Status: active

Little Red Riding Hood.

The Big Bad Wolf.

“I fucking love fall!” Drake skipped past me, kicking up a few leaves in the process. An older woman and her granddaughter huffed before ushering her away from him. People in this town sometimes had a stick up their asses. “And Halloween, because I can be a fat ass and no one can say shit!” He added jumping around to face every else.

“Drake, calm your tits.” Mia smiled from next to me. “I don’t want to get kicked out of the mall, especially when we’re here to look for costumes.”

He sighed dramatically, “fine. We only got kicked out once.”

“Yes. But we also got arrested because you dropped your slushy over the edge… and it landed on one of the mall cops.” She corrected waving her finger at him.

I shook my head at my friends; we were going to end up being kicked out at this rate. For being twins Mia and Drake fought more than anyone I knew, but they also had each other’s backs. They had been my best friends since I was little, so I was used to this, other people weren’t however.

“Hey, did you hear someone rented out the old Parish house?” Drake asked as we strolled into the mall.

“The old mansion up on Creek Drive?” Mia asked tilting her head to the side. “Why would anyone rent out that place, it’s old and probably haunted.”

He shrugged, “I don’t know. I saw some guy at Dad’s store buying some party supplies. I guess they’re from California and rent a house out of state every year to have this huge Halloween party.” Drake grinned. I narrowed my eyes, I knew that look anywhere. “So I was thinking…”

“You want to crash the party don’t you?”

Both Mia and Drake looked at me with matching grins. One of the few moments that they managed to creep me out is when they both smiled mischievously.

“Come on Evie, think about it. If their rich enough to rent out a mansion for a night think about how freaking amazing the party would be! Plus it won’t be crashing, the guy said they were inviting kids from the college… and we graduated last summer so we can go! We just haven’t started college yet.” He smirked nudging my arm.

“And what happens if we get caught or don’t have an invitation?”

“Evie, you’re almost nineteen. You’ve got to have some fun and risk getting in trouble! I don’t think you were ever yelled at during high school, heck not even middle school!” Mia chimed in. “I agree with Drake it seems like it would be fun, so why can’t we at least try it.” She begged, grasping onto my arm tightly.

At times they seemed more like fourth graders than High School graduates. Both twins were looking at me with matching pouts; and I knew they weren’t going to drop this subject anytime soon.

Mia did sort of have a point. I don’t think I had ever gotten in trouble once during my entire school life. I never ditched with them or risked getting in trouble. Thinking back on it my school years seemed boring, and maybe since I had graduated I should start having some fun. I knew my Mom and Dad would be up for the idea, as long as they didn’t know that I was crashing the party.

I sighed, nodding my head in defeat. “Fine, but if we get caught both of you have to do my homework for a week. Deal?” I asked holding out both of my hands.

Both twins glanced at each other before shaking my hands violently.

“Alright let’s go get costumes.”


“I think we stand out a little too much in this town.” Zacky grunted.

It was true, we had barely walked into the mall and everyone was staring. You think they would’ve seen people with tattoos and piercings in magazines… or TV. The town didn’t look small at all, but its true colors were showing right now. Especially when a horrified Mother practically shoved her children away from us. Wasn’t like I was going to try eating them or anything.

“Well we’re only here for Halloween,” I answered giving him a quick look, “watch it Vengeance, I know that look in your eye.”

“I’m just hungry I swear.” He defended holding up his hands. “And I mean for food this time Matt.” He added. “What’re we even doing here anyway?”

“Getting shit for the mansion for Monday; Jimmy forgot a few things in town so I figured they’d probably have them here.” I answered strolling towards one of the stores.

It was lit up with Halloween lights, cobwebs hanging from the door. Tons of people seemed to be inside, ranging from children up to grandparents. A few teenage girls had spotted Brian, Zacky and I and were giggling, whispering about us while pointing.

Stepping into the store I froze, making Brian and Zacky look at me nervously. I couldn’t tell what or who it was, but something smelt better than anything I had ever smelt. I tilted my head to the side, trying to find the source of the smell.


