Status: active

Little Red Riding Hood.


I was floating in and out of consciousness, the sensation of burning spreading along my limbs. I moaned from the pain, aware that every single part of me was incredibly sore. With every breath I took I felt like sobbing, tears burning behind my eyelids. I felt like I weighed a million tons, unable to move my limbs or lift my head. My eyelids felt scratchy, but I couldn’t find any strength to open them.

The burning sensation was intensifying, causing a small cry of pain to pass through my lips. I felt like I was burning, and I felt like I was sweating gallons of water. Somehow I managed to open my eyes slowly, letting them slowly adjust to the darkness around me.

The memories of the party came flooding back into mind, and I instantly felt fear course through me. Looking around the room the fear intensified tenfold. I didn’t know this room, my arms and legs were bound to a bed. My dress was gone and was replaced with a white button up shirt, the fabric clinging to me from my sweat. I let out another cry, this one a mixture of pure pain and fear.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard the far bedroom door unlock. I shifted nervously, trying to get my legs and arms free from my bounds. The more I struggled the tighter I felt, and the more pain shot through me.

I stopped struggling when the bedroom door opened. I was frozen in fear as Matt came strolling through the door; clad only in his pajama bottoms. A smile spread across his face as he crossed over to me, like this wasn’t a big deal at all.

I wanted to shrink back in fear, but my binds were keeping me in place. A choked sob escaped through my lips, and before I knew it was I sobbing and begging him not to hurt me again. He had drunk my blood, like a vampire he had bitten me and drank until I fainted. I was terrified of what he was going to do next.

“Don’t cry it’ll only make you feel worse.” He commented as he sat down next to me. “Stop wiggling too, I’m trying to help.” He gripped my side, pulling me back into the center of the bed.

“P-Please let me g-go. I won’t tell anyone y-you bit me.” I hiccupped, his face blurred by my tears.

“I can’t do that Evie,” He replied calmly as he opened the bedside table. “As much as I’d love to let you go its impossible now, you’re far from home and you have to stay here with me.” He set a first aid kit on the bed next to me. “I have to undress you.”

My eyes widened in pure horror, “please don’t, please!” I felt a sob escape again as he started on the button’s on my shirt. I struggled against my binds, ignoring his gentle words as I tried to escape. I didn’t want him to hurt me again; I couldn’t go through more of this pain. “Please just let me go!”

Matt sighed quietly before finishing the buttons. He pressed his hand down on my chest, holding me down and in place. With his free hand he opened the kit, pulling out what looked like alcohol wipes. Before I realized what was going on he had ripped it open with his teeth and was wiping at the wound. I looked down at my breast, my stomach churning when I saw the bloody scab.

The bite didn’t look like a normal bite, it had two puncture marks on the bottom, and I could feel him touching two more puncture marks on the bottom of my nipple. The alcohol stung painfully, causing me to jack knife upwards.

He took his hand off me, digging around in the first aid kit. I took the opportunity to start screaming for help, begging and pleading with anyone else that might be in the house. I wanted to go home to my parents, I wanted to see Mia and Drake, and I even wanted to see Luca tearing up my shoes. My fear only increased when Matt pulled out a syringe and vial.

“Please don’t do this to me please.” I wanted to scream the words at him. “I’ll do anything I’ll pay you just please let me go.”

“I can’t do that Evie; I’ll explain why not when I can.” He stuck the syringe into the vial, making me whimper in fear. “This is for the pain your feeling.” He explained glancing at me. “If you struggle it’s going to hurt more.”

“Please don’t drug me… please…”

“It’s just pain meds.” He repeated holding my arm down.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to tell myself that this was all just a bad dream. I was probably at home crying in my sleep, Mia and Drake sleeping on my bedroom floor. Any minute now one of them would shake me awake. Or maybe my Mom or Dad would open my bedroom door and wake me up. This was all a bad dream.

“See, all done.”

