Status: One Shot(:

Somewhere With You

Gotta Start Somewhere

I laughed as I watched the boys and Brit play in the snow like the children they truly were. Jamie and I stood at the door, hot chocolate in hand, watching as our friends began a massive snowball fight on our day off from school, thanks to the torrential snowfall we had the night before, making today a highly coveted snow day.
“Becky! Come play! Please?!” Danny begged me running through the snow towards me.
“Absolutely not Daniel! It’s fucking freezing!” I yelled at him
“But you’re halfway outside already! Please? Come on! I need one more person! It’ll be fun!”
I looked over at Jamie who just stood there laughing at Danny and I, this was a typical conversation for us, we were always arguing stupidly like this. “Beck, c’mon, pleeeeeeease? Don’t make me beg”
“Danny, you’ve already gone past begging” I laughed
“So you’ll come play?!”
“No” I laughed shaking my head.
“Well, you don’t really have a choice” He said and in one swift motion, picked me up over his shoulder as if he was rescuing someone from a fire, and handed my hot chocolate to Jamie who remained at the door.
“Danny! Put me down!”
“If I put you down Beck, you’re gonna run straight for the house. I know you”
“What if I pinky promise?”
“You always break your pinky promises when you say you won’t” he laughed at me
“No, but this time I really won’t. I promise”
I could tell he was thinking about it, and clearly I had won when I felt him move his grip around my legs as he lowered me down to the ground where my feet were now nicely covered in show. Thinking I could be slick, when he turned around, I made a run for the house, but he caught on as soon as I started running through the eight inches of snow in the yard.
“Get back here!” He yelled beginning to run after me.
I didn’t answer, I just kept running, but it backfired on me once he caught up when I was just about five feet from the house. Tackling me from behind, I brought him down with me and proceeded to get on top of him declaring I was the winner of our snow wrestling.
“Ya know, this has always been a fantasy of mine” He smirked as I straddled across his lap in the snow.
“Oh really? What kind of fantasy would that be?” I asked playing stupid.
“Oh ya know, just this whole sexual tension, it’d be kinda cool to fuck in the snow. I mean, it’s just a thought” He smirked.
It was comments like these that always left me guessing as to what was going on in his head. I had feelings for Danny since as long as I can remember, sure, I had boyfriends but there was always a little part of me that felt something for him. And it certainly didn’t help that there were occasions in which we had hooked up multiple times, never going all the way and having sex, but we had come close quite a few times.
“No.” was all I said in return to his sexual fantasies even though it was something that I would have loved to of fulfilled for him.
“Is that the only word you’re going to say to me today?”
“No” I laughed in response.
“You’re such an asshole” he laughed as he tried to get up from the ground, but I liked the position he was in so I grabbed both his arms and pushed him back down. “I thought you said no to my little fantasy?” He stated with a smirk on his face.
“Just cause I said no, doesn’t mean I want you to go anywhere” I laughed.
“Why’s that?” he asked, the smirk still painted on his babyface.
“Why the fuck do you think Daniel?” I said to him with a seriousness on my face.
“Well, Rebekah” I always hated when he used my full name against me, however, I did it to him all the time. It was the only way we knew when the other was being serious “I think, because this is what you really want from me right now” he said sitting up
“And what exactly would I want from you Danny?”
“This” He said as he leaned in closer, feeling the warmth of his breath on my face as he came closer to me. “It’s really nothing new for us, but at the same time, it’s like nothing we’ve ever done before.” He said before he leaned in and kissed me. Not like any other kiss we’ve ever had that was fueled by passion, lust and the heat of the moment, no. This kiss, this was completely different, this was the kiss that I had wanted for years, but never been able to have the balls to do it myself or tell him how I really felt. This was the kiss that would either start it all, or end it all. It would either bring us to a whole new level, or destroy everything we have, or could ever think of happening. And I hoped and prayed, it would be the kiss to bring us to a whole new level.
We must have sat there in the snow like that for a good twenty minutes before we separated. I didn’t know what to do, so I looked away, afraid of what might come next.
“What? Not what you wanted? Did I read this all wrong?” He asked with concern, but most importantly fear in his voice as he used two of his fingers to guide my face back to look at him.
I bit my lip as I looked back up at him, knowing my cheeks were pink from the mix of the cold and the heat of what had just happened, my eyes were more than likely glazed over with the left over passion from before. All I could still do was look down or away from him.
“Beck, please, talk to me. If I crossed the line, I’m sorry. I just thought that’s what you wanted.”
“Danny, don’t apologize” I half laughed as I grabbed his hand intertwining it with mine, “you read it all right.” I smiled watching as his face of concern turned into a giant smile, something I hadn’t seen in a while. “Where does this put us? What does this make us?” I asked him as I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes.
“We have to start somewhere. Dinner tomorrow night? 7PM?”
I smiled knowing my dreams had finally come true, “Sounds like a date” I smiled again as I started to tickle him, creating another snow war.
I wasn’t sure where would end up, but he was right. We had to start somewhere, and this somewhere was perfectly okay with me. As of right now, I had a hold of my dream guy, and nothing was going to bring me down.