I Did It All So Maybe I'd Live This Every Day

Becoming Perfect As If They Were Sterling Silver C

Aiden’s POV

Gerard’s been a vampire for three days now and he’s picking up on everything very well but he’s becoming a bit trapped as Gabriel says, I mean we have confined him to the house to keep him and everyone else safe.

“Aiden can I go out today?” Gerard asked draped over the couch as I played the piano, I too was feeling trapped and a little hungry since I hadn’t feed in a little while. Gabriel was out making sure no one was around because I had planned to take Gerard out for his first hunt. I wanted to make sure there were no trampers in the area because that would cause a few problems.

“Wait until Gabriel comes back and then I’ll decided” I replied turning around to face him. In the past few days Gerard had changed his skin was paler and glowing, his features had become softer but more defined at the same time, he was becoming extremely beautiful just like the rest of us though I noticed he wasn’t changing all that much. When I had told Gabriel he just smiled at me and then disappeared I had no idea why he had smiled but he didn’t even explain it to me, which was highly annoying.

“Hey Aiden were you 15 when you were turned?” Gerard asked me, he had been asking a few questions every now and again I had thought he would’ve been asking lots of questions but he hadn’t which I was more than happy with.

“Yes I was Gerard” I replied as I got up and straightened the lounge a bit, Gerard was still having a few troubles with moving and was knocking things down all the time and would never pick them up.

“Aiden what happened when you were turned?” Gerard asked sitting up and looking at me interested.

“The same as you Gerard” I replied not really wanting to explain my story to him,

“No I mean did you have a family? What was it like in the time you were changed? What did you leave behind? Were you confused? Who helped you? Stuff like that” he responded with all the questions I didn’t want to answer.

“Gabriel’s back” I announced, as I smelt his scent waft into the house as he came walking in. Gabriel came into the lounge and fell into the couch next to Gerard,

“So can I go out now?” Gerard asked me.

“Every things fine but I would stay away from the east side,” Gabriel told me in our very fast manner,

“Yes we can go now” I replied to Gerard he was just looking at me irritated and annoyed.

“Why can’t I understand him too?” Gerard asked me,

“You will soon I’ll teach you soon but first things first” I stood up and started walking towards the door.

“What are you going to teach me today?” he asked following me,

“How to hunt” I stopped just in front of the house while he and Gabriel followed.

“Awesome” Gerard smile, I have noticed that since Gerard has been changed he’s been really happy and carefree kind of like when we had first meet him.

“Yes it is but you must listen to me and follow what Gabriel and I say then you’ll never have a problem hunting and in turn fighting if needed” I explained, hunting was very easy especially compared to fighting but in essence they are the same.

All three of us went out that day and we taught Gerard to hunt, he caught on very fast but that is what normally happens with newborns. Gerard’s skills as a vampire were becoming very, very strong, at that moment he was about as fast as I was and a little stronger. Newborns are normally stronger than all other vampires and they are even stronger if they’re feeding off humans. Vampires who feed off animals tend to be weaker than all other vampires although Gabriel and I have practised and focused on ourselves so that we are as strong as they are. That day we caught a few small animals and three fully-grown bears to feed off of, after I had I felt so much better. It was as refreshing as having a cold shower on a hot day. We went back to the house after that and got cleaned up, Gabriel and I didn’t get messy like normal as Gabriel once said he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between me going hunting or shopping. Gerard on the other hand looked a little torn, his clothing had rips and tears in them from his fight with his bear and there was a little blood over his face, neck and chest from when he feed; he hadn’t learnt the art of a clean feed yet.

Nights had turned out to be the hardest with Gerard because he was use to sleeping and now he can’t so he becomes very bored. After the first night Gabriel left the house and then came back with a lot of art supplies to keep Gerard entertained and it did until he ran out of ideas and then turned to following me like a lost puppy. He would sit and watch me play the piano or listen to music or fix my car it was very annoying and irritating. Gabriel had said that he’s just bored and that Gerard hadn’t felt half the emotions he had before he was turned though that’s normal because it takes a while to reconnect with most of your old memories.

