I Was Meant to Make You Smile

Tomorrow's A Big Day For Us.

Watching Carley's face when that guy smacked her ass was priceless.But,then again,I really wanted to just kick him in the balls for treating her like that.Respect is a huge issue for me and Carley.It pissed us off when men treated women like human sex machines.It's disgusting.

"This is the worst mall experience we've ever had," She said,biting into whatever the hell she ordered from the Chinese place.If I order Chinese,its simple and pronouncable,when Carley orders Chinese,I can't fucking pronounce it worth a shit!.Which is why Carley was always correcting me when I talk about it.It may get annoying,but we always end up laughing about it later on.

"Is that creep still eyeing me?" Carley asked,trying to keep herself from turning around to peek.

"Yeah.Oh,and he's got a friend an-Fuck! They're coming this way,"


I frowned and stared at her,"Hide?! Where the hell do you expect me to hide? In my purse?!"

"I don't know! Do something!"

"I could throw this at him?" I held up my mini bottle of curve cologne.

"Now,why the helldo you have cologne in your purse?!" Carley laughed loudly.

"Uhm,it smells good!"

She palmed her forehead,"I can't believe you're my bestfriend,"

I grinned,"And you love me,"


I looked over her shoulder,noticing the two creeps had taken a seat right next to our table.The one who had smacked Carley's ass may have been muscley,but his friend was stick thin and looked like a complete bum.I put my hand over my mouth and tried to hold back my snicker,my shoulders beginning to shake with laughter.Carley smacked my arm,holding in her own laugh.

"Its not funny! Ahahah,"

"Carley,the man looks like one of Santa's elves on crack with a freaking pickle for a nose!"

She lost it.She began laughing loud enough to where everyone began looking at us as if we were completely physco.Her laugh was weird,which made me laugh in my weird laugh,which made it impossible for us to breathe.Never a dull moment with Carley.
Once I stopped and caught my breath again,I looked over at the two creepers,who were still staring at us.I was really getting pissed.

"Would you like a goddamn picture so it'll last longer?"

He looked away,and Carley began laughing again.

"I knew you were going to do that,"

"Well he sh-What is he doing?!"

She looked over her shoulder,sighing when she saw the two actually walking over to our table.
They leaned over us,licking their lips,thinking that they were being attractive when I actualy wanted to puke.But,me and Carley got a kick out of this.

"Excuse us,but you two are drop dead gorgeous.Allow us to buy you a drink?"

I grabbed Carley's hand and kissed it,"Sorry,but me and my girlfriend were just leaving.We're going to go to an adoption agency to find our perfect little baby.Sorry gentlemen,"

I got up,bringing Carley with me and leaving the food and stuff there.The two men looked completely dumb-founded and I was ready to piss my pants from all of the laughter.
We hopped into my car and Carley already beat me to the radio.At least it was something I tolerated.

I'm so nervous it shake the fingertips that are coursing through your hair.
With those lovely lips that are made to kiss oh you put me in a spin.
You've got a body of a goddess
You've got the moves that make me sweat
You've got a voice that makes me breathless

"That was hilarious!"

"Greatest thing ever! Now,let's go pick out our kid,shall we?"

"Let's do it,hahah,"


Me and Carley entered her house again around 10:30 pm.We had went to almost every shopping place we could think of,mostly just goofing around,and spent the last bit of the day at Wal-Mart to get stuff we thought we'd need for tour.It was mostly just snack cakes and useless stuff,but hey,we had money to waste.
Although the day had been fun,we were both exhausted.Usually before I go to bed,I write.I didn't even get to pull out my pen thanks to the distraction of her bed being so comfortable.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"You have no idea!" She squealed,clapping her hands with a laugh.

"I know! Let's hurry up and sleep so it'll get here faster!"

She snorted,"You just made it sound like Santa Clause was coming!Hahaha!,"

"Oh shush and sleep! Tomorrow's a big day for us!"
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Thank you for the comments :) We appreciate them <3 This story is so fun to write :3 Lots of humor and I love it :P More comments? And thanks for the subscriptions c: