Status: active

Little Red Riding Hood.


It felt like I was watching myself from the outside. Like my life had been previously recorded and I was just some… ghost watching it happen before me. I could see myself staring at Matt, replying quietly or looking down at my jeans. Yet it didn’t feel like I was truly doing it.

“You could try and act like you’re having a good time.” Matt stated with a sad smile.

I looked at him through my eyelashes, smiling weakly. “I’m sorry… I just don’t feel too well and everyone’s kind of staring.”

It wasn’t a complete lie, I wasn’t feeling a hundred percent better and everyone was staring at Matt. They all had this scared yet amazed look on their face. Our waitress looked like she was ready to rip her clothing off and jump on him. Every time she came by she’d sneer at me but put on a happy face for him. It annoyed me at first, but it was slightly interesting to see Matt get annoyed by her.

“I should’ve taken you somewhere else,” He commented, “I do business a lot here so I’m well known.” He finished with a simple shrug.

“What kind of business?”

“That is none of your business Evie.” He replied quickly, his eyes narrowing slightly.

I felt a prickle of annoyance, sitting up a bit straighter I let out an annoyed huff. Wanting so badly to stand up and storm out of the restaurant. “You are… just what the fuck man? You kidnap me and take me half across the country, you bite me like a crazy asshole and claim its some kind of mark… you fucking drug me, force me to cuddle with you, yet you won’t tell me what you do? What are you some kind of psychotic murderer?” I hissed coldly.

I saw him bite down on the inside of his cheek, craning his head to the side with an angry glare. I was expecting him to somehow flip the table and lay into me. But instead he merely cracked his knuckles before looking to the side.

“I’m going to ignore all of that, simply because I’m trying to make you happy.” He growled. “Stay the hell here though; I’ve got to talk to someone in the backroom. Follow me and you’ll regret it Evie.” He glare was deadly as he slid out of the booth and disappeared around a corner.

I huffed, leaning back like a spoiled child would do. I listened to him for a split second, and before I thought twice I had slid out of the booth. I ignored the stares and whispers as I followed Matt’s path, wondering what he had to do. I hesitated slightly when I saw the dim lit hall he had disappeared down, but swallowing my fear I followed after him...

I was going to find out who he was and what he did whether it meant my life. I didn’t know what I had thought earlier; I almost gave in and was going to decide to stay here. Thinking of it made my shake my head annoyed, I should’ve known better.

My steps slowed when I heard Matt’s grumbling voice growing louder. A thin strip of light was pouring into the hallway from a slightly opened door. Biting my bottom lip I stepped closer, peering in to see what was going on.

“Well we want this side of the state.”

Matt was standing around a table with a group of men, all looking down at what looked like a map. The others were smaller then Matt by half his size, and seemed to be skittish around him almost. He let out a low chuckle before shaking his head.

“You’re on drugs James, I am not letting you and your pack run half of this state. You can barely run the town you have now. You have some serious balls asking me for that much, especially with what shitty work you’ve done for us before.” Matt sounded calm and collect as he stared at the group.

The one I assumed to be James had started to reply, but something else had caught my attention. There was a slight breeze tickling the back of my neck. I turned my head to the side slowly, my stomach churning when I came face to chin with someone else. I was just about to call’s Matt name out from fear when a heavy hand slapped around my mouth. I let out a scared whimper as they dragged me away from the door and to a darker corner of the hallway.

I scratched at the walls, pounded and kicked, trying to get someone’s attention. Another arm wrapped around my torso, holding my arms to my sides. A low growl tore from their throat, sending violent shakes through my spine.

“Now, now, don’t fight or this’ll hurt more…” I gagged at their breath, the revolting smell of alcohol and what smelled like blood oozing from him. “You smell so incredibly delicious…”

I let out a muffled cry as I felt his mouth lower onto my mouth, the feeling of something sharp passing against the skin. I felt a sob rip through my throat as I began to cry, not believing that this was happening all over again. Before I could let out a muffled plea I felt them sink into my throat, a searing pain shooting through my body.

I screamed as loud as I could, kicking my legs as violently as possible. My head was spinning as the fire inside grew in size and in pain. My vision and hearing were fading as I started to slump, my eyes rolling back every moment. I was aware that the light was fading around me, my limbs becoming numb as I slumped.

Just before I fainted I heard a familiar voice yelling, a large bulky person charging towards us. Before I could manage to get a clear look at them everything in my world turned black.


“Is she going to be alright?”

“She should be, your venom is more potent, it should be pushing the other venom out from her as we speak. 0f course this doesn’t feel too good for her, so I advise letting her rest and giving her pain killers to help her feel better.”