I let my eyes open slowly, and much to my dismay I was still tied down to this bed, with Matt smiling down at me. In one swift motion he re-buttoned my shirt before rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I sniffled, aware that my tears had stopped for now. The burning sensation was slowly fading, and I could feel my muscles relaxing slowly.

“Please just let me go home…” I murmured quietly, hoping he’d listen to me since I was calm.

With a heavy sigh Matt shook his head, “I can’t do that Evie. Even if I wanted to, you’re too far away from home and it’s not safe for you to be away from me now.” He stated with a sad smile. “Don’t you like the room I had made up for you?”

I sniffled, “the room is nice but I want to go home… I want my friends… I want my family…” I whimpered. “Please I won’t tell anyone you can just let me go. I promise I don’t break my promises either Matt.”

He shook his head again, further destroying my hopes of leaving. “Evie, you can’t leave. Your mine now…” He reached over to unbutton my shirt again. “What I did to you at the party, is known as marking someone. You’re bound to me for the rest of our lives. Even if you don’t like it, you’re stuck with it. No matter where you go, I’ll be able to find you… it’s not safe for me to let you leave. If someone else… someone like me… saw this… or smelt you… you’d get hurt beyond your own imagination… and I refuse to let that happen.” He looked at me, a serious look on his features.

Part of me wanted to tell him he was bat shit insane and to release me right now. But the other side of me said everything he was saying was the truth. He didn’t seem like someone who would lie about this, but then again what he was talking about sounded so made up. Like something out of a cheesy story on the internet.

“Where am I?”

The question was simple, but it seemed like it took him ages to finally answer me.

“Huntington, California.” He answered.

My eyes widened, I was across the damn country. I was on the West coast, far from my cold winters and falls, I was where they had one season all around. No snow, no auburn leaves, no spring, no summer, it just all felt like one long summer.


“Plane…” He trailed off. “I’ll explain later, but for now I’m sure you’d want to shower and maybe eat something?” He offered.

I bit the inside of my cheek. My stomach was growling at the mention of food, and my body was aching for a nice long shower or bath. But I wasn’t sure if I could trust him. What if he poisoned my food? What if he spied on me while I was showering?

But maybe the bathroom would have a window. It was a long shot, but if I could escape through the window, find a road and explain what happened… maybe I could go home. It warmed my heart a little, and even though I was scared I nodded my head slowly.

Matt’s dimpled grin popped out, leaning over he untied each of my binds before standing up. Obviously waiting for me to do the same. I took my time though, rubbing each of my sore wrists and ankles, my body felt like it was made out of wood. After a few more moments of getting blood circulating, I finally stood up, nearly falling back onto the bed when my knees wobbled.

Matt stabled me, a hint of worry growing in his eyes. I ignored it, telling myself that anything he said had to be a lie.

“There are towels in the closet next to the sink, and if you need help or anything just call.” He explained, leading me to a door near the bedroom one. “I’ll be right outside waiting, once your done the walk in closet has clothes; hopefully they fit you. After that come knock on the bedroom door and I’ll take you downstairs to eat.”

I nodded my head slowly, “okay.”

He gave me another dimpled smile before holding open the bathroom door. I cautiously glanced at him before walking in, watching him shut the door behind me. I remained still, waiting to hear the bedroom door open and closed. A few seconds later it did just that, but just as I thought he also locked it from the outside.

If I had no way to escape from the bathroom I’d be stuck seeing him again. I looked around and groaned at the sight in front of me. Sure the bathroom was lovely, but it was basically windowless. There was one window right above the tub, but it was fogged and almost looked like stained glass. There was no way it would open, and if I had to I’d end up breaking it. Which was not something I was going to do. Matt would hear and be in within a few seconds.

Giving up momentarily on my plan to escape I decided I might as well shower. The burning sensation had faded away quickly, and I wanted to get everything done before it came back. I grabbed a towel out of the little closet and walked over to what I presumed to be the shower. It had one clear door, and the reason was blocked in by walls. At least if Matt was spying he wouldn’t get much of a view.

