I Was Meant to Make You Smile

She Has No Idea What To Expect.

The music was blaring loudly in my car,me singing along with the lyrics as I drove to my bestfriends house.I don't think my mood could've been any better.You see,I work for Fearless Records and do whatever they assign me to do,and I've just been assigned to be a Merch Girl for my all time favorite bands.Of course I'd been on tour many times with bands such as Alesana,Brokencyde,and Millionaires.But not Motionless In White.Plus,they were going on tour with Get Scared as a co-headliner,which was even better news for Carley,my bestfriend.I didn't care what anybody said,I was taking her with me.That girl has been by my side since I was able to walk.More of a sister than a bestfriend to be honest.And,these merch tables need all the help they can get,right?
I quickly parked infront of her house and ran up the steps,knocking roughly on her front door.

"Okay skank,open up!" I was giggling,like a 6 year old in Disney Land.

I heard a few stumbles and mild crashes before she opened the door.Her hair was a mess and she had a tooth brush hanging form her mouth.My only guess was that she had just woke up.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a smile.I pushed past her and made my way to her fridge to grab a coke.I was still giggling,to the point where I was ready to choke myself.

"Did you seriously just wake up?" I asked,taking a sip of the foamy beverage.

"I'm sorry-" She yawned,"-But there was a horror movie marathon on last night and I wasn't going to miss it,hahaha,"

"Damn! I missed it! Anyway,that's not what I wanted to tell you!" I was practically jumping,taking her hands in mine and jumping,making her un-willingly bounce along with me.

"Okay skank,calm yourself.Hahah,now tell me!"

"Me and you,are going on tour with Motionless In White and Get Scared,"

And she froze.It wasn't long before she screamed and bear hugged me,nearly crushing my chest together to the point where if felt like caving in.

"Are you Fucking serious?! Oh my God,this means I'll meet Nick! Holy shit! I need-"

I grabbed her shoulders,"Carley,honey,calm down."

She raised her brow at me,"And how are you so calm? You're gonna meet your love,Ricky Horror," She batted her eyelashes.

Then I screamed,"Ahhh! I know! Oh boy,I feel like passing out,"

"Uh,no no.If I'm calm,then so are you!"

"Fine," I sighed.

She grabbed her hair brush and made her way up her stairs,me following behind and babbling half the way up.Carley ran the brush and a straightner through her brown hair,applied her make-up,and picked out her outfit for the day.I,on the other hand,was packing her bags for her.Packing for me was easy,mostly because I just threw the stuff in,sat on it,and zipped it up.She wouldn't notice until she opened it up anyway.

"Okay,so when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning at 7:30.It's cool if I crash here right?"

"It always is," She smiled.

"Good.Now,what should we do to waste the day away?"

She looked over her shoulder,"Starbucks and shopping.I've been dying for a day out for the past week!"

I laughed and got under her bed,finding her hidden box of little debbie cupcakes,"Funny,me too."

She stared at me blankly,"Must you dig into my goodies? Its your fault I'm always running low you ass!" She threw a pair of socks at me and took the box from my hands.

"Hey now,if you wouldn't hide them in such obvious places,then we wouldn't have a problem!"

"Oh,hush and come on,"

She grabbed my hand and led me downstairs and out of the house.
I absolutely couldn't wait for tour.I was ready to just hang out and have a fun experience with Carley,who had no idea what to expect.
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Hmm,like? (: Hope so :3.Anyway,my first collab story with Nicholas Matthews <3 Its actually easier than I though :D haha :) Hope you guys liked it.It's a pretty slow starter,but we'll make it interesting,believe me :D And yes,I used my character Jenn AGAIN! If you want a further explaination then just msg me :)

Here is Jenn's Outfit