Bluffington Preparatory Academy

Aubrey Graham

It is entirely not my fault that I got detention. I did not tell that nerd to write a perfect paper. I paid him for a solid B. It is not my fault he wrote to his whole ability. Now all I hear from my dad is how I should be doing my own work. Yeah ok dad, that is why you wrote Bluff a big fat check to keep me here. Plagiarism is automatic expulsion around here. No way the best school in the country can have cheaters walking through the halls. Lucky for me my dad “cares” about me just enough to donate a hefty chunk of cash every few months. Or whenever I do something wrong. In all honesty I should have been kicked out a long time ago. It’s a miracle I made it to senior year.

Let me get one thing clear though, I am not a trouble maker. I am not one of those kids sneaking pot and alcohol into their dorms. I am not stupid about partying like a lot of the kids here are. I have known so many kids get expelled for dorm parties. Clearly, if you want to party find someone with a house nearby and do it there.That is how we do it. No, I am not one of those morons.

I just really dislike doing my own work. If there is one thing my daddy taught me it is that you have to do anything to get where you want to be in life. And let’s face it, I have the money and the looks. I have every nerd on campus eating out of the palms of my hands. It may cost me some dough or sometimes a kiss or two, but I have not written any of my own papers since sophomore year.

Some people call me stuck up. Some call me a bitch. I just think they are jealous they did not think of it first. It is not like they need the help anyway. Everyone here is crazy smart. I am pretty sure 90% of students here have 4.0 GPA’s. They all got in on their own smarts. How did I get in? My daddy’s money. I figured if that is what got me here why not let it keep me here? Sort of a twisted way to think, but whatever. He took my childhood I will take his money.
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Hey guys! Welcome to the first chapter of a coauthored story that I have high hopes for. Hope you like the first little look into my character Aubrey, the queen bee of Bluffington. Stay tuned for so much more of her and many more great characters. I would love your feedback.