Tell Me You Love Me

Ch.4 Surprise Date

It was Saturday morning and my cell phone kept vibrating around my night stand. I looked at my alarm clock it read 8: 15. I grabbed the phone and stared at the number before answering.

‘’What do you want Crissey?’’ I said sleepily.

“Oh, good you’re awake.’’ She replied cheerfully. ‘’I’m coming over.’’ She said and hung up. I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head and tried to go back to sleep. It seemed like only moments when I started to drift but it was closer to about fifteen minutes when Crissey was yelling t me to get out of bed.

‘’Why?’’ I groan trying to sink through the mattress.

‘’Because, you need to get dressed.’’ She said snatching the pillow of my face. I used my hands to shield my eyes from the sudden light. ‘’Get up.’’ She growled grabbing my wrist.

She yanked me up so fast that I tumbled forward and rolled onto the floor landing on my butt.

‘’OW.’’ I said rubbing my shoulder I felt it pop on that last roll.

‘’Are you awake now?’’ she asked with a laugh.

‘’Well that depends, are you going to let me sleep on the floor?’’ I said sarcastically getting to my feet.

‘’Come on we have a date tonight.’’ She leaning all her weight to the left tapping her right foot.

“’Then why did you wake me up at… ‘I looked over to the clock” 8:50.’’ I said then paused.

‘’You didn’t.’’ I whispered.

A devilish grin spread across her face and she wagged her eyebrows.

‘’Cris-sey’’ I whined stretching her name so that it sounded like two words.

‘’Oh come on Michelle you need to go out have some fun.’’ She said taking my hands in hers.

‘’I do have fun and I don’t NEED anything if I wanted to go out with him I’d have called him myself.’’

‘’Really’’ she asked her voice becoming serious. ‘’No.’’ I answered. ‘’But that doesn’t mean I’m going.’’

‘’Oh yes you are. I’ve already arranged everything-‘’

‘’Well I don’t remember asking you to.’’ I shot back in a cold voice.

She froze. ‘’I’m sorry Michelle I shouldn’t have went behind your back.’’ she said hugging me. ‘’But because I did now, you have to go.’’ She said squeezing me.

‘’I didn’t say yes.’’ I informed her.

‘’But you will.’’ She said squeezing me even tighter. ‘

’No Crissey!’’ I said trying to push her off of me to no avail. Damn my weak wrists. ‘’Okay fine I’ll go just let me go.’’ I screamed.

‘’Okay.’’ she let go of me and ran to my closet. She threw open the doors and stepped inside. ‘’I’m gonna dress you like a- … ‘’Whore’’ I finished for her. ‘

’No like a teenager.’’ She looked back over her shoulder at me.

‘’Which for you translates into… whore.’’ I said going to sit down on the edge of my bed.

‘’Here try this on.’’ she said throwing a pair of black skinny jeans and a hot pink t- shirt at me.

‘’Why do I need to try anything on? It came from my closet.’’ I asked falling back against my bed.

‘’Because, I want to see how it looks, with these.’’ She said holding up a pair of black stiletto boots.

‘’These are cute. These are the one’s I was looking at in- ‘’Sheiks.’’ She finished. ‘’I felt bad about get you kick out yesterday. So after you dropped me off last night I went back and got them just for you.’’ She said holding her arms out for a hug. ‘’Aw, thanks.’’ I hugged her and complied with trying on the out fit. I reentered the room.

‘’Oh my gosh you look so hot. If I wasn’t straight I’d totally rape you.’’ Crissey exclaimed.
I laughed more of a shocked sound than actual laughter. ‘’Crissey you’re so weird.’’ I said walking the rest of the way into the room.

‘’Give me a spin.’’ She instructed. I spun around and stopped facing her. ‘’I see your black side.’’ She teased.

I knew what she was talking about instantly. ‘’Thanks I got the ass from my mom.’’ I laughed.

‘’You’re gonna be a heart breaker Michelle I can feel it.’’ She said. ‘’Okay so the date is at 2:00 but we probably won’t be back ‘til around 8:00.’’ She informed me. ‘’It’s 9:20 now so we’ve got plenty of time before we meet up with them.

‘’Where, are we meeting them?’’ I asked though I didn’t really care.
‘’Here’’ She smiled.