Status: Not as Popular as I hoped, but as long as at least one person likes it, I will continue to post it.

Take These Broken Wings and Learn to Fly

Don't You

Blaine was fast asleep on the bed, the small kitten Adele was curled in the crook of his neck, stepping into the hallway, Kurt called Carol.

"Kurt? How are you?"

"Fine, fine, listen, a lot has been going on this week. I got Blaine the cat because he had his mental breakdown, so he and the cat are sleeping. I don't think we will be able to make it to the dinner, it's been a tough week. Can I talk to my dad?"

Carol seemed to understand, "of course, of course, I'll go get him."

Soon enough Kurt heard Burt's voice over the phone, "Dad?" Kurt asked softly, "Is it okay if Blaine and I don't come to the Dinner tonight? It's a long drive and Blaine's asleep and I am tired." he said. "We will come next weekend, but we just got back to school and it's hard on us. We can come, but we are both really tired." he seemed almost scared, and Burt could probably hear it.

"Alright, make sure you are here next weekend. That one you have to come to, these things are sacred Kurt, you can't just miss them."

"I know dad, thank you. I love you." said Kurt softly, "We will see you guys next week anyway, that's Blaine's trial. He's pretty upset over it all." admitted Kurt.

"Yeah yeah, that's fine. I understand." Burt said, "Love you too, bye."

"Bye Dad."

As soon as he hung up, Kurt walked back into the room, "morning beautiful." he said softly, climbing into bed with Blaine and Adele. Blaine rubbed his face adorably, like he always did when he woke up, his lips slightly parted and his eyes still closed. Kurt picked up Adele and moved her to the foot of the bed, where she yawned, gave him a look, and curled back asleep at Blaine's feet. When Blaine opened his eyes they were full of tears, Kurt wrapped his arms around him tightly.

"Another nightmare?" Kurt asked softly. Blaine nodded wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. "Y-yes." he whispered rather pitifully.

Kurt let Blaine snuggle into his chest, Blaine's face burrowing into the curve of Kurt's neck as Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's hair. "I'm here now." he whispered, "You're safe," he mused. "Nothing's going to harm you, not while I'm around." he sang softly into Blaine's ear. Blaine just looked up at Kurt and took a few deep breath, frowning deeply. "I just want this to end, the nightmares, the fear. I hate not being able to sleep."

Kurt nodded and pulled him close. "I know, baby, I know." he said to Blaine who clung to his shirt for dear life.

Blaine looked over at Kurt and sighed, "I don't want to be afraid anymore." he whispered into the crook of Kurt's neck.

Crookshanks, who seemed to notice something was wrong with her daddy Blaine, fought to get past the mountains of legs and blankets, she finally collapsed in a small orange heap next to Blaine's head. She stumbled up close to him and began to lick his face. Blaine smiled softly at the kitten as she continuously licked his face. Licking all of the tears away.

Blaine reached over to pet the cat who purred as he whispered, "Crookshanks." to her, she seemed rather contented and curled back up to sleep next to him, doing some sort of a weird purr-snore.

"We are stuck with the name, aren't we?" Kurt whispered and Blaine did a resemblence of a grin, "Oh yes." he promised.

Kurt kissed Blaine's curly hair and smiled, "I love you, Blaine." Kurt murmured into his unstyled hair.

"I appreciate everything you do for me, you make me happy and I love you." Blaine told Kurt honestly, his eyes finding Kurt's, who smiled at Blaine. "Not nearly as happy as you make me." Kurt's voice was heavy and broken as he pushed the kitten out of the way- gently- so he could cuddle up next to his boyfriend and lean down to kiss Blaine's nose, "You have no idea how much you mean to me." he whispered.

Blaine just smiled sadly at Kurt, "Let's go to the dinner." he said softly, "It's in two hours so we have time."

Kurt perked up slightly, 'Really?" he asked in amazement.

"Really. I know how much this means to you." he said.

Kurt just beamed at the boy, standing up. "We can come back so Crookshanks isn't left all night alone." he informed.

