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Zombies Need Love Too


The whole night was filled with laughter, dancing, lots of small kisses between Johnny and Tiffany. She loved it when Johnny twirled her around and would spin her back into his arms to place a small kiss on her lips. Tiffany felt something when Johnny kissed her, it was like a small spark that just she had only heard of in romance novels.

“Okay you two love birds, we’re heading out soon so if you don’t want to walk home meet us at the van in a few minutes.” Matt smiled at his friend and Tiffany.

Tiffany and Johnny danced for a few more minutes before walking out of the school’s front doors. The van was only across the street so Johnny and Tiffany held hands and walked towards the van. Before they could even get to the road Monica’s voice stopped them dead in their tracks.

“Get back here you little bitch!” Monica screamed and stormed over to Tiffany.

Tiffany pushed Monica back a bit, “Don’t call me your name.”

Johnny watched as out of the corner of his eyes he saw the girls and guys getting out of the van. A bright light was coming around the corner. A shrill screamed erupted out of Monica’s throat and she roughly pushed Tiffany backwards. Without giving it a second thought Johnny shoved Tiffany’s fragile body out of harms way and took her place.

“Johnny!” Tiffany screamed when the speeding car slammed straight into him, plowing him over.

Monica quickly ran off leaving the scene as soon as she could. The car raced away and everyone quickly raced to Johnny’s aid.

“Johnny, please don’t die.” Tiffany cried over him.

He let out a weak smile, “It might be too soon but, I love you Tiffany. I always have and I always will.”

“I love you too.” Tiffany chocked on her tears a bit.

It was a bit too soon for the teens to be saying that they loved each other but they both had felt the spark and knew that it was what many people had described as what love feels like. Tiffany pressed her lips to Johnny’s and soon he went limp. Tears cascaded down her cheeks and she didn’t even play attention to the guys and girls who were frantically trying to stop crying and call an ambulance.

“He’s gonna be okay.” Jimmy kept repeating over and over again.

But he wasn’t breathing, even Tiffany could see that. Johnny was dead and once you’re dead there’s no coming back…….
♠ ♠ ♠

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