Status: Not as Popular as I hoped, but as long as at least one person likes it, I will continue to post it.

Take These Broken Wings and Learn to Fly

In Another Life

He didn't mean to deceive Kurt, he didn't mean to lie, but what good would he and Kurt be miserable? None, so he hid his feelings, behind his assorted bow ties, and his love of anything shiny that moved, he was still, very broken over everything that happened.
His parents were going to go to jail, and apparently, the maximum for rape without death was ten years, being a first time account and being it was on a gay boy, who was of age, only a few years would even be considered, he wouldn't have been surprised if his father got away with only a small probation or some shit. It scared him, he was going to file for a restraining order, but what good would that do? It wouldn't take away the pain that his father has put into him.
Kurt shifted next to him in bed, and Blaine looked over at him, unadulterated, perfection, that was Kurt. Everything that Blaine ever wanted in bed next to him, and Blaine couldn't think of anyone he wanted to be with more than Kurt. He rolled over and just looked at Kurt, tears falling down his face, and he just laid there, tears streaming out. He couldn't help them at that point, it was over, all of his lying, it was over and his emotions just took over. Blaine slid out of the bed, and walked lightly on his toes, to the bathroom.
He closed the door lightly, to not wake Kurt up, and locked it, he turned on the water, and splashed his face with it, but it didn't help. He could feel it, immense sadness, and a heaviness on his face. Blaine slid down, his back on the wall as he began to week. His elbows rested on his knees and he just cried, it wasn't long before it turned into the ugly sobbing, regardless of what happened, he wouldn't be able to stop, so he reached over and unlocked the bathroom door with a shaking hand.
It was minutes later that the door opened and a rather tired looking Kurt glanced down, “Blaine?” he moved to sit next to Blaine and wrapped his arms around the boy, he didn't say anything. Blaine was thankful for it, but he couldn't stop the crying. Blaine had reached his breaking point and there was no going back, he didn't know how long he could physically cry, but he just assumed it was a long time.
Kurt made him feel only a little better, Kurt's fingers running in his hair and Blaine's hands wrinking up his shirt.
“Kurt I don't want to see them, I don't want to, Kurt please don't make me.” he grumbled into Kurt's shirt, his words coming out slurred and broken as he was still sobbing. He hated being like this, he hated looking weak and afraid in front of Kurt. But instead of being disgusted with Blaine for acting like a child, Kurt just pulled him closer, Blaine curled up on his lap. “Blaine, listen to me.” he whispered, his hand rubbing Blaine's back soothingly, Blaine looked up at Kurt, his whole face hurt from sobbing and tears still came from his eyes.
“I know you don't want to see them, I do. But you are the strongest man I've ever met, and if it were me, I wouldn't want to go either, trust me, I wouldn't want to go. But you have to. Blaine...” Kurt took his boyfriend's face in his hands, “if you testify, they can be put in jail, you won't have to worry about your father, or your mother ever again..” Kurt had put his lips on Blaine's head and Blaine just shook his head, tears continuing to stream.
“Kurt we are gay. That shouldn't stop us but it does, it really does. People hurt us, they hate us, even Finn doesn't like me, I can tell. The judge will just see that I'm the man's homosexual son, and the won't care anymore.” Blaine was afraid to look up at Kurt's horrified face, he didn't want to see how disappointed that Kurt was when he heard that.
Kurt's hand continued to rub his back, “You taught me to stand up for myself, Blaine. I know you are an amazing man, and being gay shouldn't stop you. You shouldn't think of it like this.” he whispered. “Come on, let's get into bed, and we can lay together and just talk.”
Blaine, who had yet to stop crying, nodded slowly and stood up slowly with Kurt, holding his hand as if his life depended on it.
The dorm had two small beds that Kurt pushed together at one point that week so they could cuddle. Blaine climbed in on his side of the beds and tried wiping his face on his sleeves, but it was useless. He had started crying and he wouldn't stop. Not for a while at the very least.
Kurt crawled in as well and pulled the comforter over them, taking Blaine in his arms. Blaine let his head rest on Kurt's chest, feeling the light breathing and the heartbeat he loved so much.
“I have dreams about it Kurt.” Blaine said softly, his fingers knotting into Kurt's shirt, “Nightmares. For the first time in my life I've been having nightmares and they terrify me.” he whispered.