“Go on ahead; get the shit on the list.” I instructed. “I’ll be good.”

I didn’t give them to the chance to interject as I strolled deeper into the store. Trying to find the source of the smell, I could feel a familiar urge growing in me. I could feel them starting to cut into my tongue and lip, making it harder for me to resist the urge.

I turned down one the isles, ignoring the giggling girls who stood there staring at me. I wasn’t interested in high school girls, too many problems when it came to them. Plus they weren’t the source of this smell. At the end of the isle the smell got stronger, making a nearly audible moan fall from my lips. Scanning around my eyes narrowed when I found the source.

She was alone too.

The girl stood there, staring at a packaged costume in her hands intently. I could only see the side of her face since her red hair was hanging over it. I made sure no one was walking towards her before I strolled over, pretending to be interested in the costumes on the wall.

From the corner of my eye I scanned the costume she was holding, smirking at the irony. Little Red Riding Hood. It fit her perfectly, and no doubt she’d look amazing in it.

Her hair was an odd shade of red, but it looked natural instead of something that came from the box. She had her thick bottom lip sucked into her mouth, obviously from her thinking over the costume. Her pale hands turned over the packaging, her grey eyes scanning over the details in the back.

I scanned down her body, the hunger inside me growing with each passing second. She was curvy, unlike most of the girls I had seen at the college. The pale skin that was exposed gave me a good view of vantage points, easy spots for her to be weakened.

My eyes snapped back up to her face, just in time for her to notice me staring at her. At first she looked sort of nervous, but managed a small smile either way.

“I don’t think I saw you at the college the other day.” I stated coolly.

“That would be because I’m not in college.” Fuck. “At least not until next fall, I took a year off after I graduated…” She finished nervously.

I resisted the urge to smirk, “oh really? So that means you didn’t get an invite to my party.”

Her eyes widened slightly, “so you’re the person who rented out the old Parish house?” She asked in a squeak.

I chuckled, “yes, my friends and I always get houses out of state for parties. Such a shame I didn’t see you sooner, you should’ve been one of the first people to get an invite.” I smiled leaning down to her level. Her smell was killing me; my mouth was watering so much I was afraid I’d start to drool.

Her cheeks turned red. From behind her shoulder I saw Brian and Zacky watching us with matching smirks on their faces. She was still blushing dark red as she went to speak, but before I could I quickly cut her off.

“Here, come to the party. It starts at eight, you don’t need an invitation to get in, but I’d sure as hell love to see you. So when you get there, tell the men at the door the big bad wolf sent you; and feel free to bring some friends.” I smirked as I drew her arm to me; pulling a pen from my pocket I scribbled the address on her arm. “See you Little Red Riding Hood.” Determined to make her blush again I brought her hand up to my mouth, kissing the pale skin gently. It took all of my will power not to nip at the flesh.

Her heartbeat had grown significantly louder, making y smirk widen. Without another word I let go of her hand and walked away, sending Brian and Zacky a glare.


“Evie! What the hell was that all about?” Mia hissed running towards me. I guess her and Drake had been watching from somewhere far away.

I gulped, trying to get my racing heart to calm down. “I-I don’t even know.” I murmured. “He just came out of nowhere… there was something so weird about him…” I muttered.

Mia looked at me nervously, “what did he say?”

“He… he invited me to the party.”

She and Drake’s jaws dropped, “he did? Now we don’t have to sneak in this is perfect! He might’ve been a little weird but hey we get into the party!” Mia giggled jumping up and down. “Oh god, I need a sexier costume!” She whined before running away again.

Drake however hesitated, “Evie, are you alright?” He asked, noticing how shaky I was.

I nodded, swallowing despite how dry my mouth was. “Yes, I’ve just never had someone do that before.” I lied. Truthfully I was both scared and interested in what had just happened. Especially when my knees almost gave out just from a simple kiss on the hand.
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I imagine Evie to look like This. :3
I'm kinda unsure whether to make the boys vampires... or werewolves :c