

We had just pulled up into the drive way when Kayla started to fuss. She wasn’t use to long travels and she was upset. I jumped out the car and when to grab her out of her car seat.

When I had her in my arms I bounced her a little and she quieted it down. With her head pressed against my chest I felt her playing with a lock of my long hair, “Momma,” I felt her yawn against me and I kissed the top of her head.

“I got you Kay-Kay. It’s okay.”

She snuggled up to me as close as she could and I could feel her head move ever so often as he took in her new surroundings. Soon she lifted off my chest and her curiosity got her, “Home?” she asked.

I smiled down at her and shook my head, “No baby, we are not at home. We are at grand momma’s house.” I told as best I could so that she would understand. She must have because she started to look around again.

“Down.” She said in he babyish voice and I kissed her head once again as I put her down. My mom had a garden in the front of the house and I knew that Kayla loved colors and I watched as she tittered her way over there.

I watched as she bent down and put her face to the bright flowers and smelled them, “Flowas momma.” I laughed at the way that she talked with the childish lisp that almost ever toddler had.

“Yes kay-Kay flowers.” I was about to walk up to her when my father came out the house. I looked up to where he was standing on the porch. For the longest we just stared at each other until the silence was broken.

“Who, momma?” Kayla asked my as she made her way back to me afraid of the newcomer.

I squatted down to her level, “That is granddaddy, Kay-Kay. Can you wave or say hi to granddaddy.” Instead of saying or waving hi she just buried her face into me shy. I picked her up and held her against me.

My father made his way down the steps and stopped in front of me. Just like my mom he had the same reaction, “You had his child?”

“Yes dad, I did. So, don’t say anything.”

He got this look in his eye, “Why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you come home when you found out? You know me and your mother would have taken care of you.”

I let out another sigh, “Dad, can we talk later. I am tired. It’s been a long trip and I just want to sit down and take a break.”

We just stood there looking at me for a while before he nodded his head and waved his hand, “Gone on inside me and your mother will get your things while you rest.”

I nodded my head and grabbed Kayla’s bag with her toys, snacks, and others belongings. Once inside I sat her down on the floor and checked her diaper to make sure she didn’t need to be changed. After I had done that I made her sit on the floor as I pulled out some of her toys.

I plopped down on the old worn couch that I use to sit on all time when I was younger and I closed my eyes.
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