Kurt nodded lightly, running his fingers over Blaine's back soothingly, “What happen in the nightmares?” he looked over at Blaine and bent over to kiss Blaine's head lightly. Blaine shuddered a bit and drew the covers closer to him, “Just my dad, and my mom.” he whispered, “Sometimes they are about when I came out about being gay and they shunned me, and sometimes they are about when my dad is drunk and he use to beat me. I was so afraid, when I was younger, that the reason my dad was so miserable was because of me. Because I'm such a horrible son.” Blaine sighed lightly and wrinkled his nose as he felt how wet Kurt's shirt was becoming. “I didn't want to mess up your shirt.” he mumbled, feeling more tears coming. What was up with his emotions? It was just a shirt, and he had begun to cry, again.
Kurt chuckled lightly and Blaine looked up, his face distraught, “Blaine.” said Kurt softly, running his fingers over Blaine's cheeks, “You are worth a million times more than a shirt.” he informed, “I have a two hundred dollar shirt, and I'd burn it before I let anything happen to you.” he informed, cupping Blaine's cheeks and kissing him lightly. Blaine looked up at Kurt and made a pitiful attempt at smiling. “I love you so much,” he whispered, burying his head in Kurt's chest. He felt Kurt's hand tighten over his and he just smiled.
Kurt's hand was still busy rubbing Blaine's back as Blaine spoke about his life, his parents, just everything. Blaine appreciated more than he could say, he still felt bad the Kurt had to take care of him when he should be taking care of Kurt. Kurt was so small, fragile and lovely. Why wasn't Blaine being a good boyfriend?
Blaine had stopped talking, surprised by the dryness of his cheeks, he had ran out of tears to cry, for that day anyway, he looked up at Kurt's eyes, light blue and always sparkling, “I love you.” the taller man whispered to Blaine and Blaine could feel eevn more tears well in his eyes. “I love you too. I really do.” whispered Blaine throatily.
Kurt had closed his eyes, bringing Blaine's hand towards his lips. Not kissing it, just letting it rest against his lips.
“I'm going to stay here tomorrow,” Blaine said softly, his fingers running patterns on Kurt's hand, “ want you to go to class, someone has to bring my homework, and you are finally getting an A in Mr. Gopner's class.” Blaine stated. The doctor gave him a pass for the semester, any day that he didn't feel up to going to class, he didn't have to. The doctor himself told the teachers to allow him absence, however that did not extend to Kurt.
Kurt shook his head, “There is no way, I'm staying with you.” Blaine shook his head, “Do you really want to just watch me eat a lot of chocolate and watch football?” he teased, even though that was damn well what he was going to do.
Kurt just smiled, “That sounds lovely.” But Blaine just shook his head, “I want you to go to class. I'm not letting you skip any more classes for me.” His eyes were wide as he looked up at Kurt, “Please, just go to class. I'll be a bore all day.” he insisted.
Kurt pursed his lips, “I don't want to leave you.” he whispered but Blaine just smiled softly, “It's okay, honestly.” he said, caressing Kurt's cheeks. Kurt just looked at him for a few moments, but eventually nodded. Blaine supposed it was because Blaine seemed so adamant about the subject.
The midnight bell rang and Kurt kissed Blaine's head, “Let's sleep.”
When Blaine woke up, it was noon and the bed was empty next to him, he took a deep breath and laid back. He hated the feelings he was feeling, everything rushed at him from everywhere and it was horrible, he felt like he was drowning and no one could save him. Maybe Kurt, but not at that moment. Not when he was that broken. Blaine had to get up and eat something, maybe chocolate and some Harry Potter or football... no, Quidditch! He went to his side of the lists of movies he had and pulled out Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, he then looked closely at the list of movies he had, and began to pull out Julie and Julia, Winnie the Pooh, Rebecca, The Devil Wears Prada, and The Notebook. Lining all of them up, he just looked at them, wondering which ones to watch first.
He decided that Harry Potter was what he was in the mood for. He put it in the DVD player and walked out of the room, listening to the opening notes of the Harry Potter theme song, he pulled out a big bowl and filled it with chocolate ice cream and got out a packet of Red Vines to watch Harry Potter. He walked back in the main part of the dorm room and sat down on his red leather chair, his legs pulled up to his chest, he turned on the movie and took a bite out of his ice cream. He could sit, cry, watch Harry Potter and eat sweets all day.
