Tell Me You Love Me

Ch. 12 Disbelief (Tony)

“Yeah I heard you. So have you talked to Michelle?” that was the whole reason I called her. I needed to know she was safe.

“Why do you care so much about her? It’s like she’s the only reason you keep in touch with me. No matter what it’s like our conversation always find their way to her. What’s she doing?

Have you seen her? Is she out with Aaron today? Like what the hell do you like her?”

I stayed silent for a few seconds, long enough for Crissey to lose her temper. “Well.” She demanded.

“No it’s nothing like that. It’s just that she’s dating my best friend and…”

“Exactly she’s dating Aaron! Not you. What about me I’m your girlfriend I need a little attention too.” She sounded sad.

It pulled at my heart. She was right I had lost my attraction to her, now I was only using her to check up on Michelle. I took a deep breath and just as I was about to apologize, my phone beeped. I glanced at the caller id it was Aaron.

“Cris could you hold on for a sec I have another call.”

“Fuck you Tony!” she shouted as her line went dead.

“So much for her being sad.” I sighed as I clicked over. “What do you want Aaron?”

“Well hello to you too.” He laughed.

“Aaron is there something you need to say because I don’t have time for your games.”

“Of course I have something to say and it’s very important.” He laughed. I could almost see that stupid smirk on his face.

“Get to the point Aaron.” I said my frustration growing.

“Guess what little angel is lying in my bed right now, fast asleep, after I had my way with her.

Go on guess.” He urged.

“What did you do to Michelle?”

“Nothing bad, I was gentle I promise. I only gave her what she asked for.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“What she asked for or what you pressured her into?”

“Well I may have tempted her a little but I never forced myself on her, at least not until the end when she was crying for me to stop because of the pain. But I would file that under forcing myself in her” He chuckled.

"You’re sick.” I shook my head in disgust.

“No I’m afraid I’m not. She loved it here I have proof.”

I heard the flash of the camera and the tapping of his fingers as he pressed the screen of his phone.

My phone vibrated letting me know I had an incoming message. I looked at the screen to see it was a picture message from Aaron. “What is this crap?” I asked still staring at the screen. The subject read: Angelic.

“Open it.” Aaron urged. So I did. It was a picture of Michelle nestled in what was definitely Aaron’s bed her exposed shoulder showed that she was wearing nothing underneath. She had a smile on her lips and a peaceful expression on her sleeping face. She really did look like an angel.

“You may not have forced her this time, but I know you. As soon as she doesn’t give you what you want you will turn violent, and that’s when I’ll intervene. I won’t sit by and let you hurt someone else.” I threatened.

Aaron snorted, “You say that like you can really stop me. You’re too much Tony.” He laughed as he hung up.

“Damn you Aaron” I said aloud, “Damn you.”