**Mia’s POV**

Every bone in my body seemed to crack as I stood up, groaning at how horribly my head was pounding. It felt like I had been hit over the head with a frying pan, oh wait, I had been. The memory of last night brought a whole new level of fury through my body.

I bolted off of the floor, hurrying over to Drake. He was in the same state as me, groaning as he rubbed the back of his head. Impatiently I stepped on his hand, causing him to cry out and yank it away. Glaring up at me he stuck his tongue out for a few moments.

“Drake. Evie.”

His eyes widened, and in a split second both of us were thundering up the stairs and towards the Parish house. The memories of last night were playing over and over through my mind.

“Drake, keep quiet.” I hissed as we snuck down the hallways. A few couples were in the bedrooms, but I knew exactly where we were going.


We turned down yet another hallway, the winding maze of carpets and curtains. I was hoping that Evie would be okay downstairs until we got this sorted out. All we had to do was find the leader of the pack and shoot him.

I knew if I tried to tell her this she’d merely laugh and tell me I was officially crazy. We had been best friends for such a long time, yet I knew she wouldn’t listen. After all, who would listen if their best friend said her and her family were a long line of werewolf hunters? Especially if those ‘hunters’ believed that those new men in town were werewolves, and one of them wanted to mark her?

I would think I was crazy too.

“Now, now, now, where do you two think you’re going?”

I jumped at the voice, spinning around with Drake to come face to face with one of them. He was tall, lankly, and dressed as what looked like a slinky. His cold blue eyes stared at me, and I had to resist the urge to charge at him.

“Where the fuck is your leader.”

His lips curled upwards into a smirk. “Now, that is such terrible language for a lady to use.”

My eyes narrowed, “fuck being a lady. You threaten my best friend, I am not letting you guys get anywhere near her.”

“If that was the case, why is she alone downstairs? Why is she getting closer to Matt as we speak?” He grinned leaning forward. “Some friend you are, leaving her to be ravaged by the wolves.”

I growled at him, feeling the urge to empty the bullets in my gun into his head. “You’re lying; tell me where he is right now!”

“And why would I?”

“Mia just forget him, we’re running out of time. We need to get Kara out of here before Matt marks her.” Drake snapped. “Move aside slinky boy.”

The taller man’s eyes flashed dangerously, “watch what you say around me human. I do not take insults from my food.”

“And I don’t let giant over grown dogs scare me!” Drake fired back, causing the taller one to snarl. “Is that the best you can do? Snarl at me like some mangy mutt with fleas? I’m so fucking scared.”

“I’ve had enough of this. Gates, now.”

I frowned just as I spun around again, just in time to see a frying pan fly towards me before everything went black.

“I’m going to fucking slaughter them when I get my hands on them.” Drake growled as we surfaced in the kitchen. “Who the fuck hits someone with a fucking frying pan?”

“Obviously they do,” I grunted, “the house is fucking empty!” I let out a cry of horror.

Despite my best intentions, Evie had to have been taken by them. With us separated from her, and her at Matt’s will, I had no idea whether she’d still be alive or not. Marks ranged from mates, to basically food. And I had no clue which Matt wanted with Evie.


This was our entire fault. If we hadn’t had been so determined to get into the party Evie would be safe at home. But it was in us to protect our town from the wolves, and when they came, we just knew. We didn’t know how to get into the party until we saw one of them talking to Evie. If we had only thought things through more. Evie would be safe and at home, not stuck with a werewolf.

“We have to get her back Drake…” I felt tears stinging my eyes. “I will not rest until I kill everyone last one of them and have my best friend back…
♠ ♠ ♠
commeeentts <3 Anyone surprised :D?

The bedroom, the bathroom and finally the closet c:

also go check out my Brian story called Almost Easy :)