Blaine leaned his head back and took another large bite out of his ice cream. The next hour was uneventful, watching Harry Potter emotionlessly while eating far too much ice cream, he might have wanted to go running later, but he didn't care about his weight at that moment. \
He heard the key move in the lock, and Kurt soon walked in, taking in the empty bowl of ice cream and the Red Vine in Blaine's hand, Kurt just laughed a little bit. “Harry Potter?” he teased and leaned over to kiss Blaine gently on the lips. He moved away and tilted his head, before liking his thumb and getting the chocolate off of Blaine's face.
“How about we go out for some coffee for Lunch?” offered Kurt lightly. But Blaine moved him out of the way theatrically, “Harry's getting attacked by the grindelows!” he said and looked at the screen which was full of little alien like creatures. Kurt moved over and paused it, “Come on Blaine.” he said and pulled Blaine off of the chair, “Get dressed, we are going out.”
“But Kurt.” pouted Blaine, “Harry Potter.”
Kurt laughed and pulled Blaine out of his tank top, going towards their closet to find him something to wear. Kurt soon came out with some jeans and a white t-shirt for Blaine, which Kurt pulled over Blaine's head.
“I'm not four!” protested Blaine, pulling Kurt in to a kiss, but Kurt just laughed, “Then you can put your own pants on.” he informed, handing Blaine the jeans. Blaine turned the TV back on and changed into his jeans, sticking his tongue out at Kurt, who didn't see it on account he was doing his hair again. Blaine, who's hair was beyond salvageable, was a tangled mess of curls, looking a lot like how people wore their hair in the 80s. Kurt looked at his hair disapprovingly for public venue, but ignored it, and Blaine stuck his tongue out at Kurt.
“Yeah, you are so not four.” teased Kurt as he looked at Blaine's silly demeanor, “I love you.” laughed Blaine. His laughs were still not real, but a lot closer to it. It was obvious he wasn't over the previous night's events, no one would be completely over what happened,. Regardless he took Kurt's hand, “Come on, let's go then.” he stated. Kurt smiled and kissed his cheek, squeezing his hand. “I love you, you love me, let's get together and kill Barney.” sang Blaine childishly.
Kurt laughed and walked with him out of the dorm, locking the door on the way out.
“Where do we want to have lunch?” asked Kurt.
Blaine looked at him, “I ate a full half-gallon of ice cream and a full box of Red Vines, I couldn't eat anymore if I wanted to.” he admitted. And Kurt just smiled at him, “Where am I eating then?” he asked.
“How about you eat a small lunch and I'll take you out for dinner?” he offered with a smile. Kurt raised an eyebrow, “Where will you take me?” he questioned with a tease. Blaine grinned cheekily at Kurt, “That my love is a surprise. You're birthday is in a month, you will be eighteen and then we will graduate and live happily ever after with lots of surprises from me, like kisses and dinners, and gifts.” Blaine grinned at Kurt, who suddenly had a contemplating look on his face. Blaine smiled at him and kissed his nose as they walked down the Dalton hallways. Wes who was also going out for lunch smiled and waved at them. Blaine smiled back, and Kurt waved cheerfully, they continued to walk until they got to Blaine's car. His car was a simple car, a silver Honda Civic Hybrid, Kurt hadn't thought it simple at first, but realized it was really good on the gas and they rode in it often.
Blaine got in the driver's seat and looked only at Kurt once he had sat down. “You are truly the only person I have ever been in love with.” he said softly, leaning over to grasp Kurt's hand, “I have never cared for anyone as much as I do you.” he also stated. “Which brings the question, what would you like for lunch?” he said, starting the car, still looking at Kurt.
Kurt tilted his head, “I dunno.” he said, “How about Olive Garden?” he offered and Blaine nodded, “Olive Garden it is.” he said and backed out of the driveway, “In three years we can go there and order alcohol.” he informed and leaned over, kissing Kurt before he heard Kurt groan, “You and alcohol? Been there. Done that. Let's not repeat that visit, shall we?” he teased and Blaine just smiled wickedly, “What, you don't like how I act when I'm drunk?”
“Well the last time you were drunk you made out with Rachel Berry.” he stated, bringing it up again.
“If I say it once, I'll say it a thousand times, her sober kiss... sucked.” he informed.
Kurt messed with the radio some, Katy Perry's new song came up as soon as he found a channel he knew he liked.
“This is a sad one.” said Blaine softly as he turned it up, turning to the road. “Be prepared, if we ever get in a fight, I will probably serenade you with this.”
Kurt just smiled, “You and Katy Perry, I swear, if she asked you to marry her you would go straight for her.” he teased and Blaine just chuckled.

