I Was Meant to Make You Smile

I Can See You Two Are Really Close?

I was woken up by Jenn shaking me furiously. "IT'S ALMOST 7:30! WE SLEPT IN! GET YOUR ASS UP!"

I groaned before slowly getting up. I rubbed my eyes, hoping they would adjust to the brightness a lot faster. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She practically screamed. "GET READY!"

I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes from my dresser and throwing them on. I really wanted to take a shower but I knew there was no time, maybe I could shower on the bus. 

"Stop taking your damn time! We've got to meet them in a couple of minutes."

I yawned and quickly put my hair up in a messy bun. There was no point in me putting on my make up because when I got to the bus I knew I was just going to fall asleep and then my make up would get all smeared.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear me before? It's almost 7:30. Grab your bags and let's go."

We both walked to the door and I put on my shoes, only to have Jenn stop me and throw my boots down the hall.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"You are not going to wear those. They're fucking hideous Carley."

"Well sorry, I don't really pay attention to the shoes I wear. If they're comfy, they're fine by me."

She shoved a pair of hers in my face and I put them on. We walked out the door and I started walking to her car. "Where you going?" she asked.

"We're not taking your car?"

She nodded her head and I walked over to her. She told me that the band's manager had called saying they were going to pick us up at my place. Jenn had told them my address and we waited outside for the bus to arrive.

I sat on one of my bags and began picking at the grass. 

"When are they coming?" I asked.

"They'll be here- oh wait. I see them. I'm so excited!"

I sat there and waited for the bus to pull up. Some guys walked off and I looked up at Jenn, She looked like she was about to burst. I got up and they walked over to us.

"You must be Jenn." the tall guy smiled. "My name's Chris."

"Yeah that's me. Your new merch girl. Oh and I hope you guys don't mind but I wanted to bring along my friend Carley."

He looked at me and then back at Jenn. He smiled and walked over to me, shaking my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Carley. Since you're tagging along with us do you think you can help out with merch? We need all the help we can get."

I smiled and nodded my head. He grabbed one of my bags and the other, if I do recall his name being Josh, grabbed Jenn's bags and walked to the other side of the bus. I watched as he opened up a compartment and wether bags down in the storage area type thing.

"Let me get that for you." 

I smiled and handed him my bags. These guys were so freaking polite, I sure thought wrong about them. I followed Jenn onto the bus and sat down next to her.

"Guy," Chris began. "This is Jenn and Carley. That's Ryan, Angelo, Devin, and Ricky. These are our merch girls." 

I looked at Jenn who was eyeing Ricky down. I smiled and sat down next to Angelo. He looked like a pretty decent guy.

"Hello." I smiled. "What you working on?" 

He looked up at me and smiled, "Just finishing up some designs."

I smiled and walked overt Jenn. She was busy chatting up a storm with Ricky. I tried talking to them but they wouldn't listen to me.

"Oh yeah, where are we going to sleep?" I asked.

"Hope you guys don't mind sharing a bunk. But that's all we have left, we thought Jenn was going to be coming alone." 

She looked at Josh and then back at me, "I have to share a bunk with her? She's a fucking bad sleeper." 

I could feel my face flush red. The guys laughed and turned their attention to me. 

"Sorry but you've gotta share."

I looked at Jenn and glared at her, causing Ricky to laugh.

"I can see you two are really close?"

"Yup. She's been my best friend ever since birth."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. She sure did know how to make my day and it did feel like we've been friends since birth. I loved this woman to death and I'm sure glad she decided to bring me along or I'd be dying of boredom by now.
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Yup, this is what you get when I'm horribly sick, constant updates because I've got no life.

Thank you Chelsey, Haley, and Brianna for commenting. You guys are the greatest! An I'm looking forward to your update, Jenn :)