Tell Me You Love Me

Ch.2 Boys Admitted

As the guys stepped off the escalator I had a sudden urge to turn and run away.

‘’Hey’’ the one with the curly hair said. ‘’I saw you looking at me then you bolted. Why?’’ He asked calmly looking at me.

’Well…’’ I look a way avoiding his eyes. ‘’I like your hair and I think your skateboard is really cool. ‘’ I looked to Crissey for help but she was too busy flirting with the buff guy.

He laughed, ‘’Not many girls know about skateboards. By the way I’m Aaron and that’s… well I guess you call him my best friend his name is Tony.’’

I felt kinda awkward just standing there so I said, ‘’Yeah that’s Crissey she my best friend and she seems to be really into your best friend.’’ I said still avoiding his gaze.

‘’And your name is…?’’ he asked. ‘’Oh umm my name is is…’’ I began looking up at him I was entranced by the beautiful emerald green of his eyes. I stood there staring at him like an idiot.

He laughed and looked away even though it was only a few seconds it was enough time for me to regather my thoughts. ‘’My name is Michelle.’’ I finally said. ‘’I’m sorry for staring it’s just your eyes they’re, they’re so pretty I’ve never seen anything like them.

He smiled and looked away I could see the red blush in his cheeks. ‘’Thanks’’ he looked back at smiling even broader. This was so perfect he seemed to be just as shy as me.

Maybe it was a good thing that Crissey got us kicked outta Sheik’s.

‘’Hey uh Tony and I we’re gonna go see a movie do you think you and you’re friend might wanna come with.’’ He asked shyly looking down as de fiddled with the wheel of his skateboard.

‘’That sounds good, but I’m kinda broke.’’ I lied.

‘’That’s cool I was ask if I could pay for you anyway.’’ He shrugged looking up.

‘’Oh! Really? But you just met me.’’ I said.

He shrugged aren’t guys supposed to pay for girls anyway though. His smile made the green of his eyes shimmer beautifully. I couldn’t resist.

‘’Yeah well I’ll just ask Crissey if she’s up for it.’’ I said looking to her.

‘’Michelle look at her do you think there’s even a slim chance she’ll say no.’’ he laughed.

‘’Well I don’t know Crissey has always been more out spoken then me it’s kinda hard to know how she’ll react to anything.’’ I said looking back to him.

‘’Yeah I know what you mean Tony is the exact same way. I’ve always felt like more of a shadow then a person whenever I’m around him for too long.’’ He said leaning against the railing near the escalator.

‘’I feel that way when I’m around Crissey, her personality outshines mine.’’ I sighed shifting my weight to my right foot.

‘’Well I think you have a beautiful personality. You’re shy and I like that it’s really cute on you unlike my last girlfriend. She was annoyingly shy so I had to let her go. But you, you look like a fun person, a person I’d enjoy getting to know better.’’ he said pushing a way from the railing and stepping closer to me. I looked down hiding my smile. Little did I know my great day was about to get better.