When I Grow Up, I Want to Be Famous

Sequel to my story ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’ (You don’t have to have read that to read this) but it continues to follow the life of You Me At Six through the eyes of their best friend, Jasey.
  1. Chapter 1
    New Story! Jasey struggles to grasp her new life without her best friends of the growingly famous 'You Me At Six'
  2. Chapter 2
    Max shows Jasey the new album in the hope it'll sort things out! (Very lyrics based chapter)
  3. Chapter 3
    Jasey's reunites with everyone
  4. Chapter 4
    The last stretch of the summer of '08, the band film their third single - Jealous Minds Think Alike.
  5. Chapter 5
    Jasey adapts to St Albans and being away from everyone
  6. Chapter 6
    Points to anyone who can tell me what song I've set up for in this chapter
  7. Chapter 7
  8. Chapter 8
  9. Chapter 9
    The end of Jasey? (I switch to Max's POV at the end)
  10. Chapter 10
  11. Chapter 11
  12. Chapter 12
  13. Chapter 13
    Jasey listens to Hold Me Down for the first time
  14. Chapter 14
  15. Chapter 15