I Did It All So Maybe I'd Live This Every Day

And I Feel Like There's Nothing Left To Do

Frank’s POV

These past weeks have been very busy, hectic and down right depressing. First it all started with Gerard running away and Gabriel and Aiden’s grandmother dying, actually no for me it started with Gerard and I. I still can’t believe he went and ran away, I mean it was better than him trying to commit suicide again but we could’ve worked it out. I missed seeing him moping around the house, I missed walking up to Mikey’s room and seeing his shut door and knowing that he was in there and I missed those few mornings where I woke up and he was next to me. I also missed Aiden when she finally came back but then she went and left again a week ago and all we’ve heard from her is Gabriel saying that she probably wouldn’t be back for most of the holidays that had now graced us. These holidays were turning out to be really, really boring though most of ours were normally but these ones were even more so. I mean the holidays hadn’t even really started yet Mikey and Gabriel just had their last History exam on Tuesday and I had finished mine the Friday before. Now it was Monday and we were all lying around the lounge with nothing better to do than listen to infomercials only one word for that – pathetic.

“This is so boring anyone have any ideas?” I complained sitting up off the ground where I had collapsed in boredom,

“I know this is really boring” Mikey joined in my complaints as Gabriel still lay there under him on the couch.

“Gabriel could we go and visit Aiden like last time?” Mikey asked him,

“No I don’t think that’s a good idea” he replied in a monotone.

“Why not?” Mikey pressed on I just lay back down knowing that it would probably go nowhere,

“She doesn’t want company” he replied I could tell without looking at Mikey that he wasn’t going to accept that as an answer.

“I’m sure she does she’s been there a week with no one around I’m sure she could do with a quick hello or a short visit, maybe for a few hours.” Mikey proposed,

“No she’s a mess right now she wouldn’t want anyone to see her like she is, maybe another time” Gabriel postponed Mikey for now.

“Fine then what do you guys think about going to a movie then?” Mikey suggested. Everyone though it was a good idea so we took Gwendolyn’s car since she wasn’t home and Gabriel didn’t want to take the Porsche and we went to the movies.

The movie was okay but it lacked in proper horror like most of the movies these day it was too fake and predictable. When we got home we went back to lounging around on the couches watching TV but this time there was actually something on. We were still lying there when Mikey’s mother came home from work at 11 that night.

“Mikey dear you’re still up like normal I see and with friends” she smiled at Gabriel as she walked in through the door.

“Hi mum” Mikey greeted her raising himself up off Gabriel to see her properly,

“Hi Donna” I smiled at her

“Good evening Ms. Way” Gabriel said very formally with one of his prized smiles that could make any mother’s heart melt.

“Please Gabriel call me Donna” she replied to his welcome and went into the kitchen.

“Mikey can you come here please” Donna called to him from the kitchen she sounded kind of worried. Mikey walked in and soon there were whispers coming from the kitchen, which soon turned to shouts.

“Why didn’t you tell me Gerard had run away” Donna said loudly and hurt,

“I’m sorry mum I didn’t want to worry you I though he’d be back by now” Mikey replied sounding like he was in tears, Gabriel sat up on the couch ready to go to his aid.

“But he isn’t is he” she responded in tears now too,

“No mum he isn’t but he’s okay he’s been writing to me he’s fine” Mikey said coughing back some tears.

“When did he leave?” she questioned him

“It was about two weeks ago now” I just heard Mikey reply,

“Two weeks!” she shouted and then walking into the lounge and into proper view.

“I’m sorry mom” Mikey followed her out then looked at Gabriel and I sitting in the lounge,

“Write to him and tell him to come back,” she told Mikey who stood there looking like a lost puppy.

“He hasn’t given me an address I can’t write back to him all I get is his letters,” Mikey cried at that Gabriel stood up and walked next to him to comfort him.

“I’m sorry Mikey I didn’t mean to upset you but you shouldn’t have kept something like this from me” Donna looked at him in Gabriel’s arms sadly,

“I don’t think he could bring himself to admit Gerard was really gone” Gabriel whispered to Donna and stroked Mikey’s hair.

“I’m sorry Mikey” she said and then went to embrace her son herself. Gabriel let her and came back to sit next to me. After a while of Mikey and Donna talking she went to her room to sleep and Mikey came back and sat on the couch with a letter in his hands.

