out his machete. He quickly took off his backpack and gave Gloria his gun.

Zombie ran forward and Caleb ran to meet it. They were about to collide, but at the last second Caleb stepped to the left and beheaded the creature. The corpse fell with a thud and rolled a few feet before it came to a halt.

''You need to be careful. These guys can move fast.''Christian said.

''You worry too much,'' Caleb said,''come on it came from down here.'' and he walked down the subway entrance.

Not too far away the cat, that the zombie was chasing, limped down the street. Blood dripped from a wound on its shoulder and the wound looked a lot like a bite.

''We'll find out if there are any zombies down here,''Christian said,''if there are we'll go back and get backup.''

''Yes mom,'' Caleb said in an annoyed tone.

''Hey,'' Gloria said, as Christian walked up ahead.They were in the abandoned subway tunnels walking along the tracks. Florescent lights lit up the tunnel.

''Here's your stuff,'' she said and gave Caleb his backpack and gun.

''Thanks,'' he said to his girlfriend.

''I know that the zombies killed your parents," she said," and your angry. And that drives you, but don't get yourself killed. We still need you among the living.''

''Don't worry,'' he said as he put his machete away.

''Anyway,'' Gloria said, ''these zombies are pretty dumb.''

''Hey guys,'' Charlie hissed at them,''we've found them.''

The three friends looked around a curve in the tunnel, at six zombies that were walking away.

''There's six of them and three of us,'' Christian said.

''I think we can handle those odds,'' Caleb said. And before anyone could object he walked up to the zombies, and started shooting.

A few stray bullets hit the lights and plunged the tunnel into darkness.
Gloria fished in her pockets and quickly found a flashlight. She turned it on and a bloody face popped up right in front of her. She let out a startled yelp and shot the zombie down. The trio ran down the tunnel to a more illuminated section. With the zombies right behind them.

Shots echoed down the filthy tunnel, followed by inhuman moans.

''Come on guys!'' Christian shouted as he ran down the tunnel.

Caleb glanced back, as he ran after Christan, and saw that there were now dozens of zombies chasing them..

''I thought there weren't supposed to be this many left!'' he said to Christian. ''Well I guess we thought wrong,'' Gloria said.

If they could just make it up to the surface. Then they could light a flare and backup would come quickly.

They reached a fork in the tunnel, and Christian took the right hand tunnel.
He was a couple dozen feet ahead of his friends so he disappeared around a curve for a second.

Then shots rang out and he came running back.

''Not that way!'' he shouted.

Gloria looked behind to see how close the zombies were. They were very close.

''Shit!'' she said.

They were trapped. Zombies were coming in on both sides. But then Caleb noticed that there was a boarding platform, a short distance away.

''Hey I see an exit!'' he said.

''It's behind the zombies.''Christian said.

''So lets kill some zombies!'' Caleb responded with a smile. He took a machete out of his backpack, and ran forward to meet the monsters.

''Caleb!'' Christian shouted. 'If we survive this I'll kill him,' he thought. He and Gloria followed
Caleb's lead.

Caleb mowed down zombies like the pro that he was. Bullets flew and zombie's fell. He was in the thick of them when a zombie grabbed his gun. But Gloria shot its head off before it could do anything.

''Thanks,'' Caleb said. Then shot a zombie that was coming up behind her.

Before they knew it the path to the platform was clear. All the zombies were behind them now. The guys hopped up onto the platform and bolted for the exit. They leaped over the short gate that led to the stairs. And ran up the stairs.

Christian pulled out a grenade. Pulled the pin and tossed it down the stairs behind himself. As soon as they reached the street the grenade exploded.

The guys hit the ground instinctively. To avoid any shrapnel. The zombies were fried. ''Yeah!'' Caleb shouted as he got up. He and Gloria gave each other high-fives.

''Caleb,'' Christian said,''did I ever tell you that you're freaking crazy?''

''Only every day,'' Caleb responded,''but you've gotta be a little crazy to survive here.'' He gave Christian a confident smile.

Christian couldn't help but smile as he shook his head, and they all headed to camp.