I was floating in and out of consciousness, the sound of voices swirling around me gently. My body felt like it was on fire as I lay there, unable to move myself. It felt like I was drenched in sweat, and my lips felt like they were sandpaper at the moment. I let out a faint whine as I tried to open my eyes, the pain increasing as a bit of light entered.

“Evie? Are you up?”

I let out a pained moan as I nodded my head gently, dying for the pain to stop already.

“Are you in pain?”

Again I nodded, letting out a small choked sob. I wanted to be home with my family again. I didn’t want to be in so much pain, I didn’t want to be attacked by anyone ever again. But here I was, being bitten randomly and feeling as if my body was on fire from the inside out.

“Alright, we’re going to inject some Vicodin into your IV. It should take affect within a few moments. I’m going to turn off the lights okay, and then I want you to try to look at me.”

I nodded, as mad as I was at Matt I wanted to be able to see what was going on around me. I felt like a blind child as I laid there, the occasional hushed murmurs of people talking. The pain in my body slowly started to fade, a sign that the medicine must’ve been taking control. With a content sigh I managed to move around a bit, slowly opening my eyes to see Matt’s face above mine.

Before I could ask what happened he leaned down and buried his face in the crook of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I wasn’t sure whether I should have been scared as I felt his breath on my neck, I didn’t want to be bitten by anyone else today.

“Do… you have any idea how scared I was?” His voice was muffled against my skin. “I told you to stay in the booth Evie; I told you… it’s not safe for you to walk around alone anymore… why the hell didn’t you listen to me?” Matt lifted his head, his eyes staring back into mine.

I didn’t know what to say or do, I felt so foolish and I just wanted to hide under the blankets from everyone. I merely bit down on my bottom lip, looked away, and shrugged my shoulders gently. These mood swings of mine were going to be the absolute death of me.

“Hey, look at me.” His fingers gripped my jaw gently as he turned my head towards him. “I’m not angry; I was scared you’d… I don’t want to think or say it.” He mumbled gently. “You have to listen to me alright? I can’t explain things just yet but I promise in time I will.”

I nodded my head slowly, “okay.”

He smiled gently, “do you want anything to drink or eat?” He offered. “You’ve slept all day long, you have to be hungry.”

I shook my head gently, “I’m just tired for now… Matt… c-can… can you stay in here with me again? I don’t feel safe…”

He chuckled gently, pressing his lips to my forehead. “Of course Evie.”

He shifted us around until he was half sitting against the headboard, my body tucked into his side. At first I felt odd pressed against him, considering that I should normally hate him. But at this moment I was scared, I was expecting someone to come after me and bite me again. Yet when I was near Matt that fear wasn’t as bad.

Sure he had kidnapped me, but he also saved me earlier. If he didn’t care he would’ve let that person just attack me and drain me until I was dead. But instead he saved me, brought me back, and from what I could tell had a doctor look over me. That had to count for something right?

“Matt… who… who bit me?”

His fingers trailed up and down my arm for a few seconds. “Well, I did business with him once and things didn’t go the way he wanted. Last I heard he wasn’t in town, he must’ve seen you with me and thought he could go after you and I wouldn’t find out.”

I looked at the buttons to his shirt, half tempted to play with them. “What happened to him?”

“You don’t need to know that,” His tone was serious, “is the vicodin working?” He changed the subject quickly.

I nodded my head slowly, looking up at him briefly. “Yes, thank you…”

He gave me a dimpled grin, “it’s no problem Evie, now you have to be tired so try and get some rest. I’ll be here all night so if you need anything or need help getting up just wake me up.” He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

With a small blush I laid my head in the crook between his chest and arm, letting the steady beating of his heart calm me down. Ignoring my conscious I rested one of my hands on his chest, curling into his side even more. He might have been scary at times, but he was pretty handsome… and comfortable.


“Is she asleep?”

I looked up from Evie’s face, finding Zacky leaning in the doorway. With a slight nod I answered him, already knowing what he was coming to ask me. I didn’t want to deal with any business at the moment though; I wanted to focus on this moment. Evie’s mood changed quickly from the marking process, even if it’d be over soon I had no idea how she’d be once it was over.

“What do you want us to do with him?”

I looked down at Evie again, seeing the white bandage on her shoulder from earlier. Just seeing it and knowing how much pain it was putting her in angered me. I wanted to rip the man limb from limb, but Val insisted that it would mean more for me to be up here with Evie. And maybe she was right about that.

“Torture him; find out everything about who hired him and what they want with me or Evie.” A low possessive growl passed through my lips. “And Zacky, show him no fucking mercy.”
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