I Was Meant to Make You Smile


It was never fun when Carley over ate and gorged herself.She always got pissy,but I was use to it,and as I've said before,I can't be mean and or mad at her for nothing.You kind of can't be mad at someone who's been by your side through so much.Although,I was amused that she looked like she was pregnant.Even Johnny had asked if she was.
When we finally stopped at The New Black,me and Carley literally jumped out of the bus and ran to the bathrooms to pee.Ryan was taking a shower,and just as I had heard,the asshole took forever,and me and Carley both ordered large drinks when we were eating,and our bladders felt like bursting.

"Has your gut shrunk any yet?" I giggled,running warm water over my hands.

"Boy I hope so.I don't want any fans coming up to me and asking how far long I am,"

"Let me see," I said.She turned to the side and pulled her top up.

"Did it?"

"Well,you don't look pregnant anymore,"

"Good! Now,let's get back to the guys,"

They were all out setting up their equipment,while Get Scared chilled in the green room.Me and Carley were suppose to help set the speakers up,but with Ricky being right infront of me,it was like we were trying to complete mission impossible.He was flawless in person.With the hair,the piercings,the tattoos,and those damn veins that ran up his forearm.When he looked over and winked at me,I nearly fainted.I was zoned out,not even hearing Carley calling me,until she shoved my arm-which had caused my head to fall and smack right into the top of the speaker.

"Ow...Fucking bitch.."

Carley began laughing,"If you weren't so damn distracted by Ricky,then we would've been done along time ago!"

"Hey now,you can't blame me.If it were Nick up there,you'd do the same damn thing,"

No arguement.She hated when I was right,and the fact that I knew her like the lyrics to an MIW song.

"True....Okay,I think we're finished? What if we did it wrong?"

"I can determine that.Balz! Come here,we need help,"

He stopped what he was doing and leaned down form the stage,"Yes?"

"Did we do this right?"

He snatched Ricky's guitar from his hands and strummed it,the loud,horrible off beat sound causing my ears to ring.

"Dude! What the hell?" Ricky said.

Balz grinned,"You did it right,"

Carley blew out a long breath,"Good,"

Fast Forward

The guys were killing it on stage.Chris's vocals,Ricky's vocals,the epic headbanging and jumping in place,and the waer throwing was flawless.I was standing off to the side enough to where everyone couldn't see me.Carley was over chatting with Nick.I could see her giggling,smiling from ear to ear,and Nick returning her actions.It was nice to see her smiling like that,especially with a guy.Usually it was just me and her making each other laugh,but maybe this time we could add Nick in.

Scissorhands closed the show,and soon me and Carley were getting our asses handed to us at the merch table.All the other times I did merch it was never this packed and crazy.We even had kids trying to stuff merch into their pockets,until Carley caught them and yanked it form their hands.We were either breaking up fights,getting back merch that was getting stolen,or trying to keep creeps from grabbing our asses.The boys however got a kick out of watching this.Eventually me and Carley got a bright idea.We snuck onto the bus and grabbed the water guns I had brought,for prank purposes,and filled them with water.Now if anyone tried to start something,they'd get soaked with freezing cold water when it was 45 degrees out.

"What are you two doing?" Ryan asked,raising his brow up.

I looked over,trying not to laugh at the stances me and Carley were in.We liked to call them our 'War' positions when we'd have water fights back home.What we looked like was haunch backed dwarves.But it was funny as hell.

"If anyone wants to start some shit,they get blasted,"

"Wow,you two are like..."

"Like what Ryan? I know,you're going to say amazing,and we've brought light into your boring tour life,right?" Carley said with a sly grin.

"You just described everything I was going to say," He laughed.

"Hey Jenn,"

I turned,nearly bumping into Ricky,"Oops,haha.Yeah?"

"Can you come here for a sec?"

I looked back at Carley,who smiled at me,giving a small thumbs up.


I don't think the butterflies in my stomach could've been worse.
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Yeah,I'm not to crazy about this haha :D But,I felt the need to add in some Ricky/Jenn and Carley/Nick :P Did you guys like it? And yeah,the chapter title sucks,but its all I could think of,haha (:
Oh and here's Jenn's Outfit :D