“Summer after high school when we first met” Blaine began to sing along to the lyrics softly, Kurt's hand went immediately to his.
“We make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my 18th Birthday”
Kurt remembered the day after Blaine's eighteenth birthday he had found Blaine in a pool of blood. The memories hurt him, but hurt Blaine more.
“We got matching tattoos

Used to steal your parents' liquor
And climb to the roof
Talk about our future”
Blaine had stoped singing ang was just driving, and Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.
“Like we had a clue
Never planned that one day
I'd be losing you”
Blaine's hand tightened on Kurts.

In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away

I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you
I put those records on

Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the Blues
It's time to face the music
I'm no longer your muse

But in another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The one
The one that got away

All this money can't buy me a time machine
Can't replace you with a million rings
I shoulda told you what you meant to me
'Cause now I pay the price

In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The one.

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away

As the song ended Blaine looked over at Kurt, “Never leave me.” he whispered, Kurt just smiled and shook his head, “Never.” he promised. Blaine pulled into Olive Garden, which was conveniently close to Dalton.
Kurt got out and skipped over to Blaine's side, Blaine was still in the process of getting out of the car when he saw Kurt and chuckled. “You are so enthusiastic, I love that about you.” he informed and took Kurt's hand. He had stopped caring what other people thought, and he and his boyfriend walked into the restaurant. They didn't sit on the bar, even though Blaine did have a fake ID that would have allowed them to, but he didn't want to drink. Not yet.
Kurt ordered the Salad and Breadsticks, and Blaine tilted his head, “Alright, I would like the Sampler Italiano, with calamari, stuffed mushrooms, and fried mozzarella, for an entree I would like the Lasagna Rollata al Forno. And for a drink I just want a coke. Kurt wants a water." he knew Kurt's drink order easily. He would never drink anything caffeinated.
Kurt looked at him wide eyed. "Oh, and make my order to go please." Blaine added and Kurt nodded, understanding. Blaine would be hungry for lunch the next day.
The waiter nodded, wished them a good day, and left to get their drinks. "So we can spend my free period I have next period here, and then go home, and I have a surprise for you next week." he clapped his hands together, deserving a confused look from Blaine, but Kurt didn't seem to care.
Blaine, still full from the ice cream, took his coke at the ready and began to drink it as soon as Kurt's water was in front of him.
“Anything else?”
Blaine looked at Kurt and raised an eyebrow, but Kurt just smiled and shook his head, “No, thank you.” he said politely.
Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand and just smiled at him.
“So, apparently Finn and Rachel broke up, and there was some big deal about a kiss that happened in New York at sectionals.”
“Wait, what?”
“So apparently in the middle of the stage after their performance, in front of everyone they kissed. They got like, 12th place.”
Blaine blinked, “That's entirely unprofessional.” he said and shook his head, “No offense I know they are your friends and all, but to kiss in the midst of a performance? I just think that is way too unprofessional.” he stated.
Kurt nodded, “I know right, they were broken up before apparently, and now they are back together. So we have no clue what's going on.”
Blaine nodded and rested his head on his hand, “Wes and his girlfriend are still together, but David and his broke up. And Nick apparently enjoyed my hiatus because he got the solos. I'm glad, he needed the solos, he is amazing.” Blaine said, catching Kurt up on everything that's been going on. “Oh, and Harry Potter and chick flick marathon has thus begun. If you come home and I'm crying in front of the TV, I'm probably watching the Notebook.” he informed.
Kurt gave him a look, “there will be no Notebook watching unless I am there!” he said avidly to Blaine in a false stern voice.
“Fine, Fine, I'll watch Rebecca again. We really need some new movies. And a cat. A cat would be nice, and is allowed in Dalton. Just sayin'.” His attempt to be nonchalant made Kurt laugh and he smiled at the sound.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, if you are reading, comment! Let me have an idea! Do you like it?!