I Did It All So Maybe I'd Live This Every Day

As Days Fade, And Nights Grow

Mikey’s POV

I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling still trying to get my head around what Gabriel and Aiden had told us yesterday. It seemed that their news was acting as a roadblock and wouldn’t let me get all the way around it. It seemed I had to take the longest route just to get back on track again. I know to everyone it would’ve seemed that I was mildly okay with this situation, but I wasn’t. I don’t know how there was anyway that I’d ever be okay with this. I mean I just found out that my boyfriend is really a vampire and also that he’s about 160 years old, which is about ten times my age. To top that all off I just found out that my brother hadn’t run away but instead he tried to kill himself again and nearly succeeded, actually he did succeed since he is now dead. Then again being dead and being a vampire are the same thing.

These thoughts and many others had kept me awake the whole night, tossing and turning. I just couldn’t relax enough to sleep so I gave up and instead went to thinking about it all. What good that did me. So far I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to die alone and everyone will out live me, even Frank. Frank will probably get into a car crash and the only way to save him would be to bite him. I thought about pulling something like this but I think Gabriel might just bring me back to life and then kill me again for doing that to him. I love him but I never want to loss him. I want to literally spend eternity with him at his side, through the good and the bad. It’s too bad that Aiden said that there was no way in hell that either of them was going to turn Frank or I.

As I was lying on my bed I heard the phone ringing downstairs but couldn’t be bothered to get it. Frank was down there so he could pick it up, which he did. I heard his footstep climbing up the stairs and then come to my room.

“Mikey phone’s for you” Frank held the phone over my body. I sighed and sat up wondering who could be calling me.

“Hello?” I answered the phone and then heard a voice I had wanted to hear for weeks.

“Mikey” Gerard said happily I could just see him smiling,

“I can’t believe it’s you Gerard, how are you?” I asked, I was just glad he was safe and okay.

“I’m great and what about you little brother?” he asked me and then I remembered why exactly Gerard was okay now.

“I’m okay I suppose, it was a bit of a shock hearing about all the changes and everything” I replied trying not to sound too rocked about everything.

“Yeah I thought it might have been, I mean I thought it was too and I didn’t really find out in the best possible circumstances” he replied. Knowing the way Gerard did would have its ups and downs.

“No you didn’t” I responded feeling my high deflate. I wish I could see Gerard now and feel him hug me and tell me everything was fine and that we weren’t messed up, it was the world that was. Gerard would always help me when I was down even if he was down himself.

“I’m sorry Mikey,” he whispered into the other end of the phone.

“I wish I could see you” I said back, I couldn’t say ‘It’s okay’ or ‘It’s fine’ because it wasn’t. Gerard committed suicide and I don’t think I would’ve completely forgiven him if he were actually dead. Though now he isn’t exactly I forgave him a little especially since he is still around.

“I wish I could see you too Mikey but I can’t. After a few years we’ll see but for now it’s too dangerous” Gerard explained. Aiden and Gabriel had explained it to me already but it didn’t change the fact that I wanted to see my older brother.

Frank was sitting with me on my bed as I talked with Gerard. Gerard told me all about him becoming a vampire and about what he could do now. He left a few things out I could tell because he would always go to say something and then stop mid-word, it was annoying. Though all in all Gerard said that being a vampire was actually pretty dull and boring and that he sat around the house a lot. I laughed when he said this but then he explained that he can’t really go out much. Just encase he smells a human and attacks him or her; I got a little scared while he was telling me. Frank left me to it after about half an hour of me talking. After and hour Gabriel came over and quickly and silently sat beside me. When I say quickly and silently I really meant it, I didn’t actually notice him at first. When I did notice him though I jumped and screamed. Gerard though it was hilarious and then wanted to talk to Gabriel quickly. Gerard didn’t exaggerate when he said quickly though rapidly or superhumanly would’ve been a better word. I didn’t even hear a word that came out of Gabriel’s mouth; it just seemed like a loud buzzing to me. When they were finished talking to each other Gabriel looked disturbed.

I talked with Gerard for another hour after that before he had to go. I didn’t want to hang up on him but he didn’t give me a choice as he hung up first. I put the phone down on my bed and then looked at Gabriel who was lost in thought.

“Gabriel is something wrong?” I asked him curious,

“I think we need to go on holiday for a little while” he replied still not looking at me this worried me.

“What do you mean Gabriel?” the look on his face wasn’t one of safety and certainty.

“Do you like France?” he asked me looking at me now and smiling though it looked a little forced.

“France?” I asked surprised. When people take surprise holidays it normally isn’t so far away.

“Yes France and maybe England” he said more to himself and nodded his head at the same time. He then stood up and was about to walk to the door.