That was the first time he used Crookshanks to describe Adele. The cat would always be Adele to him, regardless of what Blaine insisted on calling her.

Blaine rolled out of the bed and smiled at Kurt, before going into the bathroom to attempt to flatten the hair that was so out of control on his head. It only worked a little, but it did work some, and Blaine's hair was soon close to presentable. Kurt had changed out of his plain white t-shirt, and walked into the bathroom shirtless to find the shirt he was looking for, and Blaine's eyes followed him in the mirror, forgetting about everything for a moment as his lips parted. Kurt looked over and smiled a bit at Blaine, who was just there, starstruck in a gray V neck t-shirt and jeans. "How did I manage to get you?" he asked Kurt lightly, "Especially as you were in love with me first." he walked over to Kurt, "After all, what isn't there to love about you." he brought Kurt in for a kiss. Kurt smiled, "I need a shirt." he said, flattening a curl that managed to escape Blaine's hair gel.

Blaine moved to kiss Kurt lightly on the nose and let him go, taking off his own shirt and going to the same closet Kurt was to find a new one.

Kurt looked over at him, "How do you do that?" he asked with a groan. Blaine looked over at him an arched an eyebrow, "Do what?"

"Have that perfect body and eat that much junk food!" Kurt said and groaned. Blaine looked over at him again and just laughed, "I go running every day, and go to the gym every other day. You know this." he informed. Kurt just groaned.

Blaine pulled out a gray long sleeved shirt and just looked at Kurt, "Here." he said handing Kurt the shirt, pulling out a white button up shirt for himself.

Kurt just looked at him dreamily, "Always the gentleman." he said swaying lightly as he took the shirt and pulled it on over his head carefully. Blaine pulled his own shirt and smiled at Kurt, his eyes lighting up, pulling Kurt close to him, swaying together. He looked up at his boyfriend and brought him into a deep hug, "I love you." he whispered into Kurt's ear.

Kurt kissed the curve of Blaine's neck before reaching up, pulling out a black vest and a matching scarf for himself, and pulling out Blaine's black sweater. "It's a little cold out." he informed pulling on the vest.

Blaine smiled a bit and looked at him, hearing a loud meow as the kitten stumbled into the room. Blaine chuckled and pulled his shirt on buttoning his own buttons, pulling on the sweater and walking out to put some shoes on.

"Come on, Kurt!" he called from the main room, and Kurt soon walked out, his hair once again perfect, he had to redo it a little.

Blaine's hair looked wet and curly, but it was better than poofy Kurt supposed.

Blaine held out his hand for Kurt and smiled brightly at him, and Kurt took his hand, "Let's go then." Blaine opened the door for Kurt and Kurt walked out, pulling Blaine with him. Blaine remembered back before they started dating, "The touch of the fingertips is as sexy as it gets." He loved Kurt, he truly did, and he would do anything for the man, especially if all it was happened to be going to a dinner with him and his family. It was a small price to pay.

Blaine locked the door and followed Kurt who was chattering aimlessly about a musical Blaine didn't hear the name of, he was suddenly overcome by a giant sense of nausea. "Kurt." he said, "I forgot something, I'll be right back, wait by the car." he said and kissed Kurt on the lips before turning and running back to the building, stumbling over his own feet. When he got to the door, he fumbled for his keys, barely making it through the door before he was in the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet. The sense was not very good, he hated being sick. Especially when it involved throw up, because that was just disgusting to him.

He wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet, taking a deep breath. He went to the sink and took out his toothbrush, quickly scrubbing his mouth clean of the taste. He put the brush back up, looked in the mirror and made sure he looked okay before petting the cat and walking back outside. The sense of nausea passed and he stood there for a few seconds to make sure it didn't come back. When he was sure he was okay, only tired, he walked back to the car, coughing slightly.

Kurt looked up as Blaine returned, "What did you forget?" he asked.

