Tell Me You Love Me

Ch.11 Control (Aaron)

Michelle was mine and we both knew it. She had completely given herself to me. ‘Be gentle,’ Was her only request. Of course Michelle I know what I’m doing, yours isn’t the first virginity I’ve taken.

I had to move slowly, distract her with a kiss as a position myself between her legs. She wasn’t too distracted she tensed when I touched her.

“Relax.” I whispered against her lips, “It’ll make the penetration easier, less painful.”

She exhaled a long breath as she began to relax.

I found my way in and the further I went the more she tensed.

“Relax.” I reminded her.

“I can’t.” She whispered, “It hurts. Aaron it hurts please stop.”

“It because you’re tense relax your muscles. It’ll get better I promise.” I tried to convince her.

“No.” She shook her head, “I want to stop.”

She wanted to stop but I was the one in control. I ventured deeper reaching the point that marked her as a virgin.

She cried out. “Aaron, please stop!”

I tuned her out she’d thank me later.

She did eventually relax. Her protests turned to gentle moans as I satisfied her body.

Once we were done I held her in my arms. She was completely wiped, not bad for her first time. “You are perfect Michelle.” I whispered kissing her forehead.

“Will I be sore in the morning.” She asked sleepily.

I chuckled, “Maybe it was your first time.”

“It was worth the risk.” She whispered as her lethargy deepened.

“Good night my angel.” I whispered as her eyes fluttered shut. I kept our embrace until I knew she was completely asleep. Then I slipped from the bed to get my phone. Now that I got what I wanted it was time to rub it in Tony’s face.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My senior year is kind of busy so yeah. Thank you so much for you patience.