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Zombies Need Love Too


Tiffany Dawson smiled at all of the people around her. It was Valentines Day, the day for love and candy. Her best friend Monica pointed to something behind her. Tiffany turned around to see what Monica was pointing at. She saw a kid from school who had white hair with black patches all over. His nose was pierced and he was a couple inches taller than her. She had never talked to him in her whole life or paid much attention to him either, all she knew was that his name was Johnny Seward.

Johnny Seward held the red and pink handmade Valentines Day card in his hand. He was across the street from his long time crush, Tiffany Dawson. His friends Matt, Brian, Zacky, and Jimmy all encouraged him to go give the card to her. It had taken him a whole month to think up of the words to put on the card and how to decorate it. He put a lot of thought into it and was hoping it was finally make her notice him. Her purple hair looked shiny and soft, it was accessorized with a blue butterfly clip. He could see the black gauges in her ears and the sun was shining off of the nose rings on each side of her nostrils.

He started across the street and noticed that her best friend Monica was pointing at him. Tiffany turned around and looked at him, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest but it was too late to turn back now. She started walking in her direction with the card in hand he was careful not to close his fist or hold it too tight. She was going to meet him half way. He couldn’t believe his eyes, this is the moment he had wanted for so long even if it was just eye contact.

“Hi Johnny.” She smiled, making his heart beat faster when he realized that she knew his name.

“Hi Tiffany.” He replied trying not to let his voice get shaky.

She glanced down at the card, “Is that for me?”

He quickly nodded and placed it in her hands, hoping she didn’t feel how sweaty his palms were. Tiffany smiled at him and began to read the card out loud.

“Roses are red, violets are blue. Chivalry isn’t dead and I’ll prove it to you. Will you be my Valentine?” She recited the words and couldn’t help but notice for as cheesy as it might have sounded, it was the most thought out card she had received.

Johnny feared that she was gong to reject him after she read the card. He didn’t want to walk back over to his friends and have them tease him for being the only one without a Valentine.

Tiffany closed the card and looked up at Johnny with a small smile on her plump pink lips, “Okay Johnny, I’ll be your Valentine.”

“Really?” He exclaimed, rocking back and forth on his heels.

She nodded, “Yeah, really. You can pick me up for the dance tonight at seven.”

Johnny nodded, “I’ll be there.”

Tiffany could see his friends sitting across the street on benches at the park. They were looking in their direction wondering if he had been rejected yet. She stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to the corner of his lips, giving him a soft kiss.

“I’ll see you later, Johnny.” Tiffany smiled and waved at him before walking back over to Monica to tell her about what just happened.

“Later, Tiffany!” Johnny called then ran back across the street to his friends, nearly being taken out by a speeding car.

Matt readjusted his aviators on top of his head and raised an eyebrow at the youngest member of their group, “So short shit, what’d she say?”

“She said yes.” Johnny grinned.

The guys patted him on the back and smiled congratulating him on finally getting a date with Tiffany Dawson.