Status: active

Little Red Riding Hood.

Party - Part I


“Boss are you sure you want to do this? I mean you could just do the normal thing we do, you don’t have to take this that far…” Jimmy murmured quietly.

I shook my head. “My mind is made up, nothing you guys say or do can change it. I want her, I don’t care if I’m taking her from her family or friends, I want her.” I stressed the last words, giving each of them a stern glare.

They all looked at each other nervously. “But Matt”

“No buts,” I grunted sourly, “I haven’t fed on anyone, and that’s rare since it’s the full moon tonight. I should’ve killed half of the neighboring towns by now but I haven’t. Not a single person has ever smelled as amazing as she does, I want her, that’s all I can fucking think about!” I growled, slamming my hand down on the table.

“But Matt, how the fuck do you think she’ll feel?” Zacky piped up.

“I don’t know, and I honestly don’t care.” I snarled. “Last time I checked I was the leader of this pack, and what I say goes. Do whatever you need to do, but have everything prepared. Have a room made up for her at the mansion back home; make sure no expense is spared. I want her to be comfortable even if she’s fucking miserable. We’ll return home tonight after we’re done. Am I understood?”

All of them looked displeased, but nodded anyway. They knew what I said went, even if they didn’t agree they didn’t have much of a choice. I was the pack leader, I led them, and they followed, so my sayings went.

If I wanted this girl, I’d have her and not a damn thing would keep me from getting her.


“Evie what the heck are you doing undressed?!”

I looked up from the book in my lap, finding a scowling Mia standing in my bedroom doorway. I blinked a few times, letting her words register slowly in my mind. I swear I had been so out of it lately.

“The party already started and your still in your pajamas, you haven’t answered me or Drake either! You are not backing out of this party!” She warned in a deadly tone.

I sighed, shutting my book slowly. “Mia…”

“No don’t you dare,” My eyes widened, “Evie I am taking you to the party whether you like it or not. You need to get out and have some fun; I will call your parents and tell them you’re trying to be a shut in for the rest of your life. Now get your ass up, think of the sexy guy!” She stomped her foot.

I was shocked by her outburst; Mia was never one to argue; that was Drake’s usual bit. The look on her face told me if I didn’t go through with this, she would never let me forget, or forgive me. I groaned, laying my head back against the wall.

To be honest I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go the party. I had been so shaken up from nightmares, Luca barking, the feeling of things watching me; that I just wanted to stay home. Most of the time I was worried and scared over that guy from the store. Something felt off, and I didn’t like it one bit. It felt like I should just stay home tonight where I’d be safe; not out at some party with the guy who scares me.

But then I remembered how excited my parents had looked when I suggested going to a party, and then I remembered how excited Drake and Mia had been. I knew they would have a rough time getting in without me, and I knew they wanted me to have fun for once too.

I sighed, caving in. “Alright, give me a bit to get dressed.” I muttered sourly.

Mia squealed, running over to jump on me. “Oh I love you, I love you, I love you! I promise we’ll have fun and you’ll never want to leave the party ever!” She kissed my cheek before squeezing me to death, gushing about how excited she was. As she got up, I couldn’t help but take in her costume. Cat ears, along with cat like make-up, a giant pop tart on her side, and a rainbow skirt.

“Um Mia, what exactly are you supposed to be?” I asked frowning.

Her face lit up, “I’m Nyan cat!” She giggled.

I groaned, “Obsession is sometimes unhealthy Mia.”

“No; obsessions with cats that basically poop rainbows and have a pop tart for a body isn’t unhealthy. It just makes me fucking awesome.”


Twenty or so minutes later and I was regretting my decision. Mia and Drake were talking a million miles per hour as we drove to the old Parish house. I wished I could’ve been as excited and happy as them, but I had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was going to happen. My palms were sweaty against my thighs, and my leg was twitching nervously. Maybe I could get away with going to the party for a few minutes, and sneaking out and home.

Surely the guy didn’t remember I was coming right?

My nerves kicked into over drive when I saw the Parish house looming in the distance. The vast front yard was covered in a sea of cars, and with so many people outside the house escaping from the party didn’t seem impossible. Nervously I twiddled with the seatbelt, trying not to let my nerves show. If Mia or Drake saw me fiddling around like this they wouldn’t leave me alone for a second.

“Dude, this place is wicked!” Mia giggled excitedly as Drake pulled through the front gates. “I wonder if they cleaned up the place or left cobwebs and shit.” She turned around in her seat to smile at me.

I forced a grin quickly; hoping it’d be believable to her. “Don’t know, but it looks like more than the college is here.”

“Yeah, no doubt word got out to the other colleges near town and shit.” Drake replied from the front seat. “Both of you remember where I parked; I don’t want Dad to kick my ass if we can’t find the car when we go to leave.” He glanced at Mia who nodded her head.

Drake pulled into an open spot, seeming nervous to leave his Father’s car here. Their Dad was a bit of a hard-ass when it came to his car, so if I had the tiniest scratch ever they’d both be in trouble. Even if they were over eighteen he’d still find some way to make them miserable.

