Tell Me You Love Me

Ch.6 Skating

The ride to Culver City was smooth and uneventful. Aaron didn’t say anything he just let me enjoy the ride. Once there at the Ice Arena I agreed to let Aaron pay for the entrance fee and skate rental. Crissey and Tony hit the ice before I could get the lace on one of my skates tied. When I looked up finally done with my skates, Aaron was waiting patiently for me by the entrance to the ice. “Wow I was wondering if you were ever going to get up.” He said with a teasing smile. I rolled my eyes and took his hand as he guided me on to the ice.
It had been a while since I last ice skated so inevitably I slipped. Aaron caught me, “Whoa!” he said. “Are you sure you wanna do this? He asked. “Yeah,” I said as he helped me to regain my balance. “It’s just been a while.’’
“Yeah no kidding.” He laughed.
”That’s so insulting. Watch I can beat you two laps around the ice… as soon as I get used to being on the ice again.”
“Michelle!” I heard Crissey scream my name from across the ice. I looked up to see what she wanted. “Check this out she shouted.”
I watched as Crissey skated in a wide circle, turned and skated backwards doing a figure 8, jumped up in the air spun once landed, and skated backwards until she reached tony. She held her arms up over head a bowed.
“Pretty good huh?” she shouted back at me.
“Nice one.” I shouted back at her.
“Hey your friends pretty good at this.” He said taking my hand.
“Yeah she really loves stuff like this. Plus she’s really good at it.”
“Someone sounds a little jealous”
“Well-“I began.
“Let me help you.” He said
He raised my hand above my head and spun me.
“See it’s easy.” He smiled leading me in circle.
Before I knew it I was skating like a pro letting him lead me around. I looked at Crissey she gave me big smile and a thumbs up. Tony gave me a weird look. Something about his face looked sad but I couldn’t reason what it could be so I let it drop. We stayed in our pairs until our session was up. The ride home was filled with excited chatter about the date and every time we messed up, it was fun. Everyone seemed happy except Tony there was still that sad look on his face. I don’t what it was but. I felt like I’d find out soon.