"To turn the lights off." Blaine didn't lie, they had forgotten to turn all of the lights off when they left. Kurt gave him an odd look, "I'm driving." he said, reaching into Blaine's pocket and grabbing his keys, Blaine allowed him to take the keys, and walked over to the passenger side. He got in the car and slid off his shoes. As soon as Kurt put the keys in the ignition Blaine began playing with the radio until he got to a station in the middle of, Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings. He sang along to the music as he slid off of his shoes and brought his legs up to his chest. "You and me." he sang as the last note ended and he slid his hand over Kurt's, his thumb moving slowly over Kurt's smooth hand. He smiled in a goofy way over at Kurt and Kurt just laughed.

Kurt backed out of the driveway and smiled softly, Blaine put his head on the window and just closed his eyes to maybe nap.

"Will you tell me what you really went to our dorm for?" Kurt's voice was soft, and forgiving, knowing Blaine lied to him. He would always know it seemed.

Blaine sighed heavily and kept his eyes closed, "I got sick to my stomach. It's probably from a diet completely based on sugar." he said offhandedly.

Kurt gave him a rather mean look, "Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded, his voice rising a little in worry.

"Because it's no big deal, I didn't want you to worry." Blaine looked at him, his outer lip protruding lightly, Kurt just shook his head, not buying the sweet act, "Not acceptable, Blaine." he said slowly, very slowly, "You need to tell me everything, everything, if we are going to stay together for the rest of our lives." Kurt's eyes glances over to Blaine, who was silent, his legs still close to his chest, "I'm sorry." Blaine had whispered to Kurt, his eyes filling with tears, "I'm sorry, I don't want anything to separate us, I didn't want you to worry." he had begun to talk quickly without making much sense like he often did when he was worried, or scared.

Kurt just gripped his hand lightly, "I'm not mad, I just want you to always be honest with me."

Blaine nodded slowly, bringing Kurt's hand to his lips, "I love you" he whimpered.

Kurt nodded. "I know, Blaine. I love you too." he said softly.

Blaine leaned against the window again, "I think I'll sleep for a while, I've been tired lately." he said and Kurt nodded, "Of course, love."

Blaine slept for most of the trip to Lima, Kurt used this opportunity to play Gaga, but he was also worried. Throwing up, Blaine being really tired... he would talk to Blaine about this afterwords, but they were almost to Lima, and they would be going back home right after dinner.

Kurt looked over at Blaine and sighed a bit, but continued driving.

They were soon at the house and Kurt got out, opening Blaine's door carefully, "Blaine?" he said and kissed Blaine's head, "Come on, honey." he whispered, "We are going inside. You can lay down there." he said and Blaine just groaned a bit, opening his eyes, "fumints." he grumbled, wanting a few more minutes to sleep. Kurt smiled softly, "Come on, sweetheart." he whispered, helping Blaine out. Blaine leaned on Kurt, putting his arm around Kurt's shoulder and walked with him. Kurt walked up to the house, helping Blaine along, he ringed the doorbell, unable to get the keys with Blaine's weight on him.

Carol opened the door and smiled widely, "Kurt!" she said excitedly, "Blaine! I didn't expect you two to come!"

Kurt smiled, "Blaine insisted we come, but he doesn't feel to well, so can he lay down in my room?" he asked.

Carol nodded, "Of course she said, and put her hand on Blaine's forehead, "You are burning up!" he said and looked at him. "I'll fix you some tea, go up to Kurt's room and lay down." she said. Blaine nodded, "Thanks." he whispered and Kurt helped him up the stairs. Kurt groaned and decided that having Blaine walk wasn't the best option, and he paused, half-way up the stairs. "Dad!" he called, knowing he couldn't carry Blaine himself.

Burt's voice came from the hall, "What?" he asked.

"Can you help me with Blaine?" he called out.

Burt came from the side and looked up at Kurt, "What do you need son?" he asked. Kurt looked at Blaine, "Can you carry Blaine upstairs?" he asked.

