I Did It All So Maybe I'd Live This Every Day

I Mean This, Forever

Frank’s POV

The pain was over. It was the best feeling ever. Not the pain but the feeling after the pain. The feeling of no pain. It was the worse pain in my life I just wanted to pass out but I wouldn’t. I was glad it didn’t last longer than it did. Being in that pain for 6 or however many hours it was, was bad enough. Although now it was all gone and I was just lying here biting on something. I sat up and took the piece of dented metal that had been put in my mouth and looked around. I was in the kitchen of Aiden and Gabriel’s forest home.

“How are you feeling?” I heard someone with a very familiar voice ask, I couldn’t see him or her but I could hear him or her.

“Um… better now” I replied looking around the room trying to find the source of the voice. As I did I noticed there was something in my mouth. I moved my tongue around trying to figure it out but nothing seemed to click.

“It’s the new teeth. They’re not that noticeable but do feel different” the voice sounded again and then I noticed that my canines were larger and thicker, it did feel very different.

“Who’s there?” I asked a little scared at who was there and why they seemed so familiar to me.

“I’m insulted that you don’t remember me, Frank” and with that last word Gerard stepped out from the shadows.

I gasped at how different he looked now. He was wearing plain clothing like always and his hair was still the same but he looked so… beautiful. His skin was pale like always but it had this natural glow, unlike the sickly sweaty pale look he adorned the last time I saw him. His eyes were so vibrant and had this light that was never there, he looked so alive which is so ironic. It took him dying for him to look alive.

“Gerard” I said excitedly as I jumped off the table and hugged him happily. He seemed tense hugging me though like he was trying to restrain me. Then I had to think a moment, I still probably smelt like a human and even though he’s never tasted human I probably smelt pretty tasty to him.

“Sorry” I apologised and took a few steps backwards.

“It’s okay, I can stand you now probably wouldn’t have been able to if you were totally human.” He smiled at me, he was so beautiful.

Gerard took me into the house and gave me a tour of the whole place and then introduced me to everyone there. There was Tristian Aiden and Gabriel’s ‘dad’ and of course Elizabeth who I’ve already met and then there was Sephora who was a new addition. I must admit she was really cool and pretty laid make though there was something not quite right with her. She seemed fidgety, like there was something she wanted that she couldn’t have. Gerard said he was going to help teach me how to be a vampire but first we had to wait for a few hours, there was something he was waiting for. He took me upstairs away from everyone and then we just sat. He was watching out the window for something, he was watching the driveway very intently. That’s when I noticed neither Aiden nor Gabriel were here, when I asked about this he just told me to wait. An hour past and then Gabriel’s car came up the drive very fast and screeched to a halt. I heard screaming straight away and then Gerard was at the door to the room in a split second but stopped with his hand on the doorknob.

“What is it Gerard?” I asked going over to the window but no one was there, but the screaming could be heard below us.

“Mikey” he whispered loud enough for me to hear. My eyes went wide. I hadn’t even thought about Mikey being back at the house. It was only a matter of time before he was changed and it was probably best that it was done now than later.

“Can’t we go and see him?” I asked knowing exactly what he was going through and wanting to be there with him.

“No.” he growled making me sit straight down on the couch I was standing in front of. His voice was so authoritative and scary, it was never like that before.

We waited up there for about three hours listening as the screaming died down. Many times I could hear Aiden shouting at Gabriel to get out of there and she would look after Mikey but it never seemed that he did. When we could hear these things over the screams I could see Gerard flinch. I don’t know how Gerard did it. He had to wait up here with me away from his baby brother who was in extreme agony. After the screaming had stopped Aiden came up to the room and told us we could come down in half an hour. When she did she didn’t go over to Gerard she just looked at him and gave him a little smile, that seemed to be enough for him. He relaxed a little and took a deep breath. The half hour passed pretty quickly and when it did we were all down there. We were all just waiting for Mikey to wake up.

I had taken the position right next to Mikey on the table just watching over him. Gabriel and Gerard were both pacing and Aiden was just perched on the kitchen counter over looking us all. Sephora was there too she was just watching everything with a hint of interest upon her face.
As I was looking at Mikey and noticing how his face was so relaxed now I saw his eyes open a little.

“Mikey?” I whispered lowering my head closer to his.

“Frank?” he coughed in my face; I shook my head and sat up straight. Everyone had already heard with there sensitive hearing and was all crowded around us.

