Two Angels: The story of Nemesis and Themis

The Beginning

A long time ago there were two humans; they looked just like anyone else. They had long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, tall, willowy frames with curves that would drive the boys in town crazy; but that didn’t come to later.

It starts even before the two twins were even born. It all started in a place the humans call Heaven; and a prophecy about two twins called to be the humans protectors.

Now “Heaven” was different for everyone. It was everyone’s version of their own personal Heaven just as Hell was everyone’s own personal version of Hell. Some people’s version was calm and tranquil more so than others; then others was quite the stereotype.

The angels weren’t as the humans had imaged them. They were quite different. They all had different jobs and responsibilities. Their various appearances depended on their souls, and so did their jobs. All their jobs were important; but some were higher up on importance than others.

The angels were all quite different. Some had long, long hair, with their white “robes”. Some had iridescent wings. Some had wings that were clearly visible no matter what, and couldn’t leave Heaven. Then still there were those that were even more Human than believed.