Burt nodded and came up the stairs, picking Blaine up and carrying him up the stairs with ease, "He's actually pretty heavy." grunted Burt as he made it to the top of the stairs and found Kurt's room. Kurt opened the door and Burt put Blaine on Kurt's bed.

"Let's go eat Kurt, Blaine just need rest."

Kurt looked at his boyfriend, unwilling to leave him, "I'm not sure..."

"Kurt, he just needs to sleep, but you need to eat." he said, putting a hand on Kurt's shoulder, "Besides, Carol made pasta."

Kurt hesitated, but eventually nodded and walked out of his room with his father. He sat at the table and Carol came out with some warm tea, "I'll give this to Blaine and be right back."

Kurt who had been desperately looking for a reason to go back to that room nodded, "I'll go with you!" he said quickly, standing up.

Carol shook her head, "No. Sit." she said and gave him a look.

Kurt sat down and shook his head a bit, resting his head in his hands.

Finn who sat down across from Kurt laughed at him, "Chill dude, you're so uptight." he said. If looks could kill... Finn would be six feet under. Kurt glared at him, "Finn, I love Blaine, you may not know this feeling with Rachel, but if something happens to Blaine.. oh my God!" he put his head back down on his hands, almost about to cry.

Burt put his hand on Kurt's back and gave him a pat, but Kurt just put his head on the table, "He can't be sick, not after everything that happened. This is not fair." he said over and over.

If there was a God up there, even though Kurt thoroughly believed against it, that God was sure masochistic and hateful. Blaine, who has never been mean to anyone, was so hurt all the time.

Kurt sighed as the food came out, he couldn't eat. "I want to get Blaine home." he said with a sigh, "He wasn't this bad when we left, can I just take him home?" he asked softly. Carol nodded and put her hand on Kurt's, "We all hope he feels better."

"If it gets work I'm taking him to the hospital." Kurt promised.

They had soon carried Blaine to the car, he was hot and sleeping, running a fever. Kurt has never seen a sickness progress as fast as this... maybe Blaine had been sick all this time but just didn't say anything about it! Kurt was close to tears as he got into the driving seat and took Blaine home.






Blaine hadn't been feeling well, he woke up next to Kurt and Crookshanks, unable to breathe very well. He slid out of bed, and stumbled blindly to the drawer that contained his inhaler. He felt as if his chest was imploding as he grabbed it and breathed the medication into his system. To his surprise it didn't help and he put his hand over his mouth, tears about to escape his body. He ran to the bathroom and once again and threw up, once again flushing the toilet. He heard Kurt getting out of bed, but just collapsed against the toilet. His head was pounding, and every single step was like death. His breathing was short and heavy as Kurt walked into the bathroom, worry plastered on his face. "Blaine, what hurts?" he didn't have to ask what's wrong? or is something wrong? Because he knew that something was obviously wrong, he wanted to know what hurt.

Blaine was tired, his forehead full of sweat, his head pounding. He could taste copper but didn't think anything of it. His chest was tight, and his muscles were sore. The worst part of all of it, was he couldn't breath. He could, barely, but it wasn't much, and he barely stayed conscious. He was seconds from full on hyperventilation, he felt like hell.

"Everything." gasped out Blaine. Kurt pulled him up carefully, it has gone on too long for this to continue.

Blaine tripped and stumbled as Kurt pulled him up and they walked out of the bathroom, Kurt carrying most of Blaine as they stumbled through. Blaine took his arms off of Kurt's shoulder and Kurt looked at him, his face plastered with worry, "Blaine?" he asked softly, his arm outstretched for his boyfriend, Blaine stood up on his own, his face scared, and tears streaming out of his eyes, "Kurt..." he coughed out, "I don't..." his hands went up to his mouth and he began coughing viciously, his hand soon lowered, and there was blood over his mouth and hands. "feel good..."

Blaine collapsed onto the floor unconscious.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bring on the hate mail.

And I have NINETEEN readers, comment?! Because you aren't getting the next chapter until you do. I want two more comments before the next chapter will be released.