Status: one shot done.

Don’t Cross That Line

Business shouldn't define us.

My father was an owner of a huge company, Finda, but just as life isn't perfect he did have a rival company, Terps inc. One that I knew all about only because that was what my dad confided with me. If he was going to vent about what the other company did he would tell me about it. I don't mind it but lately I find that the only thing we talk about is the other company.
I was leaving the office, I was upset with my father. He told me that for the end of my junior year and senior year of school that I would no longer take home studies I would be going to high school. He argued with me that the experience would be good for me and I would get a taste of what the real world is capable of and also expand my views. What a load of bull in my opinion.
I walked over to Ricky my driver.
"I'm going to the Luna's coffee shop," I said and he opened the door for me. "No thank you Ricky, its not that far I think I'll walk."
"Would you like me to accompany you?" he asked
"No thank you," I said and I walked away
Walking through this crowd made me feel normal. When people saw me they saw me as a normal teenager. One who was just trying to figure out their place in this world. I hated the feeling of being watched. My dad told me once to always be on my best behavior only because 'the big nasty men' are always on the look out with their cameras waiting for something to bust my dad about. We both knew that I wasn't the bad type anyways.
I walked in to that shop with the beautiful smell of coffee and the vibe you get.
"Welcome back Jenny, Can I get you the usual?"
"And by the usual if you mean a medium decaf coffee vanilla no whip cream but with a hint of cinnamon, then yes" I smiled
"Make that an order of two," I saw a hand give a twenty dollar bill to Cindy. I was about to reject the gentle men's kind offer but when I looked at him I was at a loss for words.
"Thank you," I said making direct eye contact, "have we met before"
"No I don't believe so," he chuckled
"Well you paid for my coffee, the least I can do is invite you to sit with me," I said and we sat down.
"So you come here often, how come I've never seen you," he asked
"I could ask you the same thing," I said
"Here you guys go, enjoy" Cindy said placing down our coffees
"Thank you, Cindy," I told her
"No problem, You know where to find me if you need anything," she said and walked away. I watcher her and I sighed.
"Something on your mind," he asked
"Plenty but I don't want to be the girl that overwhelms you just by you asking one simple question." I said
"You can't possibly overwhelm me," he said and I smiled.
"Are you always this charming," I asked
"You just bring it out of me," he smiled and looked down at his coffee.
"Oh," I said taking a sip of my coffee. We sat in silence, it was very comforting. I didn't even know his name yet I was attracted to him. I wanted to learn more about him and get to know what his life is like. Maybe he goes to that school I'm going to be attending next semester. It would be nice to at least know someone. I looked at him and he was looking at me I looked away. I think I could feel a blush reach its way to my cheeks.
"What's your name?" He asked and we were interrupted by a flash I looked and there was 3 camera men taking pictures.
"Oh no," I said softly
"Come on," he said and he grabbed my hand and we ran out through the back door. We just kept running until we were all out of breath. We were in an alley but we didn't care we just started laughing.
"I'm sorry about that," we both said at the same time and we just looked at each other.
"Why would you be sorry?" I asked
"I mean I barely meet you and the first thing you get to know about me is that I get stalked by camera men." he said
"No, they were taking pictures of me," I said trying not to sound to arrogant. We just looked at each other wondering who would start explaining first.
"No offense but why would they be taking pictures of you?" he asked
"My father owns this big business," I said
"So does mine what business does he own? My dad owns Terps inc" he said and my face went pale. I was associating with this boy who was almost perfect who was apart of everything my father hated.
"Finda," I said taking a sharp breathe, " I guess this means your going to waltz away all disgusted and take 100 showers"
I was interrupted by his lips pressed against mine. His lips were so soft against mine, the kiss was simple yet it meant so much. He pulled away and I smiled up at him.
"I hate to be the one that ruins this moment but this feels like Romeo and Juliet." I said still smiling.
"Well then my fare Juliet, may thou have your number," he joked. We swapped numbers and went our separate ways.
When I found Ricky, I asked him to drive me home.
"Did your day get better," he asked and I got a text that said 'when can we meet again'
"Way better," I said
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay just had to get this out of my system I guess its actually been blocking my other story :P This is a one shot or a one time what ever you want to call it so this is as far as it will go unless I'm overwhelmed with requests to continue which I doubt it.