“I suggest you pack now, I’ll go tell Frank” he said monotonously and then left my room to find Frank.

I didn’t even know what to think when he told me it was all so random. I stood still for a minute or two before Frank came running up to my room.

“Holy shit Gabriel is taking us to France and England” he said excitedly. I don’t think Frank even cared why we were going he was just so excited to be going.

“I’m going to go and pack you should too” he said before he hugged me and then went off to pack his bags.

I shook my head to clear it and then went about packing my bags. It was either I packed them or Gabriel would. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t about to let me mess around.
Gabriel came around half an hour later and told us our flights were booked and that we needed to leave the house in an hour. Frank and I ran around the house like chickens with our heads cut off. We didn’t want to forget anything or leave anything important behind. Gabriel spent his time cleaning the house and leaving a nice not for my mother. As long as Gabriel did it my mother wouldn’t kick up a fuss about it, she loved him too much. A taxi was waiting outside for us ten minutes before the set time but Gabriel got us out of the house then anyway. We were at Newark International Airport and it was packed with holiday goers and for once I was one of them. We had to wait three hours in the airport before our plane left, but the time went by pretty fast. Our plane left New Jersey at 7 pm and then we stopped over in Chicago for fifteen minutes and then we were back on the plane to London and got there at 11:30 am the next day. It was a long flight and Gabriel didn’t seem to like it all that much.

Once we were off the plane Gabriel seemed better but he was still anxious and he wanted to get away from the city as fast as possible. He sent Frank and I off to lunch and then he said he had to go and do something. He came back half an hour later and hurried us off to the exit and then to a really nice car, it was an Audi TT. He grabbed both Frank’s and my bags and threw them in the boot and then got into the drivers seat. I was standing there admiring the car with Frank

“Why do they always get such nice cars?” Frank asked me

“They don’t need to spend it on anything else” I replied still mesmerized until the horn beeped and we both jumped and quickly got into the car. Gabriel drove off in a hurry; I didn’t even know where we were going. I didn’t really care though because I was in a different country that I hadn’t ever been too. It was a bit hard to watch the scenery go past as it became a blur from us going so fast though it didn’t really feel like it. We were soon in the middle of nowhere it reminded me a lot of Gabriel’s and Aiden’s house out in forest. We past a small village and then he started to slow down and soon enough we were at an amazing old house that looked like it had been there for centuries.

“Home” Gabriel let out a long sigh and then turned to me, his eyes were as black as night.

“I’ll be back in a few hours make yourself at home” he said and then disappeared opening and closing the door.

“Well this that was different” Frank said from behind me and then got out of the car, I followed him.

We both walked up to the house cautiously. It was a beautiful old Victorian style house. There were trees and flowering shrubs all around it. There was no garage and drive way by the house like the other one. The garage was a little way away from the house and looked very like it had been put in a few decades later. There was a small dirt path, which led up to the house, it branched off just before it reached it and went off to the left and behind the house. The house was about three stories counting the attic. The whole house except the roof was made out of stone; the roof was made out of tiles just like a normal house. The roof kind of looked like it had been replaced and if it was as old as it looked it probably needed to be. Frank and I walked up to the front door and stood there for a few minutes just looking at it.

“Open the door” I whispered to him for no reason,

“No you open it” he whispered back and looked around paranoid.

“Opened it on three” I said as I put my hand on the knob and he did too.

“One… Two… Three…” I counted and then we both turned the handle.

I was meet with and unexpected view. The house looked clean and everything was covered in white sheets, like you do when you leave your house so no dust falls on the furniture.

I pulled of a few of the covers and littered the room with dust particles. The furniture was old Victorian too and it looked very royal as well. It was all plush and deep purples, reds and blues. The lounge had a big fireplace that all the couches were facing and then in the corner was a small black piano, which of course would have been Aiden’s. The next room we ventured into was the dinning room, all set out properly like it was actually used though it probably wasn’t. This house had a kitchen in it even though it looked too old to have one. You could tell that the kitchen was put in much later than when the house was made, the same goes for the bathroom downstairs and upstairs. There was one bedroom downstairs and three upstairs. Upstairs there was also a study/library set up like you would like a university professor's would be set up. When I looked into the room they all had beds in them, which didn’t make sense because Gabriel and Aiden had told us they didn’t sleep. All in all the house was very cosy and quaint, it was very relaxing and soothing. Frank and I decided to grab our bags and claim a room. Frank claimed what looked like Aiden’s room by all the paintings and music on the walls and I got Gabriel’s, I didn’t know how I could tell I just could.
I lay on the couch feeling really tired while Frank tried to play piano. It wasn’t soothing but somehow it had put me to sleep, I guess it was because of the jetlag.