I Did It All So Maybe I'd Live This Every Day

I'll Never Let Them, I Can't Forget Them

Gerard’s POV

I’ve been a vampire for about a week and a half now. Aiden left on Sunday after her ‘parents’ arrived to look after me while she had to go and do exams though I don’t know why she’s done them a few times already. Tristian and Elizabeth were really nice and they continued teaching me what Aiden had been, I had learn the basics but now I was just learning the small things like ‘clean feeding’ as they called it and talking at high speeds which was always fun. Gabriel had gotten me a lot of art supplies the pervious week but I didn’t want to paint I didn’t have any inspiration. I had noticed I wasn’t really feeling much this past week except that one time when Aiden told me to write a letter to Mikey I was feeling irritated, I didn’t want to be reminded of my old life or pretend I was still apart of it. Now that I think about it though I miss a few things about being back there.

I lay on the driveway looking up at the night sky thinking, I hadn’t thought much about anything than the things I had been taught. I tried thinking about my old life as a human but all I got was images in my head, which were boring. I thought back to the first day I saw Aiden down on her driveway and then in the school car park, then the day when I stopped the stupid sluts from hurting her and then that same day when she saved me from being beaten up. That’s when for the first time in nearly two weeks I felt this warmth flow over me I continued to think about her, about the time when she and Gabriel saved Mikey and I from my father and then the days after that when she would come and see me in my bed. I thought about the conversations we had had before I committed suicide the first time and then the time after that. I remember always feeling this warmth and darkness for her but at the moment there was only the warmth and I knew what it was, I was still in love with Aiden. There was no darkness this time because everything that I use to doubt myself on had gone away and I was only left with the love I felt for her and I couldn’t wait until she got back.

I continued to go over all my memorises and try and get my emotions back and it seemed if I focused on a memory hard enough I was able to regain the emotion I was feeling then. For instance all the memorises of Mikey brought back so many emotions like; happiness, joy, sadness, anger, regret, protectiveness, pride, frustration, confusion and love again. Mikey seemed to be the key to most of my emotion by the end of the night I felt like a new person again. I went back into the house to join Tristian and Elizabeth, Tristian was sitting on the couch with a stack on papers next to him. I had learnt in the few days that they had been here that Tristian was an university history professor and Elizabeth was just a stay at home mother though she had tried a few jobs here and there. I had also found out the Aiden was the oldest out of them all and then Tristian, Elizabeth, Gabriel and lastly Gwendolyn. It’s funny I remember thinking back to the day that they moved in I had always though Aiden was the oldest and I was right all along. Even though Aiden had already told me I was still surprised again to hear that Elizabeth was 175 years old and Tristian 180.

“Elizabeth what happened when you were turned?” I asked her as I had asked Aiden but she hadn’t told me,

“Just the same as you dear” she replied with a smile though it looked more like a pained smile than anything else.

“No I mean what was your life like before and after you turned,” I re-asked the question so she could understand it better.

“Oh well um… I had a life with a family just like you and I was happy. I had a husband and two children when I was bitten” she looked down sadly I guess most of them here weren’t like me and preferred this life to the one they had.

“Was Tristian the one who bit you?” I asked her trying to understand her story,

“No, no god no. I was bitten by another newborn on my way home from the store, at that time everyone in the city was in an uproar with these ‘creatures’ as they called it and they had created many mobs which would hunt them down and try and kill them. I knew I was about to become one of them so I hid in the dark alleys and meet more of our kind, they were just as scared as I was and hungry too. I didn’t want to do it but I feed off humans who would walk the streets at night I mostly tried to feed off of the ones who were bad but sometimes they weren’t always around.” She finished looking ashamed of herself.

“When did you meet Tristian then?” I asked

“About a year after I was turned he found me in one of the dark alleys feeding on someone which I must say was very embarrassing since he didn’t. Tristian told me about his way of life and in turn I told him about my unhappiness with killing humans, after that we both travelled to his home in the middle of the wilderness and he taught me to live off the animals.” She explained looking a little happier

“Is that when you two fell in love?” I asked another question this one made her eyes light up and a happy smile stretch across her face once more,

“Yes it was and then Aiden and Gabriel found us and joined our family” Elizabeth said happily once more.

“Elizabeth can you tell me what happened to Aiden?” I asked her hoping that I’d get a better response out of her than Aiden.

“A little but that is a story for Aiden to tell you just like mine was to tell you if I so wished it” she smiled up at me and then stood up.

“I need a drink it’s been a while would you like to come with me?” she asked me for a second I actually thought she meant a real drink but then I remembered that would be a stupid idea.

“I would love to” I replied, Tristian came with us too. When we got back I didn’t have a trace of blood anywhere on my clothes at all which I was very proud of and wished that Aiden would have been there to see it.