Status: active

Little Red Riding Hood.


“My, my, my little Red… what tiny eyes you have… the better for you to not see me coming for you dear…” His voice chilled my spine. “My, my, my little Red, what a cute mouth you have… the better to suck me with… and my, my, my little Red… how yummy your blood smells to me.” With a faint sniff against my neck my skin raised slowly.

A thick wet tongue slid across my neck and towards my ear, causing me to whimper in pure fear. Squeezing my eyes shut a small tear slipped from my eyes. I felt his fingers grip my jaw tightly, tilting my head to the side. A small sob escaped my lips as his mouth enclosed on my neck, sharp teeth scraping along the tender skin.

My eyes snapped open just in time as a piercing scream left my lips. Razor sharp teeth stabbed into my neck, the feeling of fire coursing through my veins. I fought against my bonds, trying to escape from the one causing me so much pain.

With a pleasured groan they lifted their head from my neck, and just as I managed to glance at their face my stomach twisted.

“You’re mine Evie.” Matt grinned.

With a loud cry I sprung up for my sleep, fighting against the thick arm trying to hold me down. I knew it was Matt holding me, and it only added to my fear. I clawed at him, screaming for help and begging him not to murder me. I wanted to get away from him and into safety.

With a lucky strike I scratched his eye, causing him to let out a yelp of pain and lose his grip on me. Taking the chance flung myself from the bed and ran to the closet. I should’ve picked the main door but I had no idea how to get out of the house let alone if anyone wasn’t waiting outside the door. I slammed the door shut, switching off the light before hiding in a dark corner of the room. I put a few fancy dress shirts in front of me before curling into a ball and sobbing.

I wanted to go home; I wanted to be with my Mother and Father. I wished that I had never let the twins convince me to go to the party; I should’ve taken my nightmares as a hint and stayed home that night. I could’ve passed out candy to kids and stuffed myself with pizza.

But instead here I was, in California with some deranged group of people.

I could hear Matt yelling at someone to ‘fuck off and leave us alone’ before the bedroom door slammed shut. I wanted to scream for Val just to see if she’d actually help me. But I didn’t want to risk giving away my hiding spot, or her turning on me.

However my hiding spot wasn’t the best, because not even a few seconds later the door to the closet opened. Matt didn’t bother to flick on the lights as we strode in, the faint light from the bedroom illuminating a few things. Matt walked around, trying to find my hidden spot. He stopped in front of my spot for a few seconds before slowly walking away. I was about to smile to myself when the shirts in front of me were suddenly ripped apart and I was grabbed.

“NO!” I clawed at his back as he threw me over his shoulder, his hand keeping me firmly in place.

I tried to escape his grip, doing anything I could think of. I even called for Val but no one answered me. I was thrown off of the shoulder and onto the bed; before I could roll away Matt was on top of me. With my hands held above my head I started to sob, begging him to beat or murder me.

“Evie, first off calm the hell down right now before I lose my temper. Secondly, I am never going to murder or beat you.” He replied calmly, almost a coo in the tone of his voice.

I tried to calm down, sniffling and slowly halting the tears. It scared me to be this close to him, especially with how easily he could hold me down. I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye, so I stared down at his chest tattoo, feeling an odd twinge between my legs at the sight of the muscles.

“Now look up at me.” I looked up nervously, “Evie, whether you like it or not you are my mate. I can’t explain things yet until you trust me… but you are mine, mine to have and my companion. I would never lay a single finger or eyelash on you in a harmful way. I don’t know what the fuck to do to make you feel comfortable here. I know being in the marking stage is beyond painful for you, and I want to try and make you feel better. I don’t know what the fuck to do around you.” He tilted his head back to growl.


“Don’t talk yet.” He replied quickly. “If you want… you can call your parents, that’s it; but there are conditions. You are to tell them you’re happy and you weren’t taken with force. You are to act happy and if I even catch a slight hint at being kidnapped or being helped I will… make you regret it.” The chill in his voice caused my spine to tingle. “Do you understand me Evie?” He asked leaning a tad closer to me.

