Status: What do you think?

Dear Crush

Dear Crush:

Dear Crush:

I don't recall our initial introductions, but you claimed that we first met in high school. We met again about a year later and were together for six months.

Things progressed so quickly. First it was moving in together. Next it was coming home from a job interview to find you in bed with another girl (Now can't even listen to Bob Marley's song Three Little Birds without wanting to punch something). Then you used MY phone to cheat and didn't even have the courtesy to delete any of it. You stole my paychecks, limited what I ate, what music I listened to, told me what to wear, who I was allowed to talk to... Then, when I hang out at the mall with one of my guy friends (who you know is openly gay), you think I'm cheating on you and demand a list of who I've slept with, other than you, since we got together. You called me a liar when I honestly answered 'none' and choked me against a brick wall in public. Your addiction made you so paranoid. I felt like a complete moron for not paying closer attention to detail.

Humiliation, shame, embarrassment...those do not even begin to describe what I felt.

You not only broke my finger, on purpose, by slamming the car trunk on it, but also gave me permanent mental and emotional scars. I hope you rot in the fiery pits of Hell, you abusive jerk.