“Finally” Gabriel sighed out and practically jumped on the table and snatched Mikey up into his arms.

“Gabriel I’m okay now” Mikey laughed a little and patted Gabriel on the back. Once Gabriel had released him Mikey looked at Gerard. They both just looked at each other and then identical huge grins spread across their faces. They embrace each other in a long awaited hug and stayed like that for a little while.

“I missed you” Gerard whispered into Mikey’s ear I was just close enough to hear with my not-yet-sensitive ears, in other words still-human ears.

“I missed you too” Mikey replied and then they parted.
After this Gabriel and Aiden checked both Mikey and I out to make sure everything was okay. Aiden seemed to be extra worried about me, she said it was because they way I was bitten and she just wanted to make sure I was fine. When she was sure she was happy to let me join the others.

Gerard, Mikey and I all sat around talking about things. Many about now all being vampires and what we could do. Gerard kept on going on about how it was going to be boring to start with but it didn’t sound so boring. How could it be boring with my four best friends? And hopefully that could turn into five if Sephora doesn’t keep on being so shy. Actually I wasn’t so sure she was shy or just really relaxed and laid back. After about an hour or two of talking I was over come with this astounding hunger.

“Holy shit I’m so hungry I could eat a horse,” I announced and then Gerard looked at me impressed.

“I’m rather amazed that it took you guys so long, I was so hungry straight after I was turned. I wonder if we could take you hunting or have to hunt for you?” Gerard trailed off and then disappeared only to appear a few seconds later with Aiden and Gabriel.

“Okay we can’t take you hunting yet since you don’t have the speed and/or strength. You’re first meal is already outside and we’ll take you hunting soon enough.” Aiden explained with a smile and then lead us outside where two large deer were lying.

At the beginning I felt like I was going to throw up having to drink the blood of an innocent animal. I mean as a human I was a vegetarian so this wasn’t much help. In the end I did it since there was no alternative, or well there was but that I was not going to do. This was the vegetarian comparison for vampires so I guess I’ll have to get use to it.

The first week passed pretty quickly and it was so much fun. Mikey and I were learning all kinds of things. Moving at super speed was the most fun I have to say. We would have races up and down the driveway and I would always win even against Aiden. Elizabeth and Tristian wouldn’t join in but they were the judges. Sephora didn’t join in at the beginning either but then she came out and asked if she could, it was all so much fun. Then we would play Chinese whispers the vampire way, Mikey caught on faster than I did in this one. I couldn’t understand anyone when they would talk fast for the whole week when Mikey was starting to even talk at their speed. Hunting was the most fun I would have to say. I quickly got over the killing of animals since my predator side took over and my conscious brain couldn’t do anything about it. Seeing as I was the fastest I caught my prey before Mikey but everyone else caught it before I did, Mikey was the last.Life was great. Death was great. I was having so much fun and didn’t have to worry about school or anything anymore though I would like to go back one day and finish school, just to say I finished it. I will go back on day and it will all be so much different because I’m not human. Being human seems so plain these days. I look in the mirror now and I see a totally different me. Of course I’ve got the pale skin that is glowing and beautiful but there just seems something different about my reflection. Mikey seems different too, everyone is different now. We’re all so much happier.
As the months passed we all settled into a routine and became like a big happy family (this including Sephora). Tristian and Elizabeth sold their other home and Aiden went and talked to Gerard and Mikey’s mother. Everything was sorted and no one knew we were here, we were very happy. Gwendolyn came back a few times but then couldn’t stand being with us all and to tell you the truth I really couldn’t stand her. She was like an annoying older sister, which she was in this family. So she went travelling for a while. I was even happy here surrounded by couples, Sephora and I just hung out together. I thought it would be a cool idea if I fell for her but it hasn’t happened. When I asked Gerard about this he just replied saying that when I found the ‘right’ person and he meant right as in my perfect match, I would know. When he told me this it made me realise that I might have to wait a century or two, that’s going to be hard but I’m sure the time will fly by as it has been.

Anyway, so my and everyone else’s life is great and happy and just perfect. It’s going to get better after these four years pass and we can move around, until then I’m sure we can manage.

The End.
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Should I do another sequel?
Of after the four years have past?
Yes or No?
I’m not too fussed but if many people want it then I will write one.

I also have a new story up, it isn't a vampire story but have a look
You Wonder Where You're Going Next