I nodded my head slowly, nervously licking my lips. I don’t know what was going on that caused me to go from sheer fear into lustful mode, but I couldn’t seem to get my mind out from the gutter. Get ahold of yourself!

“Good, now I’m going to take a shower in here and leave you my phone. When I get out that’s when your call is up. I will check to see how many numbers you called, and Brian will be listening outside to hear names. Do you understand me?” He asked.

I nodded as his grip on my arms relaxed gently. A few seconds later he had sat u-p and helped me even sit up, a trace of a smile tugging on his lips.

I watched him get his phone from his jeans on the floor before he showed me how to dial and hang it up. I nodded slowly, watching him talk to someone in the hall before disappearing into the bathroom. I was half tempted to follow after him and spy on him, but I wanted to talk to my parents before I did that.

Oh no, spying on naked kidnappers is where I draw the line Evie.

I shook the little voice from my head as I dialed my home phone number. Bringing it up to my ear I bit down on my bottom lip, wondering if they’d answer considering it was a different area code. I was about to give up when it suddenly picked up the other side. Someone sniffled a few times before replying.



A joyful cry echoed through the phone, I could hear her calling my Father’s name and saying it was me. There was a rustle of noise on the other side of the phone, and after a few moments both of their voices came through the receiver.

“Where are you?”

“Evie come home!”

I let out a sad laugh, wiping at the tears I hadn’t noticed. “Mom, Dad, I missed you two sooo much!” I cried. “I can’t come home just yet, but I’m not in any danger or trouble, I’m with a friend.” I hoped that my voice didn’t betray me.

“Can we at least know where you are?” My Mom asked with a sniffle.

“I’m in California…”

“Honey are you with a boy?”

“You better not be with a boy!”

“Darling hush we eloped when we were younger too!”

I laughed at their bickering, remembering how my Father would turn beet red at the moment. Apparently they had wild days when they were younger, and whenever my Mother brought them up my Dad would turn as red as possible.

“Mom, Dad, I love you both so much and tell the twins not to worry about me. But I’ve got to go; I’ll try to call you again tomorrow I promise.”

I heard my Mother sigh sadly, “can we at least know the name of the man your with?”

I laughed weakly, “his name is Matt Mom, and he’s taking very good care of me.”

Both parents sighed before telling me they loved me and to try to call whenever I could. I promised to do so before hanging up. I stared at the phone for a few moments, slightly tempted to try and call the twins. But before I could think twice about doing it I heard someone clear his throat.

I practically jumped at the sound, I hadn’t even heard the shower turn off. Yet there stood Matt, leaning against the bathroom doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. My jaw was slacked slightly, my eyes concentrated on the water droplets running down his chest. I shifted uncomfortably, becoming aware of an odd feeling between my legs.

“So, you told them what state you’re in and my name? Did I ever give you permission to do that?” Matt asked walking over, a blank expression on his face.

I wasn’t sure whether he was more angry or amused by how I was acting; but he was taking advantage of it. In a swift second he took the phone from my hands. Leaning down close until his nose was practically touching my own.

“Little Red, what on Earth is making you act so nervous?” He asked with a low growl.

Any other time I would’ve been terrified at the small growl, but for some reason it merely made me blush deeper and my heart speed up dramatically. A nervous whimper passed through my lips when I felt Matt’s hand slide up my side, hooking the shirt I was wearing up a tad. On instinct I moved a tad bit closer, my eyes half lidded from lust.

With a low chuckle Matt brushed his lips against my jaw, “as tempting and delicious as you look… I have to control myself; it’s the mark making you want this. I’d rather wait until you wanted it yourself,” He mused lifting his head up, “now go shower, I’m taking you out to lunch.” In a swift motion he had lifted me off the bed, set me onto my feet, and slapped my bum before disappearing into the closet.

I stood there in a daze for a few seconds, feeling the fire in my cheeks slowly dying down. It was when I realized what had just happened that the blush returned.

Fucking tease.
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:3 commeents?