“What’s that Mikey?” I asked as he kept looking down at it sadly,

“It’s another letter from Gerard” he replied I looked at him slightly confused as to why he hadn’t opened it before.

“Aren’t you going to open it Mikey?” I questioned,

“I will, it’s just his last letter seemed so blunt and emotionless I just don’t want this one to be the same,” Mikey said still sobbing every once and a while. Gabriel put an arm around him and pulled him close

“I’m sure that this one will be different,” he cooed trying to sooth Mikey and it worked.
Mikey opened the letter and began to read and then started to look confused. His eyes flickered from the letter to Gabriel and then sometimes to me but they were always confused.

“What is it Mikey?” I asked him, as he seemed to finish the letter.

“It’s nothing just Gerard rambling on” Mikey smiled at me and then past me the letter I read it

‘Dear Mikey

I’m safe and okay though I wouldn’t exactly say alive. Don’t worry it’s only a joke I’m fine actually better than fine I’m the best I’ve been in so long. I want to see you Mikey I do but I just can’t it’s best that I don’t or well not for a few years but I will see you again I promise you that. I never really got to talk to you much in my last few weeks with you though that was entirely my fault and nothing to do with you. I always wanted to tell you that I think you and Gabriel make a great couple and I hope he makes you happy which I know he does and I know for a fact you make him extremely happy. Mikey I never want you to lose sight of what you have in front of you, never take anything for granted. You have to see everything for what it really is, like someone I love recently said ‘Life is full of surprises one day you could be doing something as mundane as an exam and realise something great has been right in front of you all along.’ Don’t ever let Gabriel or Frank go because they both love you very much and will forever no matter what happens and I hope you will remember that. I wanted you to know that I am okay and that I’ll be keeping an eye on you and making sure you’re okay too. Remember Mikey you’re never alone in this world there is always someone who’ll help you and love you even if you don’t always realise.

Love Gerard’

The letter was so sweet and Gerard did sound much happier, I passed the letter back to Mikey who then passed it to Gabriel who read it very quickly and then beamed at Mikey.
I frowned as I remembered something in the letter, Gerard spoke about something that someone he loved recently said but I couldn’t quite remember it was something about being in an exam which reminded me straight away of Aiden.

“Mikey can I see the letter again?” I asked him, he nodded and passed me back the letter. I reread it and came across the quote I was looking for in the middle of the letter

“Life is full of surprises one day you could be doing something as mundane as an exam and realise something great has been right in front of you all along” I mumbled under my breath reading the letter.

“What was that?” Mikey asked me,

“Gabriel you say that Aiden is at you grandmother’s house alone?” I asked him as the quote sounded like it would have come from Aiden when she left the exam the other week.

“Yes” he said very sternly and finalising,

“Are you sure she’s still there and/or alone?” I asked again maybe she had gone to the local town and come across Gerard and they got together or something. Or maybe she had gone looking for him and somehow found him.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Gabriel replied again not looking like he had an ounce of doubt,

“Because the thing that Gerard quoted here sounds a lot like her” I passed the letter to him so that Mikey and he could read it.

“It does” Mikey looked down at me sitting on the floor,

“No it isn’t her” Gabriel replied looking exactly like Aiden at that point, his face was completely withdrawn of emotion.

“Are you sure?” Mikey asked him, Gabriel sighed and then looked at the letter once more.

“Do you want me to go to the house and check if Gerard’s there or not?” he asked us both probably hoping that we would shut up about it.

“Yes” Mikey replied without a second thought,

“Okay then I’ll go and be back by evening,” Gabriel said as he stood up.

“What now?” Mikey asked surprised at Gabriel’s sudden movement,

“Yes if that’s what it’ll take to reassure you” Gabriel smiled at him, I think he just wanted Mikey happy and not getting his hopes up for Gerard’s return.

“Back by night?” Mikey looked up at him with puppy dog eyes,

“Back by night” Gabriel replied as he bent down and kissed Mikey gently on the lips and then halted there for a second before pulling away and walking to the door. Gabriel waved back at us and said goodbye before leaving, Mikey was sitting there with flushed cheeks and a blissful look upon his face.
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Though I'd give you all another update
Since it is Gerard's birthday and mine :D