I Was Meant to Make You Smile

I Think We'll Have Fun With You Two.

Me and Carley looked down at the bed we'd be crammed into for the next 3 months.Small didn't even describe the size of this bed.With the way we both sleep,this would be like living in hell.
I glanced over at Carley and then back to the boys,who were staring blankly back at me.

"Uh,no offense to you amazing men and Carley,but uhm,do you have any idea what this will cause? Me and her will be tangled together like pretzles!"

"You could share with Ricky if you'd like," Chris suggested.I blushed and looked down at the small bed again.I could deal with this.

"You know,this might not be as bad as I thought."

"Okay,then we're off to pick-up the other band,then we're going to eat because I'm starving!" Angelo said,playing around on his IPhone.

Carley turned to me,grabbing my elbow and pulling me close so that she could whisper in my ear.

"Did you just turn down the chance to share a bed with Ricky?"

"That'd be awkward! Plus,I don't want him to be uncomfortable all night,"

"But you'll let me,your bestfriend in the world,be uncomfortable?"

"Yep! Only because you'll still love me in the end," I cheekily grinned.

"I have too.I'm stuck with you until death,"

I turned back to her and smiled,"Which you should be thankful for,"

"Oh,you have no idea," Her saracasm was too obvious.I stuck my tongue out at her and sat next to Ryan.I gave him a head nod,acting like a cool kid from the 90's.


He laughed,"Ha,you sounded black,"

"Always a good ice breaker,"

Carley flopped on my lap and layed against my shoulder.She then curled up in a fetal position and closed her eyes.I guess she was planning on sleeping on me for now.
Ricky laughed,"She do this often?"

"Randomly sleep on me? Yes,at certain times," I groaned,pushing a few strands of Carley's hair out of my mouth.

"She's always so comfy though," Carley groaned.

I rolled my eyes.Despite that I loved being considered 'comfy' and all,she was kind of ruining the whole me talking to Ricky thing.Of course,I could never be mean to this chick unless it was out of pure saracasm.Which is why I was happy when the bus stopped.
I knew as soon as Nicholas Matthews stepped onto this bus,Carley was going to have a mini spazz attack.Johnny B was first,then Bradley Lloyd,then TJ Bell,who I practically almost died for,then finally Nick.

"Oh Carley," I hummed in her ear.


"Nicholas Matthews is on the bus,"

Her eyes flew open and she stumbled to her feet,"Are you serious?!"

I pointed behind her,"Mhmm,"

She turned,her face brighter than a tomato,giggling like a child.

"Holy shit,you're TJ Bell," I half gawked.

He smiled,his dimples becoming more prominate,"The one and only,"

He exteneded his hand,which I gladly shook,"I'm Jenn,MIW's new merch girl,and that's my bestfriend Carley,co-merch girl,"

"Well,I think Carley is a beautiful name," Nick commented,shooting a white smile to Carley.If I hadn't been standing right beside her,she would've fell right on her ass.

"Hehe,thank you," Her voice had become I pitched.She always did that when there was an extremely cute guy talking to her.I smacked my forehead and made my way back to sitting by Ricky and Balz.Carley had once again sat on my lap as the bus began moving again.

"Ahem,I hope you're comfy Carley,"

"I am,thanks for asking," She laughed,putting her arms around my neck.

"Oh,get off of me you hoss," I pushed her on the floor and laughed.She burst into her own laughter,grabbed my arm and pulled me off,and I landed face first into the floor.I should be pissed,but I was far to busy laughing at myself.

"Hahaha,bitch.I'll get you back later for that," I said between breaths.

"Sure you will,"

All of the guys laughed along with us.

"I think we'll have fun with you two," Balz said.

We looked up at him,simultaneously saying,"Oh.you will,"

My stomach growled,"Now can we please go stuff our faces?"
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Thanks to this story,I'm not the least bit tired and it's 5:24 hahha :D How was it? I'm not crazy about the ending haha:P I hope you all liked it<3 And Carley,I can't wait till you update :3