The days started to go by faster as I taught Gerard more and more by the end of the week Gerard was able to move at super speed with no trouble what so ever. He could also hunt down a beer and kill it without help in the slightest though I was still there to make sure there was absolutely no trouble. He hadn’t perfected clean feeding yet but that was only a few more hunts away and then I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to tell if he had or not. He could also understand Gabriel and I when we talked to each other at high speed though he couldn’t keep up talking to us like that yet. By the time Friday came around Gerard was finished turning completely and had found the face that he would keep forever. Gerard didn’t change that much I guess it was because he was already beautiful before, that is after you make him shower, change his clothes and comb his hair out of his face then you could see him properly and he didn’t smell so bad. Gerard now looked just as beautiful as Gabriel or I did, he could now pass for my brother, which will come in handy in the future.

“Aiden we need to go back home” Gabriel came to me on Friday morning while I was under my car fixing it up and Gerard was in the house somewhere for once.

“We can’t leave or well I can’t at the least” I replied to him, there was no way Gerard could be left alone though I knew where Gabriel was coming from.

“Frank and Mikey will be asking questions if you don’t come too” Gabriel responded I could also tell that Gabriel missed Mikey too, which was understandable.

“Just tell them that I had to sort something out and that I didn’t really feel like being around people for the weekend and anyway I have to come back next week we have exams and assignments” I said, next week was going to difficult I’m sure that Elizabeth wouldn’t mind helping and I’m sure she’d like a change.

“Yes I’m sure they will believe that, when I go back I’ll talk to Elizabeth about coming up here next week and get your schedule for the exams” Gabriel planned tapping his fingers on the hood of the car.

“Before you go I’ll get Gerard to write a letter to Mikey just so he knows Gerard’s okay” I told him as I slid myself out and stood up,

“Yes because Gerard’s really okay,” Gabriel said sarcastically.

“Gabriel when did you start using sarcasium?” I questioned I had never before heard him use it,

“Don’t know I guess it was from spending so much time around Mikey and Frank” he shrugged,

“Right well I’ll go get Gerard to write that letter” I said and then went off to find Gerard.

I found him in my room looking at all my books,

“Gerard I need you to write a letter to Mikey” I said holding a piece of paper and a pen,

“Why?” he asked turning around to look at me, his eyes had become even lighter after he feed they were now more gold than any other colour.

“So he knows you’re safe and alive,” I replied walking over to my writing desk and putting the paper and pen down,

“I’m safe yes but I wouldn’t really say alive” he replied walking towards me.

“Gerard do you just want me to write it?” I asked him, as he was being difficult,

“That reminds me I did leave Mikey a letter but it never said I ran away why do you think that he thinks I did?” he asked me analysing me like I normally do him.

“That’s because I rewrote your letter telling him that you ran away instead of killing yourself” I replied to his question he looked at me surprised as my face still held it’s emotionless façade,

“So why don’t you just write another one yourself you don’t really need me to write it and anyway what would I write? Dear Mikey I’m safe but no longer alive I tried to commit suicide again but your boyfriend’s sister saved me again but guess what their whole family are vampires and now I am too and P.S. Gabriel’s like 160 years old, love your brother Gerard” he laughed, I guess he hasn’t really connected his memorises with his emotions yet or else he would be already be writing the letter.

“Fine then I will write the letter but soon Gerard you're going to have to write them on your own.” I told him and then disappeared downstairs to write the letter to Mikey myself. The letter was very simple and short it just said that Gerard was safe and alive and that he was doing okay but he wasn’t going to tell Mikey where he was but he was okay and he loved Mikey and that he hoped he was okay, all that stuff.

Gabriel left that night to go back to the other house and tell everyone else in our family what was going on and then go back to Mikey and Frank. Gabriel had to post the letter on the way home so that it looked like it was legitimate and that Gerard had actually ran away. For the next few days I have to look after Gerard on my own hopefully he wouldn’t be so much trouble.