Getting out of the car I felt the feeling of someone’s eyes burning into my skin. I scanned the windows of the huge house in front of us, trying to find the source. Everyone around us was laughing and heading to the house, not stopping to look at us. I swallowed against the lump in my throat, trying to tell myself that I was just over reacting. It was Halloween; I should want to be out having fun; not at home reading and eating stale chips.

“Evie come on,” Mia nudged me; “we can’t get in without you.” She smirked.

I groaned under my breath, following both of them to the front door of the house. Maybe we could get in without me having to say who invited me. Surely the guy must’ve forgotten about me by now. Getting closer the two guys at the front door took notice in us, looking at each other with twin smirks.

I rubbed my hands together nervously as we stepped on the front steps, one of the guys coming to stand in front of us. He smirked down at Mia and then at me, a hunt of amusement in his eyes.

“Invitation?” He asked with a grin.

Mia and Drake turned to me, a pleading looking on both of their faces. Whenever both of them did that no matter how badly I wanted to say no, I couldn’t.

I stepped forward nervously, “thebigbadwolfsentme.”

Both men chuckled, “excuse me? I couldn’t hear you.”

I groaned, trying to find some courage as I let my eyes flicker up to him for a brief moment. “The Big Bad Wolf sent me.” I said louder and slower this time.

The smile on his face turned into a satisfied smirk. “Alright, goon in. We’ll let the ‘wolf’ know that you’ve gotten here.” Both of them chuckled, almost like they knew something that I didn’t.

Before I even had time to think Mia dragged me into the old house, squealing that she was so excited and tonight was going to be amazing. It felt like everywhere I looked the burning feeling followed me, like someone was following my every move. I tried to shake the feeling, forcing a smile on my face when Mia shoved a plastic red cup into my hand.

Glancing around I took in the old house. It was beautiful to say the least, even with Halloween decorations and cobwebs I could lose myself in just admiring the house. The Parish house had been abandoned for almost thirty years, yet you wouldn’t even be able to tell that if you hadn’t known. It looked like it was lived in every day, and I could definitely see living here as comfortable.

I let out a small squeak when I absentmindedly walked into someone’s back; whatever was in my cup splashed onto my hand. I cringed as the guy turned around, his eyebrow raised. I took him in for a few moments, black hair, bright green eyes, snakebites, and sleeve tattoos. No doubt he was friends with the Big Bad Wolf.

“I’m so sorry,” I squeaked out nervously, “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I didn’t even realize I had lost my friends…” I added when I realized Drake and Mia were nowhere near me.

He chuckled, “its fine don’t worry, nice costume.” He commented with a sly grin. Something about the way he was looking at me made my nerves flare back up.

“Thank you… um have you seen a girl with a giant pop tart on her side basically?” I asked, realizing how stupid it sounded when it left my mouth.

He chuckled again, “I think so, she went toward-” Something behind me caught his eye. I went to look over my shoulder, but he cleared his throat. “She went towards the side door, the one that leads out to the garden.”

I smiled, “thank you!”

I hurried to the side door as quickly as I could. Everywhere around me were drunken college kids, laughing, eating or grinding against each other. I was going to kill Mia and Drake, I couldn’t believe that they had just up and left me like that. Next time they wanted to go to a party with me, I was going to refuse now. However, this did give me the chance to sneak away from the party without them knowing. I could call Mia later and say something came up with my parents and they needed me home.

But I could stay a bit while longer, so it didn’t look to suspicious. I should at least find Mia, that way she doesn’t think I chickened out. I thought to myself.

I whimpered as I stepped outside, the cold fall air nipping my exposed skin. There were surprisingly a lot of people outside despite the chill in the air. I sighed, trying to see through the crowds of people to find Mia. I mumbled apologizes as I made my way through the crowd, trying to find either of the twins. I wanted to murder them right now, and I was probably going to pour my drink all over them.

I was going increasingly frustrated, unable to see either of them no matter where I turned. I huffed, deciding I was going to go home whether they liked it not. They got their wishes, they got into the party, and now I could leave without having a run in with the ‘Wolf’. I walked towards the side gate, assuming it would lead me to the front yard. If I went back inside I ran the risk of running into the ‘Wolf’.

I opened the old rusty gate, shutting it behind me. Frowning, I found myself in what either appeared to be a garden with tall hedges, or a maze; either way I was fucked. Groaning, I took a few steps forward, trying to find any way to go home from here. I didn’t want to turn back, I didn’t want to run into the Wolf or explain myself to Mia and Drake.

I had taken a few more steps when a low noise caused me to freeze; my hairs standing on end. I had to be imagining things right? I couldn’t have heard what I thought I did. A few seconds later the sound repeated; the horrible sound of a lone wolf cry.

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comments mean updates ^.^
Evie's costume

what Mia's costume was supposed to be ^.^ Nyaaan cat
:3 Btw for Evie's costume I wanted to go more of a classic Red Riding Hood, like the movie, instead of a slutty one c: